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Whoa! What the heck?! That's an instant return! I hope you can return it. I actually have not opened my 2nd-release Spock yet. Is yours a 2nd release or 1st?

It's from the 2nd release. Got it from Alter Ego (who is now OOS). Not sure what to do, this is already the second one I've had to get due to paint issues.

The other didn't have such sloppy paintwork on the hair, but it had a bunch of paint transfer from the sculpt onto the packaging.

It's things like this that make me appreciate Hot Toys more and more. Never issues like this.
It's from the 2nd release. Got it from Alter Ego (who is now OOS). Not sure what to do, this is already the second one I've had to get due to paint issues. The other didn't have such sloppy paintwork on the hair, but it had a bunch of paint transfer from sculpt onto the packaging.

I would email QMx customer service. If they balk, I would contact your credit card company or PayPal, depending on how and when you paid. The great thing about American Express, for example, is that they have a great buyer protection policy with instant refund, no questions asked, but purchase has to be within 90 days.
I'm trying one more time and if it isn't good I'm gonna have to live with it. The whole production must be wonky in some way or another. Shouldn't have to buy figures multiple times to hopefully get a good one.
I’m trying one more time and if it’s not good I’m living with it. Shouldn’t have to buy figures multiple times to hopefully get a good one.

The example you showed is rather extreme. I have to believe most will not be anywhere close to that. You say, the vendor is out of service/business? How long ago did you buy it? And no, you shouldn't have to buy multiple figures but there is no reason why you cannot return one that has such a problem. Your choice.
Maybe Nanjin (or anyone knowledgeable) can advise as to the best method and type of paint to touch up any small areas of missing color on Spock's hairdo (besides shoe polish?).

one should always have the basic primary colors along with brown, black and white in a matte finish for Tamiya model acrylics handy even if you are not a painter to fix issues precisely like this without having to hassle with sending things back to manufacturers and waiting and getting the ring stuff etc.
The example you showed is rather extreme. I have to believe most will not be anywhere close to that. You say, the vendor is out of service/business? How long ago did you buy it? And no, you shouldn't have to buy multiple figures but there is no reason why you cannot return one that has such a problem. Your choice.

I emailed Alter Ego Comics, where I just got that one from. Should have no issues returning. He is OOS there now so no way of getting a replacement from them. I just ordered one from BBTS.
I emailed Alter Ego Comics, where I just got that one from. Should have no issues returning. He is OOS there now so no way of getting a replacement from them. I just ordered one from BBTS.


Raymond, do you think this paint would do for brushing on some hair without primer? I don't know the exact color of the hair but I would think black would be close enough if applied to small areas, perhaps thinned a bit as to be almost a wash?


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    XF-1 Flat Black.jpg
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Don’t get me wrong, it’s ******** and it shouldn’t happen and you shouldn’t even have to get a replacement let alone spend 200 dollars on a new one.

There’s rarely anything I don’t alter out of the box so it’s a different story for me but to answer the question about the paint the Tamiya will work just fine on its own without primer. Actually I never ever use a primer even for my full paint jobs. Unnecessary gunk if you ask me :)

But a few light washes watered down with a bit of brown and a small dab of white should match Spok’s hair. As FlyandFight said so long as it’s not straight black!
Most people don?t realize that black colored hair is really dark dark dark brown.

That’s exactly why most people will, as well they should, return an item of said paint transfer rather than attempt to elicit painting lessons. I raised the issue of advice in correcting the paint in the worst case scenario where the issue exists on most if not all Spock figures, and there is no alternative but to take matters in one’s own brush-in-hand. All QMx had to do is let the paint dry... not exciting to watch but obviously necessary.
QmX asked what series we want more 1/6 from on Twitter today. I voted TNG/Voyager.

Unfortunately, I don't have a Twitter account. But I'm not a fan of Voyager, DS9 or TNG for that matter, although TNG is by far the better of the 3 for me. I would prefer 1/6 from ST Enterprise, which I consider the best ST series after TOS. Also, ST the Animated Series might yield some interesting 1/6s. And I would also hope that QMx would continue with the ST II movie line.