Prometheus Sequel (ALIEN: Covenant)

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say no more fampai


It could be a problem.

That is also a problem :lol you bring up a very good point.

Which makes me think this is only the first party and they're in charge of just, scouting, recon and just getting everything ready for more people...

Hmmmmm maybe there's isn't as big of a problem as I thought...

I thought there were thousands more in cryo orbiting the planet?

Gay couple in this. Gay dude in Beauty and Beast. I'm glad important decisions like this are being worked into films so seamlessly.
Poe and Finn sitting in a tree, . . . . i . n . g...
ya know honestly seeing the latest trailer on the big screen with Logan, I just am not getting overly excited for this. Now that Ridley is planning on MORE movies and stalling us the 'direct' link with his 'prequel universe' to the first film, as a fan of the originals, I think he is really milking it by stretching this out. I don't think we need separate films for each xeno iteration/evolution to end up with the classic big chap from the first movie. It could be done in one movie and you just simply reference in flash backs the previous iterations. I am not the only person to think that Waterston's hair style is just stupid for this movie....(grace with beyond the trailer agrees with me on that aspect!).

So now it appears the xeno we see in this trailer while similar, it's still further iterations away from BC. I guess this is the 'protomorph' and the 'neomorph' is the whiteish looking one. Article here-

But now get this, the Alien Covenant 2 is already written and will start filming in 2018.

Pretty much means by him keeping something in the pipe 'alien' wise, that will for sure torpedo the Bloomkamp thing. Strange for the movie to not even be out yet and news of the sequel is already hitting....Could be that Ridley wants to get something out ASAP which could mean that Covenant may be mixed in reception.

Sounds like the whole franchise is just a mess.....
What someone posted about the Blomkamp idea sounded like it would be an embarrassment anyway so it's possible we're sidestepping a landmine there.
What someone posted about the Blomkamp idea sounded like it would be an embarrassment anyway so it's possible we're sidestepping a landmine there.

I tend to agree, I think it would be too heavily influenced by dark horse comics, and I just never really liked what they were doing with the story/characters. Only the idea of having Hicks, Newt and Ripley still alive was intriguing, but what he was planning on doing with it.....this franchise is looking like it's circling the drain now. Poor Giger is probally rolling in his grave now with some news reports which have surfaced.
I hate J-law, think she is overrated as an actress.....ignoring her is no problem! hey Jen!


Agreed, and I feel the same way about Scar Jo. Sick of both of them. Not saying I would turn down the chance soil their lower backs though.
I think Lawrence should be put on the dead pool.......she just seems like shes a step away from Lohan Crazy these days...
Agreed, and I feel the same way about Scar Jo. Sick of both of them. Not saying I would turn down the chance soil their lower backs though.

I dont know, jlaw kinda reminds me of that sleazy girl at the bar that everyone warns you about.
Theres always that one girl thats been around and everyone kind of knows shes trouble. And newcomers are warned. Shell get super drunk and wait till bar closes until some desperate guy falls for it but regrets it some weeks

Not worth it bro.