Slingblade's shelves

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Well, heres my newest addition to the collection, my FIRST 12 inch figure, from Hot Toys. When I seen this on Sideshow's site I had to have it, too bad I procrastinated and it sold out. So I bought it off a guy on EvilBay, and he sailed into Lasalle today :D
Sorry for the craptastic pose, this is my first 12 inch and Im still a total n00b at posing them. :eek:

I keep the Boy! Ninety nine souuuulllllzah!

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Great stuff, nice organization. That T2 bust is amazing, keep up the good work! :cool:
A couple more items arrived today and were promptly opened with much rejoicing.


I am keeping the 2 LOTR items, but not the other one, its a Predator Cleaner EX.

I need to get some more shelves for my stuff, im running out of room, another detolf or something maybe.

heres a couple more pics after I opened them




The collection is getting bigger and bigger, gonna need to dedicate an entire room to it pretty soon, its filling my computer room up fast.

Heres a couple new additions to the collection. :D

Sorry about the gigantic photo sizes, I keep forgetting to change my camera setting so it doesnt take such large pics :banghead

Aragorn EX PF

Eagle vs Fell Beast

Minas Tirith and Orc Muzzle Cage Helm

New display case with some stuff in it.

Bottom of same case.

And finally my package arrived of all the stuff I won during Comic-Con. All of it FREE, except of course the $18 dollars shipping, and $81 dollars I got stuffed in the ass for at the border for taxes, duty and brokerage(aka RIPOFF)for all my prizes. Gotta love having to pay taxes on some figures you won, but if I won millions in the lottery I wouldnt have to pay anything. Enough ranting, heres some pics.


And those are my new items in my collection until Indy PF, Iron man 1:1 scale bust and Moria Orc arrive later this year. :chew
WOW !! sling your collection is looking amazing bro.

Man I am still in shock about the 80 bucs for your free stuff.
That is so unfair.

Hey but that willow doll is worth like 2k now !!! " its a grail "
you will get your money back.

:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

man your new faul beast looks unreal.
10/10 bro.
sacred arrivals, beautiful pF that Aragorn, against your window just any manufacturer, it looks like a double detolf :cool:
The latest addition to my collection, I picked her up off Ebay for 38 bucks, mint in box :D


I can pose her fighting with the Morgul Lord (even tho in the movie in that scene she still has her helmet on)
