PT Changing How You View The OT

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King of the Monsters
CF Supporter
Sep 8, 2006
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Hey guys, I can't think of any dedicated threads to this topic. I'm going through ANH right now to get some screen shots, and I'm finding more and more ways that the storyline, acting, etc. of the PT has impacted, positively, my viewing experience now with the OT. For example, there's a look on Alec Guiness' face when he first comes upon Vader, that before the PT, would just look like, "there you are", but knowing that in the saga, Obi-Wan never saw what become of his brother, I read more in the look on Obi-Wan's face and it really matches well to be an expression of "Oh Anakin, what has become of you?" I love how little things like that make the OT that much more enjoyable now. So share your POVs and maybe we'll all pick up on some things we haven't noticed yet.
What about when Vader sees 3PO and says hey, "I built you!"

I agree with you there Sean. The OT is even more enjoyable now that the PT has been filmed. There are so many scenes in ANH alone that are enhanced tenfold by the PT. Especially the Vader and Obi bits and in ROTJ.. the Vader/Palpatine scenes. :rock
What about when Vader sees 3PO and says hey, "I built you!"


How would he know its the same protocol droid he built. Must be a thousand of them out in the Galaxy. I dont Vader goes around asking every Protocol droid, "hey are you 3po?"
How would he know its the same protocol droid he built. Must be a thousand of them out in the Galaxy. I dont Vader goes around asking every Protocol droid, "hey are you 3po?"

Yeah, that must have been Lucas' thinking too; really. :lol Star Wars revisionists.

I don't want to make this yet another OT vs. PT -- I will just say that the PT hasn't done much for my experience.
When in the OT did Vader really see Threepio? The only time I can think of was at Cloud City when he was in pieces on Chewie's back in the freezing chamber, and I can accept the dismantled droid getting overlooked under the circumstances.
I agree with you there Sean. The OT is even more enjoyable now that the PT has been filmed. There are so many scenes in ANH alone that are enhanced tenfold by the PT. Especially the Vader and Obi bits and in ROTJ.. the Vader/Palpatine scenes. :rock

I agree that the PT has only made the OT even better for me. Especially the whole Obi-Wan/Vader stuff in ANH. The relationship they have for each other through the PT and the pain that comes at the end of ROTS just makes the duel in ANH mean that much more. 4 me it also makes what Luke goes through to save his father and bring him back even more meaningful. Those are just a couple things that really impacted me with the PT coming about.
Another things the PT drastically changed for me in the OT is the Vader-Palpatine relationship, having background between them now changes how I perceive so much that goes on. When I grew up watching the OT, I looked at Vader and Palpatine as a team of evil going after the galaxy, but now, Vader is more of a tragic figure and it's more enjoyable to watch the OT and see a struggle within Vader that wasn't there before his back story was told. So many moments once Vader learns of Luke being alive now have a feeling of Vader playing Palpatine for his own ends and a growing distrust of his master since it was Palpatine who told Vader Padme, and consequently, the twins were dead and by his hand. Hearing of his son's survival, you can sense a betrayed feeling in Vader in the OT. Say what you will about a lot in the PT not being so great, but for the stories to be written such that the pre-existing acting and dialogue can take on new meaning from backstory without changing them says a lot about the work that went into the storylines for the PT.
Right it does add to that. It really makes Vader a lot more tragic and the relationship between him and Sidious even more tragic too. That he trusted him only be another pawn and the regret you feel from Vader that comes through the OT is enhanced because of the PT.
Ya, when Vader's working his angle with Luke in Jedi and Palpatine becomes suspiscious of his intentions and loyalties, the PT makes you have a better sense of what's going on with Vader. You get the sense that he's thinking about Padme and the joy he had felt to be having a child with her and here is his child, a tie to the most important thing in his life, and yet he's ordered to destroy him or turn him and he doesn't know what to do, he wants Luke alive but he knows Luke will not likely turn to the Dark Side and what Palpatine will do if he does not. It also makes me watch when Vader gazes back and forth between Luke and Palpatine while he Sith lightning's him to death and imagine a whole lot more running through Vader's mind as he weighs which course of action he can take and all the deceit of Palpatine finally builds up until he snaps and turns. I can imagine Obi-Wan's voice crying out in his head at that moment "Anakin, Palpatine is evil!"
Oh yeah you can feel the tug of war going on inside Vader the entire time once he realizes all of whats going on. It also makes the end with him turning all that more satisfying as well.
Yeah, watching ROTJ now is a whole new experience. You can just see much more going on below the surface that you didn't before. It really heightens the emotion of the duel and Palpatine's machinations. You can picture Anakin inside the suit as Luke is being shocked, his turmoil as he makes the decision to defeat Palpatine... I love it.
Watching the OT for the first time after ROTS was like watching Fight Club for the second time. Where Luke was the main character and Vader was a kick ass bad guy who turns into a puss in the end, now Anakin is the main character who goes through a complex transformation.

Oh, and the f/x in the OT kinda sucks now. At some point the f/x of the PT will suck, too. That's the nature of f/x.
One of the biggest things the PT changed about how I view the OT is Vader's redemption at the end of ROTJ. When you find out he was a baby killer in the old days, seeing that smiling ghost hanging with Ben and Yoda isn't quite as satisfying as it once was. I'm not one of those people that buys the "Anakin was "dead," it was Darth Vader that killed them" excuse, that's a copout. They're one and the same, he made his choice.
Great thread MaulFan!

The PT made me appreciate Obi Wans character that much more. I was never really crazy about Obi Wan before the PT. His character has now been rounded out so well, that he is my favorite character across both trilogies.

My interpretation of the Jedi order was also changed, I saw the OT as a kid and always thought the Jedi were border-line super heroes. The PT showed they were really "regular" people with hopes and fears. My favorite line is in TPM when Qui Gon responds to little Anakins question about Jedi not dying, or something to that effect. Qui Gons responds "How I wish it were true" great, Qui Gon contemplating his own mortality was brilliant.
One of the biggest things the PT changed about how I view the OT is Vader's redemption at the end of ROTJ. When you find out he was a baby killer in the old days, seeing that smiling ghost hanging with Ben and Yoda isn't quite as satisfying as it once was. I'm not one of those people that buys the "Anakin was "dead," it was Darth Vader that killed them" excuse, that's a copout. They're one and the same, he made his choice.

That never bothered me. I always saw the younglingls as something other than non-combantants, but rather as being weaponized making them legal military targets. Either way, slaughtering them was perfectly in line with Vader's character. If Vader couldn't redeem himself after doing that, then there's no hope for any of us, I think is kinda the point.
Ok, without turning this into a "bash the PT" thread, I will continue with the thread's topic -- how the PT changes the OT for me. I really mean that I don't want to be overly critical as well, I know for many it is beating a horse.

I think the number one issue I have is how small the Star Wars universe became. This may seem like an odd statement especially considering we see so many different planets and cultures in the PT (and now the SE ending of Jedi); but it isn't the worlds I am speaking of but rather the characters. The introduction of Greedo, C3PO, Chewbacca, etc; just felt like a desperate reach to me. I don't think that Lucas needed to have any continuity beyond Anakin, Obi-Wan and of course Palpatine. The PT would have been much more powerful had it shown the golden age of the Jedi as an era removed from the OT; but for me it felt like Lucas was trying too hard to bring two generations together. I think had the story been told as I would have done so, there wouldn't have been a lack in reception; Star Wars is in and of itself impacting enough. Of course the introduction of fart jokes etc, didn't help anything in that respect either.

Aside from that, I have a very difficult time with the PT because of the effects, and while many here might prefer modern CG, for much of the films; I found it dodgy at best. I know that the effects of the OT are nothing staggering by today's standards, but I'll take the Cantina Band aliens anyday over how unrealistic the Geonisis termite crew looked. Sometimes puppets just look better.

Again, I don't want to start a war here, but these are at least a few of the things that come to mind.
It changed my view of the Jedi as well. I used to think of them like the Knights of the Round table. Noble, gallant, profanely heroic. In actuality, they were rigid and arrogant.
One of the biggest things the PT changed about how I view the OT is Vader's redemption at the end of ROTJ. When you find out he was a baby killer in the old days, seeing that smiling ghost hanging with Ben and Yoda isn't quite as satisfying as it once was. I'm not one of those people that buys the "Anakin was "dead," it was Darth Vader that killed them" excuse, that's a copout. They're one and the same, he made his choice.

So you're saying that yonu don't beleive in the concept of redemtion?
Anakin makes a terrible decision, and suffers terribly for it. That act is something that he loathes himself for the rest of his days. His hate for himself, for that act is one of the things that Keeps him stuck as Vader. Palpatine knows this, the sith Order is a trap, it sucks you in and makes you a prisoner of your own rage. Only by accepting the act, and first forgiving himself was Anakin able to move on. This is where He drew his monsterous power from, his hate, and Anakin hated one thing more than anything else in his entire Life. He hated himself.
Ok, without turning this into a "bash the PT" thread, I will continue with the thread's topic -- how the PT changes the OT for me. I really mean that I don't want to be overly critical as well, I know for many it is beating a horse.

I think the number one issue I have is how small the Star Wars universe became. This may seem like an odd statement especially considering we see so many different planets and cultures in the PT (and now the SE ending of Jedi); but it isn't the worlds I am speaking of but rather the characters. The introduction of Greedo, C3PO, Chewbacca, etc; just felt like a desperate reach to me. I don't think that Lucas needed to have any continuity beyond Anakin, Obi-Wan and of course Palpatine. The PT would have been much more powerful had it shown the golden age of the Jedi as an era removed from the OT; but for me it felt like Lucas was trying too hard to bring two generations together. I think had the story been told as I would have done so, there wouldn't have been a lack in reception; Star Wars is in and of itself impacting enough. Of course the introduction of fart jokes etc, didn't help anything in that respect either.

Aside from that, I have a very difficult time with the PT because of the effects, and while many here might prefer modern CG, for much of the films; I found it dodgy at best. I know that the effects of the OT are nothing staggering by today's standards, but I'll take the Cantina Band aliens anyday over how unrealistic the Geonisis termite crew looked. Sometimes puppets just look better.

Again, I don't want to start a war here, but these are at least a few of the things that come to mind.

Where in the PT was Greedo intorduced? i must have missed that.