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I know the story. Still Wookiees would have ruled and make ROTJ even better.

Even Lucas know he should have gone that route. I think the Wookie planet in ROTS was his idea of a do-over.

...what I hated most was the buffoon Han became. The character came from such a strong, heroic, leading man high in ESB to suddenly become a joke was just terrible.

The characters took a back seat in JEDI and you can sense the actors were put out by it. ROTJ was full of flat acting. Part of that may have been due to Lucas not trusting anyone enough to see the full script. An actor is limited when they see a story a few pages at a time.

Another thing about Han. In Jedi we find out he's a General in the Rebellion. Whoa! That's quite a promotion for getting stuck in a ice cube. When did this happen? The guy who destroyed the Death Star is still a Commander! And if Han had done enough to to attain the rank of General, why wasn't the rebellion a bit more serious about rescuing him? They should have sent dozens of crack commandos into Jabba's palace in a flash raid instead of our six characters in disguise. Han was guarded by pigs, muppets, and belly dancers. The rebels could have retrieved Han in five minutes and the movie could have all that time to focus on the battle against the Empire.
Even Lucas know he should have gone that route. I think the Wookie planet in ROTS was his idea of a do-over.

The characters took a back seat in JEDI and you can sense the actors were put out by it. ROTJ was full of flat acting. Part of that may have been due to Lucas not trusting anyone enough to see the full script. An actor is limited when they see a story a few pages at a time.

Another thing about Han. In Jedi we find out he's a General in the Rebellion. Whoa! That's quite a promotion for getting stuck in a ice cube. When did this happen? The guy who destroyed the Death Star is still a Commander! And if Han had done enough to to attain the rank of General, why wasn't the rebellion a bit more serious about rescuing him? They should have sent dozens of crack commandos into Jabba's palace in a flash raid instead of our six characters in disguise. Han was guarded by pigs, muppets, and belly dancers. The rebels could have retrieved Han in five minutes and the movie could have all that time to focus on the battle against the Empire.


And I love this superb phrase: Han was guarded by pigs, muppets, and belly dancers. :rotfl:rotfl