Sideshow - Bomb-Squad Clone Trooper

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Or maybe this is all the effort they're putting into Star Wars figures, and the ease with which they can produce these makes figures that require a greater investment less attractive to produce.
In all many more variationsare are there left that they could possibly make before the well runs dry?
We're still waiting because of all the R&D (whether it pays off or not) new sculpts, new tailoring, multiple approvals, changes, etc.
Clones like these are not getting in the way of other figures, because it's taking very little to NO time away from departments R&D, Sculpt, Tailoring, etc.
New Paint pattern and final approval from the powers that be are (simplified) the only things that need to go into these variations of clones that have the same armor molds. This process can be done fairly easily while NEW figures are still in development or are being made.
I doubt anyone at SSC is thinking or even saying "Let's release a Bomb Squad Trooper instead of Dooku or Chewbacca, etc.

I understand the disappointment, when a new figure announcement isn't the one you want...but with a figure like this? It's not taking another figure's place.
Somebody had to put work into it. That's time that could be devoted to putting out figures that haven't been touched (Chewie, Scout Trooper, ESB Leia, etc..) that actually had a good amount (or more) of screen time.
Some people are complaining that this guy saw barely any screen time, yet they want to see Cantina aliens that had less screen time? By that logic, hell where's Willrow Hood Sideshow?! I want to see the ice cream vendor of Bespin damnit!

I like ice cream not bombs.:D
So no one is buying this? Telltale sign for this to be a rare item that will fetch big money on Ebay someday :eek:
In all many more variationsare are there left that they could possibly make before the well runs dry?

depends on how many dummies keep forking over money for it. Look at IM. those dunces keep buying the same figure in different colors. talk about suckers. HT wants to get on their knees for whoever decided to put every single suit in IM 3. what a cash cow. clones are the SAME thing. stop marking out for them and they will go away.
In all many more variationsare are there left that they could possibly make before the well runs dry?
I've thought about this too, because while I love the clones and the amount they've made (I've bought every version) I would like to see more focus on the OT stuff. I think the Clones have run their course, except for the 41st Elite jungle clone and the Galactic marine which I badly want them to make considering they already have Gree and Bacara, and Yoda and Ki Adi respectively. But my train of thought is this: they've already made the Snowtrooper which is in my opinion one of the best SSC figures thus far so they have a lot of the components for a Galactic Marine, then if they work on the jungle clone they wouldn't be very far off of making a Scout Trooper, preferably with a kick a** speeder bike. Then I could be happy with the clones being done with.

But on the subject of remaining characters, there are plenty it just depends on how far SS is willing to go with it really. Because I've tried to figure out their logic with some of these clones. Obviously there's people like myself who love the clone wars and every character (clone) relating to it that buy every one they come out with. If there wasn't they would have stopped long ago. And people can whine about it all they want but like others have said, its business, and a damn lucrative one too. ..."So I guess that makes them a sell out like Lucas.." blah blah blah. Build a bridge and get the hell over it already. But with the Bomb Squad clone it may be kind of a test to see if a random, little known clone will do well. I have thought about some of the main clone squads and the one that comes to mind is the Wolffe Pack. In the series the main characters of the unit where Wolffe, Boost, Sinker, and Comet. They released the "Wolffe Pack Trooper" with Sinker's helmet scheme which is a fail but I also see it as a sign that they aren't going to make the rest of the squad just for different helmets. But then you have other squads like the 501st from the Umbara series that have 5 memorable characters: Dogma, Jesse, Kix, Hardcase, and Tup. All of these guys are painted with wildly different paint schemes on their armor, but I doubt SS would make one and not make the rest, especially with them releasing phase II Rex, but on the flip side of that how well of a seller would all five clones be as compared to a single character like the Bomb Squad trooper? Its hard to say. But some of the other options are: Commander Doom, Commander Thorn, Captain Keeli, Commander Fil, etc. etc. And any of those commanders' troopers. They could do Buzz and Draa from the Geonosis series as a two pack similar to Fives and Echo. I mean it would eventually get to the point where even the cloners would question SS sanity, but I love the clones so my views are biased.

I think this Bomb Squad trooper was released because it was easy, and it comes with a special item that you can't get from any other character, i.e. the bomb. But I would like to see some other OT army builders thrown into the mix.
We're still waiting because of all the R&D (whether it pays off or not) new sculpts, new tailoring, multiple approvals, changes, etc.
Clones like these are not getting in the way of other figures, because it's taking very little to NO time away from departments R&D, Sculpt, Tailoring, etc.
New Paint pattern and final approval from the powers that be are (simplified) the only things that need to go into these variations of clones that have the same armor molds. This process can be done fairly easily while NEW figures are still in development or are being made.
I doubt anyone at SSC is thinking or even saying "Let's release a Bomb Squad Trooper instead of Dooku or Chewbacca, etc.

I understand the disappointment, when a new figure announcement isn't the one you want...but with a figure like this? It's not taking another figure's place.

^^^ Remarkably insightful, and without being incite-ful. :clap
We're still waiting because of all the R&D (whether it pays off or not) new sculpts, new tailoring, multiple approvals, changes, etc.
Clones like these are not getting in the way of other figures, because it's taking very little to NO time away from departments R&D, Sculpt, Tailoring, etc.
New Paint pattern and final approval from the powers that be are (simplified) the only things that need to go into these variations of clones that have the same armor molds. This process can be done fairly easily while NEW figures are still in development or are being made.
I doubt anyone at SSC is thinking or even saying "Let's release a Bomb Squad Trooper instead of Dooku or Chewbacca, etc.

I understand the disappointment, when a new figure announcement isn't the one you want...but with a figure like this? It's not taking another figure's place.

Dooku etc have been around longer than the clones. no excuse for not having the core characters in place. He is one of 5 sith and he isnt in 1/6 form? doesnt make any sense to me.
I'm sure Sideshow has minimum number of different figures they must release per year as part of their licensing contract. And then there are probably quantity requirements and maybe restrictions for the whole line, possibly excluded characters and/or those on a time-table out of their control.
Dooku etc have been around longer than the clones. no excuse for not having the core characters in place. He is one of 5 sith and he isnt in 1/6 form? doesnt make any sense to me.
I was just using Dooku and Chewie as an example of figures not made yet. sucks that Dooku has not been made yet, but you miss my point (that), the Bomb Squad Dude has not taken away from characters like him.
Also (just saying) In the public eye, the Clones have been around equally as long as Dooku, since they both appeared for the 1st time in AOTC.
I'm not trying to defend or promote Sideshow's manufacturing, strategy, or choices. I'm just saying that there's no reason to get worked up about a release like this. Although I know, no matter what I impart on anyone here, it won't make a damn bit of difference. Most everyone's mind is well made up on an issue like this, unless they have exactly what they want (in their hands) when they want it.
And that's O.K... long as we can keep this in the context of a Hobby and not a life altering event.
I was just using Dooku and Chewie as an example of figures not made yet. sucks that Dooku has not been made yet, but you miss my point (that), the Bomb Squad Dude has not taken away from characters like him.
Also (just saying) In the public eye, the Clones have been around equally as long as Dooku, since they both appeared for the 1st time in AOTC.
I'm not trying to defend or promote Sideshow's manufacturing, strategy, or choices. I'm just saying that there's no reason to get worked up about a release like this. Although I know, no matter what I impart on anyone here, it won't make a damn bit of difference. Most everyone's mind is well made up on an issue like this, unless they have exactly what they want (in their hands) when they want it.
And that's O.K... long as we can keep this in the context of a Hobby and not a life altering event.

yeah...this is just all for fun. some people get bent, really bent over this stuff. im not laying in bed at night staring at the ceiling over this.

but im not sure it isnt taking the place. a company like SS has limited resources. and if those resources are busy tinkering with version 37 of the clone mold, then they arent working on version 1 of the dooku. i used dooku because i cant understand how he hasnt been done. as with the scout trooper and royale guard with cheese. or without.
I certainly hope the eyerolling that these releases earn isn't being misconstrued as some kind of handwringing or tantrum. If it takes 10 clones a year to finance the 2-3 OT figures we get, by all means, make clones. There are so few OT fans at this point that it makes sense that we can't carry the line by ourselves. Clone Wars is what Star Wars is about now. Ep.7-9 will be what it's about in a couple years. Who knows what the trend will be next. OT is pretty dated stuff. You can't expect that to get highest priority.
Yet at the same time, its what started it all. I by no means rank the PT anywhere close to the OT, I just really dig the clone wars.
Although they may seem inconsequential in the Star Wars greater good, the bomb trooper Legos are some of my favorite clones.Probably helps that the Lego versions look perfect with Cody. Not sure I'm digging this release as much as I dig the Lego versions, but it's still got a nice color scheme.
Well....I went for it. Like the color scheme....looks cool. I'm presuming these new CT releases are featuring the DX armor and body now, along withe the updated, multi-piece helmet. Speaking of which....please Sideshow, throw in a Phase II bucket here....that would be the icing on the cake!

I'd still REALLY like to see Sideshow re-visit the Shock Trooper with these new, improved detailing techniques. I still stop and stare at Wolffe in my display once and a while...just so well done.