Official NECA Terminator Thread

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Yeah this is really not a series where any torch needs to be passed. No one cares about it beyond the first 2 films and the particular cast and characters contained therein. Is that not clear by now?
I know that Cameron's ego will no longer let him contribute to properties that he himself didn't create but if he's hellbent on continuing one of his classics with a passing of the torch to a younger leading lady why not go for the low hanging fruit of Ripley to Newt? Newt's even his character with built in nostalgia AND an uncontrived backstory.

I know that Fox owns ALIEN but what are they going to do tell him no?
I don't think we'd see Cameron near the Aliens series until Ridley finishes his trilogy.

Ridley's as bad as Cameron now - last I read it wasn't supposed to be a trilogy starting with Prometheus - it's supposed to be a trilogy starting with Covenant. Or something.
I don't think we'd see Cameron near the Aliens series until Ridley finishes his trilogy.

I think that Cameron could easily muscle in a true sequel to ALIENS if he really wanted to. Fox can't be happy with the cratering box office of Ridley's extended take on the series.

But of course I agree with you. For a number of reasons there's just no way we'll see Cameron return to this particular franchise. I'm not sure why he even wants to return to Terminator though. He's getting the rights back and could easily just bury T3/TS/Genisys forevermore and only allow T1/T2 to ever be sold for home viewing going forward.
I think that Cameron could easily muscle in a true sequel to ALIENS if he really wanted to. Fox can't be happy with the cratering box office of Ridley's extended take on the series.

Wasn't that basically the film Blomkamp was trying to put out and was scrapped for Ridley's? Yes Cameron would have more value to the studio, but it'd be a slap to the face to let Cameron do it when the previous idea sounded pretty solid, unless they collaborate.
I know that Cameron's ego will no longer let him contribute to properties that he himself didn't create but if he's hellbent on continuing one of his classics with a passing of the torch to a younger leading lady why not go for the low hanging fruit of Ripley to Newt? Newt's even his character with built in nostalgia AND an uncontrived backstory.

I know that Fox owns ALIEN but what are they going to do tell him no?

I agree - it just seems more appropriate to do it with Aliens than Terminator.

With Terminator I only care about Sarah Connor, Kyle Reese and to a lesser extent John Connor. I don't mind seeing another movie now that Linda Hamilton is returning but I am not interested in the slightest in seeing them pass the torch to a new generation.

Saw a 1/4 at my local store. Excellent QC by Neca.
Most unexpectedly received my 1:4 T-800 today. Seems Saturday deliveries will finally be a thing in Ireland.

I can't really do anything with it right now. I'll need to take a hairdryer to it to straighten things out and get his calf joint properly seated which it isn't currently.

That new torso joint feels like it alters his proportions a little bit - his waist now seems skinnier, his thighs closer together. I'm not really sure right now if that's my imagination or if he in fact is slimmed down relative to the proportions of the smaller figures. I'm undecided if it is a good or a bad thing.

Other observations

- they've smoothed his skin thank ****. The 12'' had that sandpaper texture.
- grenades have a nice gold shimmer to them, really love this. Makes the bandolier stand out
- minigun and ammo track thing (proper name isn't coming to me for some reason) look nice. I think the barrels on the minigun can spin (haven't cracked that open yet but I've gripped it through the blister and tried to manipulate them - sure looked like they were moving independently)

On the QC front

-aforementioned calf not seated properly. Hairdryer should fix.
-diaper part of his pants not as shiny as his thighs
-lower arm popped out - it's not broken but the glue keeping the joint up inside the upper arm came undone and just needs to be reglued
-I was initially disgusted at what appeared to be scuffing on his nose - thankfully this was just some sort of waxy residue that came off.
-small little black speck on his chin, not too bothered about that though
-the tiniest of discrepancies in the painting of his eyebrows making one thicker than the other - however I make this sound worse than it actually is. And it would be an easy fix even for me.

It's a funny one. Sometimes I'm looking at this head and thinking it's fine but then 10 seconds later I'm thinking ''Christ, that jaw, that chin''. I think Windrix definitely recognises the distinguishing features of Arnie but he caricatured them a bit here. The lower face seems like it's in a larger scale than the upper face....and then the light catches it from a different angle and I stop noticing it. But the fact that there's any doubt probably means there's an issue there, no smoke without fire.

All-in-all I'm glad I have it though. It'll be cool to have a 1:4 Cyberdyne on display.
Most unexpectedly received my 1:4 T-800 today. Seems Saturday deliveries will finally be a thing in Ireland.

I can't really do anything with it right now. I'll need to take a hairdryer to it to straighten things out and get his calf joint properly seated which it isn't currently.

That new torso joint feels like it alters his proportions a little bit - his waist now seems skinnier, his thighs closer together. I'm not really sure right now if that's my imagination or if he in fact is slimmed down relative to the proportions of the smaller figures. I'm undecided if it is a good or a bad thing.

Other observations

- they've smoothed his skin thank ****. The 12'' had that sandpaper texture.
- grenades have a nice gold shimmer to them, really love this. Makes the bandolier stand out
- minigun and ammo track thing (proper name isn't coming to me for some reason) look nice. I think the barrels on the minigun can spin (haven't cracked that open yet but I've gripped it through the blister and tried to manipulate them - sure looked like they were moving independently)

On the QC front

-aforementioned calf not seated properly. Hairdryer should fix.
-diaper part of his pants not as shiny as his thighs
-lower arm popped out - it's not broken but the glue keeping the joint up inside the upper arm came undone and just needs to be reglued
-I was initially disgusted at what appeared to be scuffing on his nose - thankfully this was just some sort of waxy residue that came off.
-small little black speck on his chin, not too bothered about that though
-the tiniest of discrepancies in the painting of his eyebrows making one thicker than the other - however I make this sound worse than it actually is. And it would be an easy fix even for me.

It's a funny one. Sometimes I'm looking at this head and thinking it's fine but then 10 seconds later I'm thinking ''Christ, that jaw, that chin''. I think Windrix definitely recognises the distinguishing features of Arnie but he caricatured them a bit here. The lower face seems like it's in a larger scale than the upper face....and then the light catches it from a different angle and I stop noticing it. But the fact that there's any doubt probably means there's an issue there, no smoke without fire.

All-in-all I'm glad I have it though. It'll be cool to have a 1:4 Cyberdyne on display.
Thanks for the mini review! Overall I'm feeling like its a pretty solid figure but not something to totally rave about. I guess I'll see for myself when I get mine.

Now let's see some pictures!
Though not accurate to the cyberdyne scene, how does he look with the sun glasses on a-Dev?
It'll be another hour or two before I can open up everything to test. I'm actually not too offended by him without the glasses as it turns out but I'll still give them a whirl of course.
Ohhh I'm buzzing with the possibilities for this now that I've been able to give it a closer look (though I'm going out tonight, still can't really dig in or take pics).

I put the Enterbay sunglasses on him and all of a sudden BOOM - Terminator 2 Arnold Schwarzenegger. Issues with the sculpt disappear. It makes no sense. If the jaw is the problem then why does hiding his eyes help? ''Messes with your head''. But yeah - people will think I'm mad but I would easily take this old NECA sculpt over the clean Enterbay head any day of the week and twice on Judgment Day sorry

So yeah, I think there's real potential here for great kitbashes and customs - using Enterbay parts with this, using the grenade bandolier from this with the Enterbay if one so chooses - I can't speak highly enough of that bandolier, it's beautiful! If I study it hard enough I do find some areas where there's minor bleed of black paint onto the grenade but as I said you have to look for them. Awesome gold shimmer from them and they're the right size proportionally - remember how Hot Toys and Enterbay always undersized the grenades so they could actually fit in the M-79? As a result the Cyberdyne look for those figures never looks quite right. The only thing about these NECA grenades is that they're sculpted as part of the bandolier, there's no removing them.

It remains a bummer about the lack of alternate hands - especially since these hands are easily removed from their ball-joint. No hairdryer necessary. I'm sure there would be some way of using the Enterbay hands with this though, some sort of adaptor that could be fashioned.

Is it heavy? Does it feel like quality or crap.

He's heavy. And I was surprised at how different it feels to hold this figure than the 12'' - obviously the weight but also this guy has a bunch of articulation that the 12'' figure didn't have and so you have parts wobbling under their own weight ever so slightly whereas nothing moved at all on the 12''.

Oh...on a bum note though I think this guy really needs a stand. His ankles aren't supporting him....dunno how Marcus Wright got him to stand.
I want to see pics of these discoveries boi. You're probably one of the few people that actually has both EB Terminators as well as this NECA.

And, no reason this thing couldn't have had flesh hands atleast.