Sideshow ESB/ROTJ Darth Vader

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this is never going to happen, maybe after episode 9

I can easily imagine a business-savvy company like Disney directing such things and actually doing this. If SSC put one out now, it would sell well. But if they put one out in two and a half years time...with the new will sell GREAT GUNS!!!

Then again, they could put one out now...and then again in two and a half years!
Oh c'mon... it's only been 9 months.

Here's what SSC had to say THREE YEARS AGO about their announced 1/6 Rebo Band set: "The design is done, and the project is moving into the sculpture phase very, very soon." (January, 2010 Ask Sideshow)

Very, very, very... VERY soon.
I was wondering about the delay behind these guys, too, since they get mentioned semi-regularly both here and at Rebelscum. One of the posters over there made some really good points about the expense of producing characters like this, though, that made a lot of sense to me. Just gonna repost it in full:

Law @ Rebelscum said:
1. Sculpts are mondo expensive to tool, and when a company can't recoup the costs with a basic body that can be re-used, repainted and generally re-released, it drives the cost through the roof. The basic bodies on human characters require almost no tooling, just head sculpts, so the cost to produce the figure is minimal. The outfit costs are negligible, really the only cost to the company is the salary of the people involved in creating the figure and the licensing and distribution costs. It costs almost nothing. Tooling's been done, toss a robe on the thing and release it again. It's the best case scenario. With figures like clones and troopers, SS can release repainted versions forever and still recoup costs. But aliens are one-time only things, and new tooling does not get spread out over many releases. It drives the price way up. Momaw Nadon and Bossk had just a few add-on parts to a basic body, and cost a fortune. At least Figrin D'an could be issued as various Bith characters with the hopes that SOMEBODY would buy a handful of the guy. The Rebo band would require entirely new sculpts across the board, and nobody would ever buy more than one. Maybe Rebo himself and Droopy could use the Gamorrean Guard body as a starting point, to save on some tooling costs, but overall, these would be the single most expensive figures SS ever did.

2. Tertiary characters who don't have an "action" role are a tougher sell, fewer people are interested in them. Even the "casual" collector, to the extent there is such a thing, might pick up just Jedi Luke or Darth Vader. But only the die-hards are going to get a musician.

3. Even if somehow Sideshow found a way to justify the expense of one-time only, tertiary, non-action characters, the problem still remains that these figures only really "work" as a set. Hardly anyone is going to want JUST Max Rebo or JUST Sy Snootles, which means not only do you have obscure non-action characters who retail for about $300, but the appeal of getting them plummets for anyone who doesn't want to get at least four or five of them (Droopy, Max, and Sy are a bare minimum, with Joh and Dodah rounding things out). That means people have to decide between dropping over a thousand dollars to get a decent band together, or dropping only $3-600 to get a random figure that doesn't really work on its own. The number of people interested in these just got even slimmer.

It's barely worth considering, IMO. It would be one thing if SS were running out of ideas or ways to milk the license, but when there are SO MANY far more popular, easier ideas out there, this one would be just a way to try to kill the line.
I think it's a pretty persuasive argument for why we won't see these made. *looks around* Oh, yeah, Darth Vader thread. Sorry to go so off topic, just thought I'd throw this post in now since I hear the Rebo thing mentioned a lot and thought this post addressed it pretty well.
For what it's worth, Sideshow tweeted to me that they hope to PO the delux Vader within the next few months. :dunno

To me that sounds like a Comic Con preorder. Sadly... after seeing what happened to General Grievous (One of the reasons I even got into collecting was seeing a Premium Format Grievous on youtube)... that's actually acceptable to me now. Oh well
I think it's a pretty persuasive argument for why we won't see these made. *looks around* Oh, yeah, Darth Vader thread. Sorry to go so off topic, just thought I'd throw this post in now since I hear the Rebo thing mentioned a lot and thought this post addressed it pretty well.

Persuasive until you get to the part where he thinks that any members beyond Max Rebo, Droopy McCool, and Sy Snoodle are essential. To even consider including anyone else is patently retarded. There was no one else in the band. :cool:

All three for $300? I'm in. I wouldn't be the only one.
For what it's worth, Sideshow tweeted to me that they hope to PO the delux Vader within the next few months. :dunno

If you go back in this thread, they stated in august or september of last year, the po was only a month or so them stating another several months to PO is nothing but smoke and mirrors.

I wonder given that obi is shipping in several weeks and yoda is the last on PO...alarming for the star wars line...if SS is having to re-negotiate their contract with hasbro/LFL ??? We know HOT TOYS really wants the liscence, and there current manuevering to distribute hasbro products ( namely star wars 3 3/4) too the asian market seems likely something is in the works. It would also make sense why Hot toys has not released info on their upcoming Han/ Anakin.
Well, If SS is out of the Star Wars game, and HT takes over, I won't be able to afford the hobby anymore... HT Dx Luke was too much for my wallet. Flex Pay or not, I can't justify $300 for a figure, even though its two...
If HT keeps the SS prices, then I can stick around for a little while, But I know thats not a possibility.
If you go back in this thread, they stated in august or september of last year, the po was only a month or so them stating another several months to PO is nothing but smoke and mirrors.

Yes I know all that. Hence my prefacing it with "for what it's worth". :)
Yes I know all that. Hence my prefacing it with "for what it's worth". :)

:wink1: if SS could just be better with communication/fan unkowns. When they had the ask sideshow we were less in the dark.
:wink1: if SS could just be better with communication/fan unkowns. When they had the ask sideshow we were less in the dark.

I was thinking about that the other day. I really miss the Ask Sideshow and the podcast.

Those were the days. :monkey2
:wink1: if SS could just be better with communication/fan unkowns. When they had the ask sideshow we were less in the dark.

I really think it has more to do with some collectors just complaining all the time. When you look at it, no matter what they do people seem to complain about something. Just read the about the Snow Trooper. Why should they pay someone to listen to people that will never be happy no matter what they do? Oh I forgot, they also don't know how to take a picture.
I was thinking about that the other day. I really miss the Ask Sideshow and the podcast.

Those were the days. :monkey2

I just call SSC and asked. It's really just about shipping dates. I don't say anything about what they make. They are really nice if you talk to them really nice. Really, any idea on when the new Vader is coming out? I was not rude and guess what. I had know about this before SDCC.
If you go back in this thread, they stated in august or september of last year, the po was only a month or so them stating another several months to PO is nothing but smoke and mirrors.

I wonder given that obi is shipping in several weeks and yoda is the last on PO...alarming for the star wars line...if SS is having to re-negotiate their contract with hasbro/LFL ??? We know HOT TOYS really wants the liscence, and there current manuevering to distribute hasbro products ( namely star wars 3 3/4) too the asian market seems likely something is in the works. It would also make sense why Hot toys has not released info on their upcoming Han/ Anakin.

Possibly, though Hot toys would be going after the Asia Market Liscense, not the american one.

Sideshow SHOULD be fine.
I just call SSC and asked. It's really just about shipping dates. I don't say anything about what they make. They are really nice if you talk to them really nice. Really, any idea on when the new Vader is coming out? I was not rude and guess what. I had know about this before SDCC.

