SilentSurfer's Laboratory: Come up to the Lab & See What's on the Slab.

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I think I know what you mean. Just as she was hard for you to sculpt, she was difficult to capture in color. There is just so much subltety to her, and the colors of Summer's face as River were quite a trick. I had to figure out how to make her look innocent yet attractive, and as though she weren't wearing any makeup. Subtle is mind scramblingly hard.

I couldn't have pulled that out of a bad sculpt, Trev. You nailed the character.
Great work on River Nathan! The little stray hairs around the forehead are just amazing too. Did you paint that sculpt for someone or is that for you personal collection?
Great work on River Nathan! The little stray hairs around the forehead are just amazing too. Did you paint that sculpt for someone or is that for you personal collection?

I'm glad you appreciate the stray hairs. I thought those would be a nice touch.

Those are in fact three different heads. One of them is mine.
The last two pics are the same head with softer lighting and then strong contrast.

The subtle veinwork, the sleepless color of the lower lids...I swear, it's a paint clinic goin' on here...

GOB, I'm glad you caught those subtleties. Yes, River was not just business as usual for me.
I'm glad you appreciate the stray hairs. I thought those would be a nice touch.

Those are in fact three different heads. One of them is mine.
The last two pics are the same head with softer lighting and then strong contrast.

I was only asking 'cause I wanted one of them so bad, but I'm sure they're commissions your working on for other folks. :monkey4:lol
This was the first clone I painted where I had to figure out the exact mixture to make Clone Armor White because I had to match the new right should, helmet, and back plate parts to the pre-painted clean clone armor before weathering it all. Surprisingly tricky. Clones aren't your standard white. There's actually quite a bit of color in there. Who knew? Nailed it though.








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Does he not come with a head Nathan? Or any extras you are aware of but aren't there in the photos? I really wish Sideshow would release the full specs with these pics similar to what Hot Toys does. So for 2 days we are left to wonder if what we see is what we get, or if there are unpictured goodies too.
Surprised there isn't a "layout" photo with all of pieces... that usually gives you what you need to know about the figure.
I didn't personally paint a head for this one, but doesn't mean he won't have one. Otherwise, he will have all the guns and loads of hands and feet the other recent ones have had.