Olivetti Hulk Comiquette, Links to waitlists in 1st post!.

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Hey Barbarian, how's da man? Listen brother, stop teasing us, Hulk smash all the stops, & do the pic voodoo you do, & knock us on our a$$es once & for all, Hulk style! Take care brother.:wave
Damn! Thanks, divo! I will try to do something when I get the time. This piece deserves special attention. I think there have been many great pics taken of him already, but I would definitely like to do something different with it. :)
Hey Barby...Doesnt the Moore Barbarian look Hulk like...I wonder if he was painted green if it would look ok...LOL
:lol I think Moore's Barbarian is just rough enough to be a perfect Conan, brother. Frazetta executed the absolute perfect rendition for the source art used for that piece, as far as I'm concerned. He was never described as handsome in any Robert E. Howard story I read, and I've read them all. His barbaric "charm" was his claim to fame and what attracted the ladies. His courage was challenged only by the size of his heart.
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No harm done, its easy to remove. It was my first attempt , might try to rework it.

Lol not being mean but I would def remove it...I never liked the original hair either but that new one looks very bad...Soul Glow style.


I would do something trying to resemble the Ed Mcguiness Hulk hair...I love that one.