Sideshow cured my desire for Hasbro toys...

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Indeed! All the cool villains ended up in the PT....too bad Lucas sucks, and kills them off quickly, and horribly.
I walked into TRU at midnight, and this is only because I was visiting my sister who lives nearby, and the first thing I saw was a fat biker scout. I then walked out. I am cured or I've moved past that. I'm proud of myself.
Did you buy it? It's the rare Porkins-in-Imperial-Disguise figure and would be worth a fortune on eBay....
I got herpes from a Hasbro figure once, that pretty much "cured" my desire for Hasbro figures.
You know, if you had just read the instructions then you would have known not to put it there....
Not if it smells and weighs 300lbs.
Maybe you and the King are discussing the same figure?
You know, if you had just read the instructions then you would have known not to put it there....

Maybe you and the King are discussing the same figure?

:lol.......................that was wrong...............................but damn funny !!!!
I picked up the mama jama Millenium Falcon today but of all the figs I saw I only bought the Clone Wars Grievous as it looked like Hasbro finally got the skulking vampiric look right (with yet still the hint of menace)-- the other stuff..:monkey4 No real interest anymore-- better places to get my SW fix.:naughty
I am also pretty much over my one of everything Hasbro makes obsession. I will probably still get a few things here or there. Im getting two BMF and a AT-TE and a few Legacy figures like the Ewoks and Yarna. I also may still collect all of the little Titanium ships, those have always been a favorite of mine. I really loved the Micromachines as a kid.

I now collect the following Star Wars lines and I dont think I could afford to keep buying all of Hasbros stuff
Sideshow 1/6
Sideshow Premium Formats
Sideshow dios
GG busts
GG 1/6 statues
GG dio statue line
GG animated maquettes
Master Replicas mini sabers, blasters and helmets (I hope efx continues to make cool products)
plus Im going to be getting select pieces from efx pieces like the studio scale ships and OT helmets. I really want them to put out a ANH Vader.
I also would like to go back and get the four Master Replicas studio scale ships as well.

Anyway with all this Hasbro just has to take a back seat.
I've only bought a couple of Hasbro figs in the last couple of years one of them being the Barc trooper ( which I think is a good figure) though I still haven't kicked the habit of looking at the toy section to see whats there everytime I go shopping.
Picked up the CW animated Obi-Wan which is pretty cool aside from the wacky missile (which can easily be removed).
Well I had a gift card for Wal-Mart left over from my last b-day and as I still can't find the third wave of the Hasbro Indy line I decided to pick up some of the new SW figs. While my completism was cured a long time ago in a land not so far away I still pick up a good fig once in awhile to add to my collection.

While I had picked up Grievous yesterday, today I grabbed four of the Clone Wars (with those nifty first day released stickers) Obi, Anakin, Yoda, and Rex... The action features are bleah but as I don't plan on opening those ones that's fine.

What I picked up in addition were: Han Solo (Desert Headscarf), Luke Skywalker (Desert Headscarf), Bane Malar, General Obi-Wan Kenobi, General Saesee Tiin, and Padmé Amidala (Ilum "Snowbunny" Outfit).

1) I have no idea who Bane Malar is (bounty hunter) from Jabba's Palace (supposedly) in ROTJ but the fig is super articulated (as most of these are-- for $6 Hasbro have really upped their game) and a really cool look (I recommend grabbing him).

2 + 3) General Obi-Wan Kenobi is again super articulated and for the $$ he's bang on as the clone wars general as represented in the CLONE WARS cartoon just as General Saesee Tiin is a great figure.

4) Padmé Amidala (Ilum "Snowbunny" Outfit) is probably the same fig that came in that TARGET Exc. pack-- but as we don't get that north of the border (grumble grumble) I was happy to buy this one.

All of them come with a build a droid part which is neither here nor there-- the two figs I want to point out are the following---

Luke Skywalker (Desert Headscarf)- The BEST ROTJ Luke that has been released in 3 3/4 format; however, the head that he comes with is the one on the "ground". I replaced it with the Luke head from the EVOLUTIONS 3-Pack (the Jedi one that came with the great articulated [finally] Qui Gon) and it looks much better.

Han Solo (Desert Headscarf)- This is a great articulated Han. He's missing his holster (still looking for a solution to that) and the vest doesn't come with this fig (I used the vest from a 2002 #37 Han Solo Endor Raid fig). Both the Han and the Luke come with goggles and scarves to protect themselves against the sand as supposedly this is after their escape from Jabba-- I think however I'll pose them like I have them here.

Anyway, yes my SW heart belongs to SS but for $6 a pop there's nothing wrong with grabbing a good fig now and then.

Discuss (oh, and if you haven't bought the new Millenium Falcon yet hand in your SW fan card.:D)
Ah, the Sandblow figures. Personally, they look like holy crap to me.

Sideshow has NOT cured me of my 3 3/4 collecting ways, personally - i have calmed down, but 13 years of the modern line will do that to you! :banana
I gave in this morning and got a BMF and AT-TE. I will probably go by TRU later and try to find the exclusive B-Wing.

There is a few figs I will pick up from the ROTJ wave.
Sideshow cured me of Hasbro 3 3/4" figures. Medicom cured me of the Buck. Hot Toys cured me of Medi's brooding faces and pelvic thrusts...
Last November cured me of being a Hasbro completest when in November ther was such a glut of stuff it would have cost me $700.00 to get everything I've wanted . Since then I stopped buying vehicles and Multipacks but made an exception on the Fetts and Sith evolutions .

I now just buy what I like and Have spent about $250.00 on Hasbro stuff this year so far! I'm looking at about $300.00 this year since I only want a total of 4 figures from the next 2 wave.

Next year after the Legacy line wraps I've decided to stop buying Hasbro stuff completly and just get SSC . The Vader, Fleet Trooper and Storm trooper announcements really hit home for me! I get such a thrill when I have an SSC peice ships. I can't wait to get home from work and have it waiting for me. Its like being a kid again! I just don't get the same thrill from Hasbro.

I did see the slide presenation from SDCC for 2009 and I must say that entire ANH wave and the Yavin battlepack are must buys for me! But after Legacy wraps excpet for the occasional figure that I can't live without out I'm done!

Its also alot easier to save for SSC stuff since you have 5-6 months to plan for it. Its much easier to set aside 15-30 bucks a month and expect a SSC piece every 1 to 2 months then to have to get bombarded buy Hasbro each month and drop at least $200.00 month and often times more to afford it and it takes a ton of room!
There are people who still are Hasbro Star Wars completists? I gave up on that waaaaaay back in 1999; ever since, I've really enjoyed Hsbro's offerings, especially over the past couple of years when super-articulation has become the norm.

Yes, there are a number of real turkeys in the line, but with the excellent photographic and review resources available it's pretty easy to avoid them.
It is true that since 2007 the 3 3/4's have generally gone a notch up in quality. You just have to watch out for those rehashes thrown in the mix. But yeah, with Rebelscum's galleries, you can make informed purchases.

The McQuarrie figs were all generally well done - and worth getting since they're unlikely to improve them any further than that.
My main focus is on updates of the vintage stuff. Which is why Im please with the Rebel Evo set with the B-Wing pilot. Also the A-Wing with the properly helmeted pilot. Then next year we get a new Jabba Rancor. So in the end it saves me money AND gives me a good product usually. Also Amanaman, LOVE the new sig image. :lol
My main focus is on updates of the vintage stuff. Which is why Im please with the Rebel Evo set with the B-Wing pilot. Also the A-Wing with the properly helmeted pilot. Then next year we get a new Jabba Rancor. So in the end it saves me money AND gives me a good product usually. Also Amanaman, LOVE the new sig image. :lol

I was just about to write the same thing.:lol

Awesome sig Amanaman!
I thought it was Saturday night. Oh well. There's a T R U 5 minutes from my house and I figured I'd head down there to check out the fun if I was up. No big loss.

I made the same mistake. No loss anyway, nothing is short from the shelf the following day.

Actually I quite like the Clone Wars animation figures, bought a few. As for anything from the OT and PT movies, I have switched over to Sideshow.