Sideshow ESB/ROTJ Darth Vader

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Sideshow has managed to address 2 out of 3 of my issues. They cannot replace the damaged packaging, but will replace the cape and the crooked head. I hate having to destroy the old parts, and they were happy to offer me a $35 credit note towards my next purchase. The only problem is I will NOT be buying from Sideshow again after this bad experience. I could trim the cape and live with the crooked head. As I am planning to sell it, I'm not sure I can resell it like it is.
The exclusive version is never worth that much for me to have to risk damage to the packaging and incurring a massive customs and handling charges.


What else could they possibly have done? They're very clear on their website that they don't consider damage to the packaging to be their responsibility. You should've just ponied up the lousy $10.00 for a pack-out and all your concerns would've been addressed now. Looking forward to you selling it so you'll stop posting about your 'bad experience' with Sideshow. *rolls eyes*


So let me get this straight... Hennypenny shied away from paying ten dollars for a pack-out because she felt that, on principle, it should be included in the cost of shipping as most every other retailer does - even though, given Sideshow's discounted shipping, their pack-out price brings it into line with the shipping cost of other retailers anyway.

Then Hennpenny feels like it's Sideshow's fault that her shipper box wasn't adequate in protecting the figure box from a ding - even though Sideshow's clearly laid out CS policy says otherwise.

Then, given the option of having her faulty parts replaced after destroying them IN ADDITION TO a $35 refund, complains about the part-refund she'll never use because she 'won't ever buy from them again'.

I've never encountered on this board someone who has gone out of their way to continually blame a seller for their own inability to understand the most basic processes of a transaction.

DV arrived with the left tusk rolling around in the tray but at least I found it and it's an easy fix - so no biggie. Everything else looks great - the cape/robes are cut clean and the lights are awesome! This guy is damn impressive and I no longer have any regrets from parting with my ANH Ex. I can't wait to get Vader home and see how cool he looks lit up with my Boba Ex!
I'm not sure whether or not to get this as I have the Sideshow ANH Vader and can't make up my mind, just finished watching all six films and I think I'm leaning towards getting it but need some help justifying the £200.
Ok kids, get ready for a WHOLE NEW CONCEPT in Darth Vader quality inspection.
I am going to open my box right here, right now- and YOU ARE THERE.

This will be more exciting than massaging Vick's Vapo-Rub onto a dead jellyfish on the beach!

***cutting sealing tape*** ***opening box top*** ***lifting out cardboard padding on top***

***turning box upside-down*** ***sliding inner box out of mailer*** ***removing bubble wrap***

Aren't you about to WET yourself?... I thought so.

The box has cleared the bubble wrap. The box has cleared the bubble wrap. You may fire when ready.

***lifting embossed lid*** ***completely ignoring the photo of head sculpt on inner sleeve***

Ok, it's NOT Jar Jar... so far so good. Checking... Please stand by.

(playing muzak version of Paranoid by Black Sabbath)

***inspecting, scrutinizing, checking lights: CHECK... Taking a deep sniff of new toy smell***

Everything works, nothing missing, both tusks are firmly in place, no fraying on cape.
The only problem is: On the head sculpt, one of the tiny silver breathing tubes is about to fall off- very loose.
If that thing gets into my rug I'll never see it again.

Being a bit too tall (14") in relation to Luke, Leia, Han...
doesn't bother me NOW, but it might when a 1/6th Chewy shows up,
because Chewy might turn out to be only slightly taller than this Vader.

OVERALL REACTION: Wow. Thanks for a great figure Sideshow. LOVE the light feature especially.
It's brighter than I expected, even in full daylight.
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Ok kids, get ready for a WHOLE NEW CONCEPT in Darth Vader quality inspection.
I am going to open my box right here, right now- and YOU ARE THERE.

This will be more exciting than massaging Vick's Vapo-Rub onto a dead jellyfish on the beach!

***cutting sealing tape*** ***opening box top*** ***lifting out cardboard padding on top***

***turning box upside-down*** ***sliding inner box out of mailer*** ***removing bubble wrap***

Aren't you about to WET yourself?... I thought so.

The box has cleared the bubble wrap. The box has cleared the bubble wrap. You may fire when ready.

***lifting embossed lid*** ***completely ignoring the photo of head sculpt on inner sleeve***

Ok, it's NOT Jar Jar... so far so good. Checking... Please stand by.

(playing muzak version of Paranoid by Black Sabbath)

***inspecting, scrutinizing, checking lights: CHECK... Taking a deep sniff of new toy smell***

Dude, that is fantastic talent! How the hell did you type and do all of that at the same time?!?!?

:D :wink1:

Everything works, nothing missing, both tusks are firmly in place, no fraying on cape.

Sign of things to come...

The only problem is: On the head sculpt, one of the tiny silver breathing tubes is about to fall off- very loose.
If that thing gets into my rug I'll never see it again.

Just got my second email saying they are replacing my Dome/Mask... so I am getting that and a new chest unit. :yess:
Lord Vader is here. Just opened the box, initial inspection: The TUSKS are intact. :yess:

That's as far as I got, figured I better quit while I'm ahead. :lol

Ok, just kidding -- diving in with fearless abandon now...