Nuke the fridge not so dumb afterall!

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I agree that the opening sequence could have ended with the rocket train. They could have worked it out that the nuke still happens and it's the rocket train that saves Indy. Then they could still have the visual of Indy and the mushroom cloud (which I know was important to Lucas and Spielberg).

And I like Mister D's idea of having Marion be the one afflicted by the skull. It would have made the whole mission much more grave, personal and important.

But overall I enjoyed KOTCS. I know I'm one of the very few. I thought the campus chase was pretty good, and I LOL'ed at the whole greasers vs preppies fight. I particularly thought the scene where Indy figures out the "key" thing on the obelisk and gets everyone to knock the stones out (and the awesome music accompaniment), and the sequence with the stairs that follows, is great and exactly in the spirit of Raiders.

I continue to say this whenever these KOTCS threads pop up, but I enjoyed it more than LC, and I find it very much in the same spirit of that one--just as silly, light and implausible. My huge disappointment with Indy was back when LC was released, so that movie (and the SW prequels) prepared me for what to expect with this one. I loved Raiders from day one and still do (possibly my number 1 favorite movie of all time), and TOD was a pretty good sequel (but I find it doesn't hold up as well). As I always say, I just see Raiders as the anomaly in the series.
I agree that the opening sequence could have ended with the rocket train. They could have worked it out that the nuke still happens and it's the rocket train that saves Indy. Then they could still have the visual of Indy and the mushroom cloud (which I know was important to Lucas and Spielberg).

And I like Mister D's idea of having Marion be the one afflicted by the skull. It would have made the whole mission much more grave, personal and important.

But overall I enjoyed KOTCS. I know I'm one of the very few. I thought the campus chase was pretty good, and I LOL'ed at the whole greasers vs preppies fight. I particularly thought the scene where Indy figures out the "key" thing on the obelisk and gets everyone to knock the stones out (and the awesome music accompaniment), and the sequence with the stairs that follows, is great and exactly in the spirit of Raiders.

I continue to say this whenever these KOTCS threads pop up, but I enjoyed it more than LC, and I find it very much in the same spirit of that one--just as silly, light and implausible. My huge disappointment with Indy was back when LC was released, so that movie (and the SW prequels) prepared me for what to expect with this one. I loved Raiders from day one and still do (possibly my number 1 favorite movie of all time), and TOD was a pretty good sequel (but I find it doesn't hold up as well). As I always say, I just see Raiders as the anomaly in the series.

When you watch Raiders again, take note of just how little Harrison Ford says. Almost everyone around him - Belloq, Marcus, Marion, Sallah- runs off at the mouth. He hardly says more than a line or two per scene (outside the university).
When you watch Raiders again, take note of just how little Harrison Ford says. Almost everyone around him - Belloq, Marcus, Marion, Sallah- runs off at the mouth. He hardly says more than a line or two per scene (outside the university).

Good observation. He also has a ferocious, angry, intense focus throughout Raiders that you really don't have in the other ones. My friend and I refer to it as his "angriest man in the world" look, especially apparent in the truck chase.
There should have been millions of refrigerators standing after the A-Bomb hit Hiroshima. Lucas killed the whole franchise with this movie.
I can't believe so many people are still hung up on the fridge thing. :lol

Swinging greaser monkeys, terrible Karen Allen performance, horrid pacing/editing in Acts II & III, lack of any real danger... any of these elements is more deserving of disdain. But what do people continually lose their poop over? The nuked fridge... one of the most innocuous things in the whole movie. Do you people go to take a pee every time the plane crash and flying raft sequence in TOD comes on?
I gave up on KOTCS once I seen the Fridge part. So the Monkeys didn't matter to me. But the Flying raft was dumb, but more plausible then the fridge.
I can't believe so many people are still hung up on the fridge thing. :lol

Swinging greaser monkeys, terrible Karen Allen performance, horrid pacing/editing in Acts II & III, lack of any real danger... any of these elements is more deserving of disdain. But what do people continually lose their poop over? The nuked fridge... one of the most innocuous things in the whole movie. Do you people go to take a pee every time the plane crash and flying raft sequence in TOD comes on?

Notice you didn't include Mutt. A lot of fans seem to think the movie was written by and for Shia LeBouf, and his removal would somehow make the film more palatable. And if it isn't him, it's all Lucas's fault. Doesn't matter that Speilberg agreed to the script. Speilberg filmed it. Speilberg put Shia in the film. Speilberg agreed to CGI filled action set pieces.
I actually think people would be surprised by how much of the sets were in fact practical and not CG. Still, it speaks to the over the top nature of the movie that most assume everything was CG, even though they built some massive sets with working gimbals and such and shot much of the movie on location.

On Mutt... I'm not a big Shia LeBoeouf fan. But he was far from one of the main problems with the movie. In fact, other than the sword fighting between cars and the monkey swinging (neither of which were his fault) I really don't have a problem with his character. He actually had some decent chemistry with Ford. And he was better here than in the TRANSFORMERS flicks.
To say nothing of being instantly cooked in the heat wave that heralds the shock wave. He would have boiled to death in there.

It's one of the most lame arsed ideas I've ever seen in flick. Really stupid. :slap

All in all It's not a terrible movie, but when I view it again on TV I can't help but think when you see the tantalizing view of the arc of the covenant that yep, thats just acting as a reminder of past glories and how this affair just doesn't live up to whats gone before.

That's why I also said it had to be moved further away from ground zero. You could still get the shot of Indy looking at a nuke, but keep it far enough away that you could plausibly believe (in not scientifically accept) that a little shelter would protect him.

[ame=""]How Indiana Jones 4 Should Have Ended - YouTube[/ame]
The fridge scene is one of the greatest in history. It was like a film Jesus. Handicapped children were saved from their problems, blind people could see afterwards, babies were born, and concived at the same time the scene was going on.

If you're not with the Fridge...then you're a freezer!!!!
Lucas said scientist are 50/50 on the chance of survial in the fridge. Hope Myth Busters test this one out. They should use Luscas instead of the "Dummy"
I always found it funny that everyone complained about the nuke/fridge scene for how unrealistic or stupid it was. I find the Marion driving over the cliff to be caught by a tree branch to lower them softly into the river to be much MUCH worse. I mean it was even luck that helped them. She ment to do it. Awful just AWFUL!!!!!!!


And she thought it was all a barrell of laughs too. Mortal danger to myself and my son - guffaw guffaw!!!
Good observation. He also has a ferocious, angry, intense focus throughout Raiders that you really don't have in the other ones. My friend and I refer to it as his "angriest man in the world" look, especially apparent in the truck chase.

Yes i know what you mean, in the Raiders truck chase he as such a intense look in his eyes like cold steel. And he seems to be a lot tougher
in Raiders then Crusade.