New Star Wars Hot Toys?

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Why would they? I mean they might in the future but Sideshow's are gonna be pretty damn hard to beat IMO.
Han Solo would be nice but his costume design would be very simple for a $220 price tag.

I like the combination of realistic head sculpt and the complexities of costume tailoring (ie. Jack Sparrow, 89 Joker, Sweeny Todd etc)

Note: I am not putting down a Han Solo........
I think EP 3 Anakin would translate very well to a DX.

Imagine a facial expression of Anakin on the platform on Mustafar before he and Obi Wan go too town!!!
When will Hot Toys start making clone commanders?

Since Hot Toys do Sideshow's armored figures anyway, I doubt we'll see any under the Hot Toys brand.

Regarding Han, he's one character you'd be able to do all his incarnations in a DX version - just throw in Ep V jacket and Ep VI trenchcoat.

I'd still like to see an Ep IV Luke with farmboy/X-wing/Rebel outfits (and maybe Stormtrooper armor too!)
Most of SSC's troopers would be hard to beat, a nice Han or Chewie maybe, I can't imagine me buying a DX Maul or Palps, a DX Anakin & Obi-Wan possibly if they had switch out portraits but then I'm not convinced....Really I don't see that many opportunities in the SW line which SSC can't offer
hot toys anakin yes please

hot toys han solo ANH please
bespin? possibly if the sculpt is spot on
aotc padme im be in for that
dooku yeah why not

love hot toys paint work but ssc have raised their game
I'm figuring the EP II fig might be Mace Windu. HT seems to have the Sam Jackson sculpt down!

The one figure i'm keeping my hopes up for is a HT Darth Maul!!
OK, in the interview HT already confirmed the rumor that they can only make figures Sideshow has already done, so that means if it's from Episode II it will be Obi-Wan, Aayla Secura or Mace Windu. As Josh says, it wouldn't make sense to do Clones...
We shall see!