Oldboy Remake

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You and your conspiracies. You don't hire Spike Lee. That would go against everything he stands for.

This is the guy who, along with a few others, stopped Django Unchained from having any merchandise. This is not a man who would be controlled by "The Man."

That was a **** move on his part. I can honestly care less about his role in the film. I'm seeing it to see how it stacks up against the original, and for Brolin.
Wow just watched the trailer for this, and wow... This will totally suck.. Just the trailer looks terrible. Probably will have too see it when it comes out just to give it more crap, but this will never play in the same league, not even in the same sport as any of the movies in the vengeance trilogy. cheesus...
I didn't know there were others. What is the other one called? What are they from best to least?
Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance
Lady Vengeance

Honestly, it's hard for me to say best to least. Oldboy might have the highest production value, but they all have fantastic stories, are insanely brutal, and not exactly feel good movies. Oldboy may be the most feel good of them all though. I loved all 3 of them.
I'm not worried, its movies we're talking about :)
i just dont get it thats all coming from Spike Lee.
They could have gone back to the original manga for exemple and adapt it, it would have been interesting to see a real western version of this story.
Its a missed opportunity.

THE FIEND, its a really good movie.
Beautifully directed. Its weird tho.
But the kind movie where your like OK I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT GOING TO HAPPEN NEXT and its pretty cool as a moviegoer :)
If you want some really good korean thrillers Check MEMORIES OF MURDER, THE CHASER, THE MURDERER and I SAW THE DEVIL these are the best genre movies around :)

You completely forgot The Man From Nowhere :lecture Such a great movie.

Also was going to link the vengeance trilogy on here for anyone who has yet to see any of the films, but wtf did this go oop? I know the original tin that I have they stopped making I believe, but I thought they were still making the one with the cheaper packaging?
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I Saw The Devil is absolutely insane. So disturbing, yet you can't look away.

I thought Oldboy was far more disturbing than I Saw the Devil. I really didn't think the latter was that bad. To me, it was like The Punisher, James Bond, and Trollface had a baby, and that baby went on to make life a living hell for serial killers.
Looks good to me.

For the umpteenth time, I have no problems with remakes. If its no good, then fine, I have the original to go back to. I will go see this, and judging by the trailer I will enjoy it :)
I guess the question is, who is a better actor? Min-sik Choi or Josh Brolin?
I don't think thats the question, both are great.
The question is why bother doing the same movie, look, story, lines...
The best remakes ar those who are adaptations, reworks, variations on the same themes.
Here it looks like the exact same movie with white folks lol.

You completely forgot The Man From Nowhere :lecture Such a great movie.

Thanks, i didnt see it.
I overdosed on korean cinema for a while.
Need to go back :)

I thought Oldboy was far more disturbing than I Saw the Devil. I really didn't think the latter was that bad. To me, it was like The Punisher, James Bond, and Trollface had a baby, and that baby went on to make life a living hell for serial killers.

The feeling of what a waste you get from I SAW THE DEVIL is tough.
At least OLDBOY had a kinda happy ending lol

You and your conspiracies. You don't hire Spike Lee. That would go against everything he stands for.

This is the guy who, along with a few others, stopped Django Unchained from having any merchandise. This is not a man who would be controlled by "The Man."

No here is the thing, you seem to believe that directors in hollywood nowadays still have a lot of artistic licence and are mavericks who have the final word, and don't compromise. Its the whole opposite.
I've seen it with my own eyes.
Even Spike Lee has to play ball, his last movie MIRACLE AT ST ANNA was a flop, he NEEDS a hit to keep his personal projects running.
Even James Cameron who is the most succesfull director ever could not AVATAR off the ground without private funding, did you know that AVATAR is actually an indie movie? The biggest ever indie movie! Meaning it was produced with money coming from investors outside the movie studios. He even had to tame down the violence because of that, the original script (not the treatment the script) was way more graphic but he was told to get his budget to remove all the graphic violence.
Basically Directors will tell you, you do one movie for "them" and then you can do one for you.
And the movie you do for them has to work at the box office, not be good mind you, just make most of its money back.
This is why a director like Snyder is loved by Warner, he do big movies on tight budgets (save for MOS of course) and always got the money back even for SUCKER PUNCH.
Nowadays studios execs are not movie lovers or anything, they could be working for big tabacco the same way.
Nowadays whats count is the numbers, if you're getting good ones you get to do what you like.
How would directors like Bay, Ratner would still be working today if not :)
The competition is very intense and comes from all over the world, only a few directors are above it, but most of them have the play ball Aronofsky, Blomkamp, GDT, Kosinski, Scott...
And if you look closely you can see how it works :)
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I don't think thats the question, both are great.
The question is why bother doing the same movie, look, story, lines...
The best remakes ar those who are adaptations, reworks, variations on the same themes.
Here it looks like the exact same movie with white folks lol.

that's why....

A few days ago director Spike Lee took to Reddit to chat up his Kickstarter project, as well as the Josh Brolin-starring remake of Park Chan-wook’s classic Korean thriller Oldboy.

An interesting bit of information came out of the IAMA in which Lee explains that Brolin reached out to Chan-wook for a blessing. The result? You can interpret…

“Before we started the shoot, Josh Brolin went to Park Chan-wook and asked for his blessing,” explains Lee. “He told Josh ‘you and Spike make your own film, don’t remake ours.’ And that’s what we did.”

Hilarity ensued with the a following reader (Reverve) response: “To me that almost sounds like Brolin didn’t get his blessing.”

I’d say I agree with the commenter, although, I do know for a fact there are some extremely new elements to this version that will still shock and awe fans of the original.

In theaters november 27, “The pic is a provocative, visceral thriller that follows the story of an advertising executive (Josh Brolin) who is abruptly kidnapped and held hostage for 20 years in solitary confinement. When he is inexplicably released, he embarks on an obsessive mission to discover who orchestrated his bizarre and torturous punishment only to find he is still trapped in a web of conspiracy and torment.”
Of course he isn't, the original was a part of trilogy.
You can't just remake one of 'em and expect any good to come out of it.
Especially given that the original is already based on manga.
I read a comparison of the differences yesterday and it actually made me want to see it more. I didn't want to see a direct remake either. Im a little more open-minded to it than I was before.....