New jack nicholson "the shining" figure!!!

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No tracks, no trace, no liability. Maybe they'll come back under a different guise, just when we least suspect it. There's alot of industrial espionage happening in them factories. Everyone's after a buck. They've done well to hide under the radar so far. It would only take one person to take a bribe to cause strife.
No tracks, no trace, no liability. Maybe they'll come back under a different guise, just when we least suspect it. There's alot of industrial espionage happening in them factories. Everyone's after a buck. They've done well to hide under the radar so far. It would only take one person to take a bribe to cause strife.

Very good points and besides even the Shining figure came out of nowhere. Heres hoping.
F of evil. Pm me if u have a problem with me and i'll discussIt withUr wife 2nite after i ..... Her.
Damn. :banghead I've missed the start of speak like a pirate day didn't I. :banghead

Arre me hearties, where be the hornbuckles of me fine fancy foot wear. Once I be in character I'll find that the rest be comin' much easier. Arrggh :arr
You guys are all crazy! I got my subway 3w-detective last week, he is just as good as their jack, and no he is not incomplete, everything is there.
Hey guys, just thought I will lighten up the mood on this board....

Guess what? I just sold my custom Colossus figure in NZ and a client asked me to do a custom paint job on his model! :D And they are paying me $200 USD in total for the two figures. This means the $200 I spent on the Subway Jack is paid for!! :lol Happy times
Great thread... love it when we take these kind of turns :lol

And you made the right choice Shin... the Shining Jack is overall a much cooler figure than the Bank Robber Joker. Also, with the DX version coming soon I expect the already low prices of the Bank Robber figure to drop even more :lecture
Cheers galactiboy. I am just very very glad that we are getting a quality figure from the SHINING, I missed out on the CRM version but I am glad that I got this one.

I hope the DX Joker turns out as nice looking as the prototype. I don't mind the wait, as long as we are getting a quality figure. As for BR Joker, there are stll tons of them on sale on ebay, I will wait it out until the DX version comes out then hopefully the price will drop a bit too.

To those who have the Subway Jack in hand, how good/bad is the paint quality on your figure? In some of the photos the paint app seems very crisp/sharp, while in other photos, his eyes/hair appear a little bit sloopy.

Cheers galactiboy. I am just very very glad that we are getting a quality figure from the SHINING, I missed out on the CRM version but I am glad that I got this one.

Feel good about missing out on the CRM... the Subway version is the clear winner IMO, my comparison shots:


Hi glctiboy: Yup, yup, the Subway one is def the clear winner here. Do you still have the CRM one? I think you should still keep that, it is still a nice little piece of toy history and if I remember correctly, the CRM box was pretty wicked!!

Hi Evilface, I will do a repaint of both heads when I get them. I was showing the prototype photos of Jack to a few of my friends last night and some of them were shocked to find out that it was actually a toy.
I bought this figure MIB and i can't wait to get it :D

I also made some stuff for it.

Roque mallet, unpainted tennis ball, unpainted stopwatch, his novel, his handkerchief and a bottle of vodka ( from the dead street prophet).

The timer, handkercheif and roque mallet are all things from the book. The Roque mallet isn't finished yet, it needs some blood and some pink fluff from wendy's dressing gown