Official NECA Terminator Thread

Collector Freaks Forum

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For starters, after John I'd retire the T-800, T-1000 and Endoskeleton sculpts and make all new ones to retool and rehash variations of. That Endoskeleton needs to be remade from scratch.

I'd actually try and make definitive versions of each character and not half ass them with old parts and janky legs. No reason why the T-800, T-1000 and Kyle Reese shouldn't have double hinged elbows and knees along with a hidden ab crunch. And give the Arnies some fists to punch things with, that's important. He punches a lot in both films.

Kyle has gotten the short end of the stick imo. He got ONE preproposed figure that only holds a shot gun and can't look good doing anything else. Kyle ran, jumped and was a very action oriented character. He didn't just wield a shot gun, he had a pistol, pipe bombs (which I'd argue are more of a signature weapon for him than the shot gun), and a pipe.

Everything A-dev listed is great too. I love the grotesque T-1000 variants. That kind of thing would be right up their alley. Instead of "Ultimates", why not waves that depict a certain scene or a scene pack like the T-1000 vs. the T-800 in the steel mill or T1 Sarah Connor and the Endoskeleton.

You could also do a Kyle Reese (future soldier) which you could make one or two more regular grunts out of, General John Connor and a Franco Columbu T-800 infilitrator (just don't make him to scale, he'd be about as tall as Newt).


*sees Vector's post*


Yeah when I think of T2, I think of the Steel Mill. Imagine last year if they actually had an anniversary Steel Mill wave for T2. Steel Mill T-800 with swappable parts, T-1000 with swappable parts. A bloodied up/wounded Sarah Connor (with T-1000 disguise parts). John Connor with his back pack and accessories.

That's not even that much of a hard-to-do demand when they have 98% of the parts for those first three figures alone.
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Franko. :lol :lol :lol


OMG I can't my side hurts. :lol
Ultimate T-1000 - Motorcycle Cop by scarrviper, on Flickr

I wasn't sure I was going to pick this one up, but I'm glad I did. The paintjob is pretty solid, and the quality control is good as well. I do agree that his legs seem a bit shorter than they should be, and mine does suffer from "one leg longer than the other syndrome" but overall I'm happy.
Ultimate T-1000 - Motorcycle Cop by scarrviper, on Flickr

I wasn't sure I was going to pick this one up, but I'm glad I did. The paintjob is pretty solid, and the quality control is good as well. I do agree that his legs seem a bit shorter than they should be, and mine does suffer from "one leg longer than the other syndrome" but overall I'm happy.

Randy is reading that and saying "DiFabio take your innovation and place it where the sun don't shine". :lol
I am in the process of upgrading my Terminator display shelf to mini dioramas. I recently got an Ultimate Sarah Connor and had all the parts so I started with hers.

A few pics:



