Orange is the New Black

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I could...

I was just stating my opinion, I was not denigrating the people who like it nor their opinions which are just as valid as mine.

No need to be nasty.

Nope, wasn't being nasty. Just stating that after two posts about not liking it, and being glad that it's almost done, I figured you would have some relief that you won't have to come in this thread anymore. Cause let's face it, we all have too busy of lives than to worry about going into a thread and talking about stuff we don't like, over and over.

Duly noted... Thank you for your concern...

AND... I'll come and go as I please
Now now people. Lets keep this a friendly thread. Its not like we're inmates in a prison, we're just talking about them.

I agree though, the opening segmemt could be a little more streamlined. Great theme song though. Love the use of Regina Spektors music!

And yes, I also think her reaction to SHU was a reality check. She really didnt realize how much more serious it could be until she was thrown in there. All that yelling and hate would probably make any sane person trip out.

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Just finished the first episode. While the writing is predictable, there's enough there to make it intriguing to come back for episode two. The show has potential, but I hope it steers clear of devolving into an LGBT PSA.
Just finished the first episode. While the writing is predictable, there's enough there to make it intriguing to come back for episode two. The show has potential, but I hope it steers clear of devolving into an LGBT PSA.

You know it is based off a book written by real life character the main actor plays. She actually helps out on the show.
Just finished the first episode. While the writing is predictable, there's enough there to make it intriguing to come back for episode two. The show has potential, but I hope it steers clear of devolving into an LGBT PSA.

Seriously, it's about women in prison. There's gonna be lots of gay stuff. :yess: If that is really something you are against, I honestly say back out now or it's all you'll end up seeing when you watch, and you wont be able to enjoy the rest.
You know it is based off a book written by real life character the main actor plays. She actually helps out on the show.

I know nothing about the show, but that point is irrelevant to mine.

Seriously, it's about women in prison. There's gonna be lots of gay stuff. :yess: If that is really something you are against, I honestly say back out now or it's all you'll end up seeing when you watch, and you wont be able to enjoy the rest.

I have no problem with the gay stuff. I think you misunderstood my comment.

I'm saying the show can be compelling if it stays about the characters instead of trying to be something more than that just because of it's subject matter.
I know nothing about the show, but that point is irrelevant to mine.

I have no problem with the gay stuff. I think you misunderstood my comment.

I'm saying the show can be compelling if it stays about the characters instead of trying to be something more than that just because of it's subject matter.

My point is exactly what you are looking for, it is a character show, nothing more.
I know nothing about the show, but that point is irrelevant to mine.

I have no problem with the gay stuff. I think you misunderstood my comment.

I'm saying the show can be compelling if it stays about the characters instead of trying to be something more than that just because of it's subject matter.

Okay, yes, I did. And I definitely wasn't responding in a negative manner (not that you suggested I did) was just trying to save you some time.

The one thing that is great about this show is that it is definitely about the characters, their growth, their connections, their faults, etc, etc. So, you shouldn't have any problems with it. I believe it was done right.
Just finished the first episode. While the writing is predictable, there's enough there to make it intriguing to come back for episode two. The show has potential, but I hope it steers clear of devolving into an LGBT PSA.

Kinda like how Allan Ball does with all of his shows. True Blood was becoming a mess until he left. Jenji just likes telling stories opposed to making making her shows a PSA.
Just finished the last episode. I won't spoil anything for those unaware but when I saw the screen fading to orange I actually said "That's where its ending? You bastard" out loud.

Very nice show in a very odd way in my opinion.
Finished the final episode last night... The last four shows were an improvement on what went on before. If there is a second season I will watch it, if it is up to the caliber for the final four shows. If it is anything like the first half of the season count me out; nothing of interest happened and it was just a long set up which could have been accomplished in three shows max.

I still hate the open and our neighbors agree they also have to leave the room during the opening credits. The song and the visuals are off putting and in my opinion a really bad production choice.
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I still hate the open and our neighbors agree they also have to leave the room during the opening credits. The song and the visuals are off putting and in my opinion a really bad production choice.

I dont hate the opening but it does get tiresome after the 10th time in a row
I just fast forward through it or use that time to grab a snack or a drink. Honestly I dont know why netflix originals have openings longer than the title (ala Lost.) Its not like they need to fill a time slot...
Someone need to break the mold with these Netflix Originals and take advantage of the unique format.

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I wish they'd let it go marathon mode and cut off the beginning and end credits

That'd be awesome, if you could select some sort of "play all" option, and it'd cut those things out and skip to the next one.
I like the song for the show but the title is too long, and the images aren't the best things to look at. So I always just fast forward through it. Doesn't really take much effort to skip on by.
Finally decided to watch this show with my wife - LOVED IT.

Wisely stayed away from this thread until now. :)


I just don't understand why she broke down so compeletly after being in solitary for less than 48 hours.

I think... I think we all tend to believe we'd be able to handle that fairly easily. I'm not so sure that's the case, though.

I still hate the open and our neighbors agree they also have to leave the room during the opening credits. The song and the visuals are off putting and in my opinion a really bad production choice.

Really? I LOVE the song and the visuals. I thought they were a great choice.

I wish they'd let it go marathon mode and cut off the beginning and end credits

I do wish this was an option... most of the shows I tend to like a lot (Sopranos, Game of Thrones, this, and now House of Cards) tend to have VERY long intros. Gets old after a while.

These things are tied into unions, though... might be unavoidable. I guess we can all just fast-forward to the point we want to start, after all. ;)

Anyone watching Orphan Black? Just started it. Pretty good show.

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Off-topic, but since one of the posters here got to brag that Laura Prepon was his friend I'm just gonna mention that one of my best friends has a part on this show and we're very proud of him!

Unfortunately, I haven't watched it yet - I don't even think it's aired anywhere in Canada!!! I hear it's really quite good though.

Kinda like how Allan Ball does with all of his shows. True Blood was becoming a mess until he left. Jenji just likes telling stories opposed to making making her shows a PSA.

Did that get better? I kind of lost interest when the whole fairy thing happened...