S.H.FiguArts Dragonball Z figures!!!

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I'd just wait and see if they'll do it for next SDCC, that's why I never bought a SSJ Vegeta after he rose drastically in price. But you could still just drop a $100(I haven't checked his prices in a while) on him today
@Killian They have the polls at the actual event, I don't know where, because I have never gone, and another one Facebook, which most of us voted on. Someone on here will definitely let you know when the time comes! We probably won't shut up about it for awhile!

I like your tournament idea, and I know you've mentioned it before. It's a shame. It would have had everything I like the Boo arc for. I just want the Gohan and Videl relationship, the epic rematch of Goku and Vegeta, and getting closure on Vegeta. The fights would have been way better confined to the square, with a lot more techniques like Dragon Ball, but amp-ted up to 12 (I would say 11, but come on this is DBZ!) None of that fusion stuff or more levels of Kai. Who wouldn't want to see Gohan fight his dad or Vegeta?

How would you feel if, instead of Goku coming to Earth, he brought his family to the Other World Tournament? The Saiyans are probably the most powerful fighters in the universe, so if you had people in other dimensions, there would be a lot of tension, between new characters. You could have a lot of comedy with the families interacting with a lot of crazy species with awesome designs! They could followed up with that filler tournament arc that they already had, and continue Goku's friendship with Pikkon. Have Vegeta fight him, because he doesn't want Goku to have any rival, but him. Maybe my ideas aren't so good, but if a tournament arc was the final arc after Cell, it would have easily been my favorite!
Well I would pay 110 for him shipped without hestitation, however, I haven't seen him under 190, that's freaking insane.
How would you feel if, instead of Goku coming to Earth, he brought his family to the Other World Tournament? The Saiyans are probably the most powerful fighters in the universe, so if you had people in other dimensions, there would be a lot of tension, between new characters. You could have a lot of comedy with the families interacting with a lot of crazy species with awesome designs! They could followed up with that filler tournament arc that they already had, and continue Goku's friendship with Pikkon. Have Vegeta fight him, because he doesn't want Goku to have any rival, but him. Maybe my ideas aren't so good, but if a tournament arc was the final arc after Cell, it would have easily been my favorite!

Holy pikkon that's brilliant. I want that saga now. Still though I'd have loved it if the buu saga was simply the world tournament finished instead of interrupt, and then the two dudes come to sap everyone of their power to release Buu, and Dabura is the one behind it. It's simple, it's clean, and it's awesome. It's the tournament we all want and after that it's heaven vs hell. Could've kept everything Buu. In fact Buu seperating the evil from himself could've been Dabura's diabolical plan all along.

Just finish the tournament and remove Babidi from the equation and add a climactic battle between Dabura against the Z fighters and Supreme Kai. Everything could've stayed, vegeta's battle with goku (but better as a tournament finale), vegetas atonement, everything with Buu. the whole Shebang. Except that we would;'ve had a proper Z-tournament and we would've had an awesome main villain in Dabura. Imagine if they all had to team up to defeat him. Ultimate Gohan, Vegito and Supreme Kai. Or some other awesome combination.

Ugh I can almost cry how much awesome potential was lost with these characters because of underdeveloped writing.

I might actually start deluding myself into this having happened.:rotfl
I'd like to work that great tribute to Goku training at Korin's Tower somehow, when realizes the water didn't make him stronger, but his hard work to obtain it. If Gohan gets the Z Sword, have it break while he's fights Dabura. When they get scared that all hope is lost, Gohan is the only one that doesn't hesitate and gives him a blow to the gut more powerful then they have ever seen. Then everyone else has the revelation of the use of the sword making him powerful, and not the sword itself. Piccolo gives the exposition of course. It won't be the final blow, but considerable damage! After Gohan gets in a few more blows, Dabura could recognize the Sword only would have worked to strengthen his upper body, and retaliates by slicing at his leg. It could be a tribute to Future Gohan losing his arm to the Androids! Or instead, the blow is the one that kills Boo, and keep that retaliation of Dabura, because he has to loose a limb! I'm just kidding!
I like the ideas, and there is a way they could still be implemented; the future timeline. Ive always thought that once Trunks rebuilt the world, he would travel to new namek to use their dragonballs and bring back everyone apart from Goku, since he died naturally in that timeline. Assuming Babidi didnt come to earth either because of a lack of energy (no humans) or because it was too dangerous, he could then arrive once everything is back to normal, but would take a different turn with a Gohan who shows no mercy.

If they made a new movie based on that it would be my favourite, no doubt. They could always use the story from shin budokai another road (psp game) if they didnt want to start from scratch; that game had a great future story involving buu, but Trunks went back to the past for help instead.

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Oh snap Big D, that's a cool idea. Maybe a reversed thing where Bulma invents the time machine in the normal timeline after they've defeated Buu and goes back to Trunks' timeline to warn them about babidi.:lol

Id still rather just have babidi completely erased as a character. Utterly redundant. It's the typical thin g where a writer would take a few more months, go over his work and realise "wait...this storytelling could be more efficient and fluent." It's a typical character that would be left on the cutting room floor even though it was in most of the earlier drafts, if you have a good and long enough editing period.

But yeah a movie of future trunks traveling to namek and perhaps unexpectedly being confronted with new enemies there could be pretty cool. He'd have to work together with the Namekians to revive everyone in his timeline. Wait is that possible though? Weren't the Namekian balls already used to revive a bunch of people after the frieza saga? Or do the namekian balls lack the 1-time deal only rule?
Yes but ppl who have been dead longer than a yr i believe cant be brought back ( im pretty sure they stated that rulesomwhere in db/dbz just i forget where).
So that wouldnt have worked out.
I believe that the earth's original dragonballs, meaning the balls created by Kami, prior to splitting apart from King Piccolo, can resurrect a single person only once. Also, the wishes are limited to one resurrection per wish. So, no 'bring back everyone Vegeta killed'... in that regards Guru's balls are far more powerful. I think you might have been confused by the fact that Guru's dragon, Porunga, could only bring back the people Frieza and his men had killed in that particular year, not indefinitely.:wink1:
I believe that the earth's original dragonballs, meaning the balls created by Kami, prior to splitting apart from King Piccolo, can resurrect a single person only once. Also, the wishes are limited to one resurrection per wish. So, no 'bring back everyone Vegeta killed'... in that regards Guru's balls are far more powerful. I think you might have been confused by the fact that Guru's dragon, Porunga, could only bring back the people Frieza and his men had killed in that particular year, not indefinitely.:wink1:

Sounds pretty accurate to me!
"What Guru?"
"What's that sound?"
"Sir I wasn't making out wi–"
"That's the sound of my balls being more powerful than Kami's!"


(Sorry I can be kinda like The Todd in my shameless love of innuendos.:lol)
I could see a miniseries using Trunks' time travel as the catalyst. I think it would work if you have a bunch of good writers. If one story doesn't fancy your tastes, you'll always have another writer to take a crack at it. They could be small sagas or movies. I just think they would do something like that so it's not a big investment like a new arc for the writers, and doesn't mess with canon, but could if you wanted, just like DC does with it's Elseworld stories, like Superman: Red Son, the story of Superman being born in Soviet Russia. It's considered canon, just a different parallel universe.

I just want that tournament arc though! I want a Dabura and a Mystic Gohan with the Z Sword figuarts to pose together, to remind me of what could have been!
These aren't little Figuarts figures, but I thought you DBZ peeps might enjoy seeing these pics.

Goku vs Luffy (from an anime called 'One Piece' for those not familiar with the character).

















I think the display might have something to do with this:

I think the term "only in japan" applies here :lol

That is amazing though, all that for a game. Makes me sad that game wont make it out of Japan, its got every anime I like; Dbz, Naruto, One Piece, and Kenshin Himura.

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Awesome post! I definitely appreciate it! I hope it sells well, so they can get their money back. Bring it over to the West, because we'll gladly help, to re-coop any cost! I don't play that many games to know what's going on in those gameplay videos, but I know a lot of people are excited for it, and it has Goku and Vegeta!