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Captain America : The Winter Soldier - 6/10

First time seeing it since the theater and tbh it didn't hold up for me. I quite liked it the first time out, and I still think it's an improvement over TFA with the twists and all the espionage. After my first viewing, the main problem I had was with Falcon and his character's abilities w/o the wings being over the top. This time, I just felt really disinterested. There's some glaring issues with pacing and the plot doesn't hold up well to repeat viewings and the whole thing feels a bit like it's trying too hard to be a Jason Bourne film. I also saw Guardians in the interval and I think it's just so good, it makes this look a bit more meh by comparison.
Guardians of the Galaxy - 8.5/10

Great movie. Seen it about 7 times already; wish I had a 3D tv to see it, as I enjoyed the hell out of it in theatres.

The Interview 8/10

Offensively humorous....my kind of movie. Really liked it and I was surprised to enjoy Franco's character over Rogen's.
Captain America : The Winter Soldier - 6/10

First time seeing it since the theater and tbh it didn't hold up for me. I quite liked it the first time out, and I still think it's an improvement over TFA with the twists and all the espionage. After my first viewing, the main problem I had was with Falcon and his character's abilities w/o the wings being over the top. This time, I just felt really disinterested. There's some glaring issues with pacing and the plot doesn't hold up well to repeat viewings and the whole thing feels a bit like it's trying too hard to be a Jason Bourne film. I also saw Guardians in the interval and I think it's just so good, it makes this look a bit more meh by comparison.

I would rate TWS a little bit higher than you did but I agree that after watching Guardians, TWS is a bit hard to get through. Theres really never a dull moment in Guardians, TWS has great action (hated all the shaky cam stuff though) but most of the characters and performances just feel flat in comparison.
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Captain America : The Winter Soldier 4/10

kinda boring, Samuel is getting really annoying. too many camera cuts in the action scenes, nauseating action scenes. I didn't get surprised by anything. the twists were kind of dumb
I would go as far as to say that the first captain was more entertaining and not as boring
I don't get why people think the action in Winter Soldier was so great. It isn't anything we haven't seen before.
Captain America : The Winter Soldier 4/10

kinda boring, Samuel is getting really annoying. too many camera cuts in the action scenes, nauseating action scenes. I didn't get surprised by anything. the twists were kind of dumb

Captain America : The Winter Soldier - 6/10

First time seeing it since the theater and tbh it didn't hold up for me. I quite liked it the first time out, and I still think it's an improvement over TFA with the twists and all the espionage. After my first viewing, the main problem I had was with Falcon and his character's abilities w/o the wings being over the top. This time, I just felt really disinterested. There's some glaring issues with pacing and the plot doesn't hold up well to repeat viewings and the whole thing feels a bit like it's trying too hard to be a Jason Bourne film. I also saw Guardians in the interval and I think it's just so good, it makes this look a bit more meh by comparison.

yeah, the winter soldier looked kind of cool, but the comparison to the Bourne movies is pretty valid, shaky quick cuts that make you sick, :dunno
cap was "great"
but it felt so genetic. this could have been a Bourne movie, a GI Joe movie, a mission impossible movie... change the characters a little bit and add Tom cruise and this would fit as MI 5
The biggest problem for me is the pacing and contrived writing.

Here's a perfect example of both in one scene. The elevator. It's a cool scene that makes sense... at first. Guys keep getting on at floors, Cap realizes he's going to have to fight. Great. The fight goes down, Cap wins. The elevator arrives at a floor where a SWAT team is waiting. Still ok. The assumption is that the guys on the elevator would subdue and disarm cap with the magnetic cuffs and the SWAT team would take him into custody. So he cuts the cable with his shield to get away and the elevator drops til the e-breaks kick in. Still good so far. Here's where it all falls apart.

He stops at complete random between two floors and yet when he opens the top door, another SWAT team is coming down the hall. How did they get there? There isn't any response time, they are just there. Did SHIELD have a SWAT team on all 40 floors right outside the elevator, waiting? Ok, so contrived writing so he has a reason to jump 20 stories out of the elevator. But then it's sloppy again 10 seconds later. He gets up from the fall and a corrupt SHIELD agent watches him on a monitor run into the parking garage as he says "lock down the parking garage." Literally the very next shot is Cap blasting out of the garage on his bike before the ramps close shut, yet somehow he's had time to change into his uniform? Literally no time goes by, the guy gives the order to close the ramps, the next shot is them closing, yet somehow in that mili-second, Cap stripped out of his civvies, got into the uniform, got his gloves on, his boots strapped up, his helmet and chin strap, and started his bike and made it to the ramp. It just feels way disjointed and cheap from Marvel who have so much experience at this point. Like an exec saw it and just insisted he had to be in uniform when he takes down the jet. And then in the next shot, he's back in his civvies again.

Not leaving enough of a window for events to make sense (pacing) + contrived writing purely out of convenience. It's all over this movie.

The movie also lacks a strong, straight up villain. Zola totally ****s HYDRA and ruins 40 years of subversion. Winter Soldier is too tragic and torn and barely fleshed out. And Pierce never really does anything quite sinister enough to make him really vile. The ending is a bit paint by numbers too, fight on a giant flying thing with big holes in the ground to fall out of and Cap has to sacrifice himself.

It's not awful, I've added it on Blu and I don't do that for every Marvel film(like the first Cap or Thor 2), it's just not as solid as people make it out.
The movie also lacks a strong, straight up villain. Zola totally ****s HYDRA and ruins 40 years of subversion. Winter Soldier is too tragic and torn and barely fleshed out. And Pierce never really does anything quite sinister enough to make him really vile.

This is going to sound like a complete copout, but perhaps the system itself - and those who profit and benefit from said system, and not some chin-stroking uber-baddie, is the villain?
Oh, it is. But the System doesn't have a face. When your lining up Batman and The Joker, Iron Man and Mandarin, Spiderman and Green Goblin, Cap and... the System just doesn't have the same ring to it.

Now if they revealed Red Skull was still alive and pulling strings... But now that would be a retcon like fake Mandarin. Sure, it's nice to know he could be there in a future film, but it doesn't improve the previous movie.
Am I the only one that thinks Chris Evans is miscast as Cap?

He has the look, but so far in his 3 appearances he’s never really been able to make me believe he’s a leader. Cap has always had a strong authoritative voice (at least the 616 version did) that commanded respect, Evan’s just comes off as way too nice and passive. Even in The Avengers it just felt way too forced when Iron Man let Cap give the orders.

I guess he’s too old now, but Aaron Eckart was someone I thought more fit to play Cap, Evans just doesn’t do it for me.

I’ve also never read any of the Ultimate Cap stories or anything, so maybe Evans is closer to the Ultimate version or something.
I dunno, I find the System as the Enemy much more compelling than one singular, titular, bad guy. Think 1984, or the banality of evil.

So you prefer the Galactic Empire in general to Darth Vader? SPECTRE is great, but I wouldn't want it led by anyone but Blofeld.

The system can be great. But without someone to put it to work(abuse it, etc.), it's just sort of there. In this movie, that was Pierce. He just isn't as compelling as Weaving's Skull imo.

Am I the only one that thinks Chris Evans is miscast as Cap?.

No, I've been saying it since he was first cast. He's too young(baby faced) looking, can't fill out that helmet, is short, and doesn't project confidence in a fight. (in FF he covered that by talking **** but can't as Cap) In Avengers, he looks like a very mediocre cosplay.
I disagree with the criticisms against TWS, don't care about debating them right now, I'm just glad people are starting to question Marvel Studios, you wouldn't see that a few months back.