SilentSurfer's Laboratory: Come up to the Lab & See What's on the Slab.

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Thanks Nathan. It's much appreciated.

By the way, I wanted to say fantastic work on the Jason PF. You know I pre-ordered the EX for that one.

Thanks for the compliment on Jason. That was a dream come true. I could not be prouder to be the one guy in the whole world to paint the ultimate Jason collectible.

Still catching up on PMs and emails.
Hey Silent...I hit you up on the PM...Don't know if you got it, was about 4-5 days ago...Guess your Busy. Hey Great Job on the PF jason man.
Hugh Dillon, sculpted by Sunohc.

Wow... The texture effects are impressive on this painting, Nathan!
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Thanks Daniel. It's fun to paint your heads. I can always see your style in each one.

@ King D: I used to think doing trades was the way to go, but it never seems to work out that way. I appreciate approval of my work though. Doing painting as a business means I need to have $$ flowing back and forth. I'd have to pay you for Jason, and then you could pay me right back for paint service, or vice versa. It boils down to the same thing, but looks better on a tax return.

What heads do you have in mind?
That works for me :)

I dont know, maybe Sideshow Indiana Jones, Duke and maybe Gandalf. Those come to mind right away, but there could be others :dunno
Thanks buddy... Just also want to tell you that your painting skills are amazing! Keep up the great work. That head looks life like... What a great job on that sculpt.
Nathan until I googled him this afternoon I had no clue who Hugh Dillon was. However, between your superb paint and Daniel's incredible sculpt you guys have forced me to learn something new today.

Once again you are the Master my friend.
I'm interested, but I'm just not sure how to go about it yet. Consider me in. I just have to think about my approach vector.

BTW, I'm one commission, one repaint of Sideshow's Raiders Indy PF for my aunt for Christmas, and one SS project away from your Arnold bust.
Thanks buddy... Just also want to tell you that your painting skills are amazing! Keep up the great work. That head looks life like... What a great job on that sculpt.

Nathan until I googled him this afternoon I had no clue who Hugh Dillon was. However, between your superb paint and Daniel's incredible sculpt you guys have forced me to learn something new today.

Once again you are the Master my friend.

The Master thanks you both.:wave I really try to live up to that admiration by setting my own bar higher and higher on each piece. I really have no formula. I just try to get as close as possible to my reference photos while inventing, researching, and learning through trial and error how to get closer each time. Eventually I hope to get so good at painting that the 1/6 heads actually blink and talk.

You heard me.