New Weequay 1/6th head

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Late to the party but wanting to make a background weequay character :S are these headsculpts still available or in circulation?

Also lets see some pics of your completed weequays!
Unsung dissapeared on us a while back. He took our money and did not fill our orders.

Im not sure what to tell you. maybe someone would cast up their copy and send it to you.

Id had forgotten about Unsung. now Im starting to get pissed again for him screwing a bunch of us.
Ahhh I feel like I put my foot in it now - I remember hearing about that now you've mentioned, I just had a spare bith body I was gonna paint brown (with the sculpted hands/arms) and a load of desert scumbag clothes that would make a decent weequay (looks like they re-used the bith hands for the weequay hands in rotj in some screen grabs, or they're just really similar). I don't wanna hassle anyone about recasts so I might just leave it be
I have the original version he did (see below)... it's a bit larger than the new sculpt, but still might work for your purposes. You can just have it if you want it as I switched it out for the new sculpt :duff

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Yeah, I managed to get a new Weequay head from him before it all went South. NOt sure I would do a good job on casting it, and it's on a figure (and yes, I used the Hasbro Bith hands.)

I just read through the Hurricane Vaderville thread - odd how so many talented customizers go the same way. Build up following then go a bit quiet, then out come stories of sickness, then gone. Another thread I read was Boot25 - same.

I actually came up with some details on Unsung and briefly posted it, exchanged PM's with Dorgmal (who sort of knew him) then pulled the post. Long before I knew about Freaks, I bought the old Weeq head off Unsung on eBay - didn't make the connection and finally put two and two together. There were some issues that came up on that sale and I saw some things online at the time, so made me think this has happened at least once before.
If this guy really took everyone's money I would be happy to recast it for those whom lost out Provding they covered the cost of shipping!
Ahhh I feel like I put my foot in it now - I remember hearing about that now you've mentioned, I just had a spare bith body I was gonna paint brown (with the sculpted hands/arms) and a load of desert scumbag clothes that would make a decent weequay (looks like they re-used the bith hands for the weequay hands in rotj in some screen grabs, or they're just really similar). I don't wanna hassle anyone about recasts so I might just leave it be

Dont feel bad man, wasnt my intention. I was lucky enough to get my headsculpts from him, I just lost out on a couple weapons and sets of hands. These things happen, what can you do. :dunno

Here are some pics of my Weequays...



I may have a spare head of the new sculpt, unpainted lying around. I will check when I get home from work. Since we all got jammed by this guy, I would have no problem sending it to someone to cast up for those who didnt get one. I cant cast, or I would do it for everyone. Anyways, just let me know. :)
That red and blue one looks fantastic, so does the other, but seeing one not easily seen on screen (or even a made up off screen 1) gives you a weird kinda double take as to whether its a guy dressed up or not haha.

I guess this is gonna be my WIP one then -


Now seeing the good job that can be done with it, I may put more effort in. This was an attempt to recycle this bith body, as im currently obsessed with replacing every star wars figure body with a TT slim (whats worse is the ones I find are all from characters portrayed by johnny depp - this could be a psychosis :lol)
I just lost out on a couple weapons and sets of hands.

Yep, me too. hate being reminded of this as it was the first time I got burned... by a forum member after hearing many stories.

Strangely, he sent me the new head and a full outfit... I'm just out the additional money i sent for the hands and weapon set. Still haven't finished my Weequay because of the lack of hands and no staff/vibro-ax.

I think I can figure out the hands, but I really, really wanted a vibro-ax.
Thanks Mort, here is what I based the red/blue Weequay off. He is the one that Luke pulls out of the Sail Barge...


I know Wor-Gar, the first time I got screwed too here on the boards.

The hands are an easy fix. It would have been nice to have some vibro-axes. Not to push anything else onto Duane, but I do know he was working on some axes. He is pretty busy these days with work and school, so they may be a ways off.
This thread still makes me sad/mad. I had pre-paid for two painted heads, sets of hands, and vibroaxes. I remember that some people got the heads (I was not one of those fortunate few) and no one got the hands or axes....very, very disheartening.

Maybe some kind soul can eventually help make this mess a little less, um, messy? It would be sooo appreciated. I know Duane is a good guy and I know that he is super busy; I am in the exact same boat (I miss spending time on the customs threads). Certainly no rush on my end, but it would be nice to have a sense of closure at last...

Thanks Mort, here is what I based the red/blue Weequay off. He is the one that Luke pulls out of the Sail Barge...


I know Wor-Gar, the first time I got screwed too here on the boards.

The hands are an easy fix. It would have been nice to have some vibro-axes. Not to push anything else onto Duane, but I do know he was working on some axes. He is pretty busy these days with work and school, so they may be a ways off.
I have a mod of the new version if you want one. Since he went south with my money I have no problem selling his heads, lost a lot on this one.
I picked up one of these heads already painted on eBay not too far back. Guess I was lucky not to be taken advantage of. Sorry to all you guys who did. If anyone would want a cast, just hit me up.
I picked up one of these heads already painted on eBay not too far back. Guess I was lucky not to be taken advantage of. Sorry to all you guys who did. If anyone would want a cast, just hit me up.

Lets see the head. We should start a new thread on the Weequay.
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Here it is. In all it's Weequay glory.

The sculpt is great on the new one, not a huge fan of the braids he added anyway (very frizzy, not straight,) so no loss there for anyone getting a casting of it. It also has really basic paint ops, so easy enough to match.

I like the old Weeq head he did, but it is a little oversize and this new sculpt is definitely better and the one to have.
What bodies have you got your weequays on? I was going to go with a TT slim for a genuine skinny 70s (well.. 80s by then) guy in an alien suit feel, But I've ran out. Wondering if a standard TT body would do - They do tend to be a bit athletic looking with broad shoulders though

edit: I'm thinking of finding another TT slim or maybe a TT narrow, any ideas?
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Done a quick mockup with a TT slim and a Bith head - really pleased. What started as an effort to stop another ssc body going to waste has resulted in me purchasing another TT slim -_- thats about 8 discarded SSC bodies I have in the bits drawer now lol!





A lot better proportions in person, + he even stands up without any ankle pegs (on ssc body, constantly falling over hmm)

bonus material from the experiment:


you CAN'T unsee that, :nana:

Btw instead of the bith head, thats where the weequay head is gonna go. Might change outfit around a bit also (isn't a movie star weequay, just a random alien scumbag)