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Man, it's hilarious to read all the hyperbolic knee-jerk reactions here!!

That Comic figure looks pretty sweet, don't know who it is though! :lol
Scarecrow looks great, so does "Freaky" Bats, but it's indeed an odd choice... I think it'll sell well...

And MJ, the pic is terrible, so I'll wait for better pics,
but regardless, I'll get it!!

Now, my question is this,
Why are these figures labeled as 10th anniversary exclusives?
They won't be widely available here or what??...
What the hell does that mean. If it looks like crap you'll buy it anyway? :lol
No, it means that unlike a lot of people here, I've learned to wait for better pictures before crying like a baby...
So far HT hasn't let me down, so... I'm sure it WON'T look like crap...
I will get it regardless of this crappy pic... was it really that complicated to understand?:dunno...

its a character called "the friend" from a japanese manga called 20th century boys. He's the leader of a fanatic cult. A great read if you can find the books.

Thanks for the info!!:hi5:
It's funny how some people think HT should just focus only on western properties... :lol
No, it means that unlike a lot of people here, I've learned to wait for better pictures before crying like a baby...
So far HT hasn't let me down, so... I'm sure it WON'T look like crap...
I will get it regardless of this crappy pic... was it really that complicated to understand?:dunno...


Yeah because you made it seem like regardless of how it looks you'll buy it. What if by some strange occurrence it's horrible, completely awful?

I agree with you about waiting for better pics, but that's not even what I commented on.
Thanks for the info!!:hi5:
It's funny how some people think HT should just focus only on western properties... :lol

Yeah, I also think HT should venture into properties other than western pop culture, but I can see manga is not something that will be a big money maker for them with what the competition is pumping out.
I admit I'm not familiar wit the Manga character, but I'm told he is called "FRIEND” from the Japanese Manga (comic) “20th Century Boys”, the created by Naoki Urasawa and is HUGELY POPULAR in Japan, he’s like the “GOD of Manga”!

Looks like the wait for Neo continues!

And I thought Eichiro Oda is the current God in Japanese manga :lol Anyways, this seems like a new start for HT CMIIW. They're now covering comic characters. Hopefully we'll get One Piece figures with interchangeable clothes etc.:pray::pray::pray:

Now where is that spoon? :mad:

Yeah because you made it seem like regardless of how it looks you'll buy it.
Nope, I'm pretty sure I was talking about the crappy picture...

What if by some strange occurrence it's horrible, completely awful?
Doesn't matter, the outfit alone will make it worthy for me...
I have plenty of extra Thriller heads to use on it if it's indeed terrible...

I agree with you about waiting for better pics, but that's not even what I commented on.

And that's exactly what I was commenting about... the knee-jerk reaction over a crappy pic... I've seen it here in the boards for a long time now with pretty much every release...

Now where is that spoon? :mad:

The spoon is obviously an artifact found, keeping with the "M" theory someone posted earlier, in the Forbidden Zone by Maurice Evans and Roddy McDowell.
YES!! Forbidden Zone Dr. Zaius and Cornelius are on the way!!
And lets not forget, also keeping with the "M" theory, the book was originally titled Monkey Planet
AND.... Planet of the Apes is HUGE in Japan. :monkey3

Hey, a guy can dream, can't he?
And I thought Eichiro Oda is the current God in Japanese manga :lol Anyways, this seems like a new start for HT CMIIW. They're now covering comic characters. Hopefully we'll get One Piece figures with interchangeable clothes etc.:pray::pray::pray:

Now where is that spoon? :mad:

One Piece is awesome, but Urasawa's works are on a whole different level. Check out Monster or Pluto. Both great mangas/anime.
All the hype and speculation...out the window. Only one people got right was MJ.

True LOL :lol i would have prefer a Jim Gordon and Alfred than this, but Scarecrow is ok probably we will see a Liam Neeson Ra's :monkey1
HT should stop the vague and cryptic teasers - sets up failure for when what is teased fails to meet the hyped expectations of fans.

And as has been stated, 20th Century Boys is big in Japan, and aren't they HT's biggest market (or biggest outside HK/PRC)? HT is now big enough to tackle a variety of licenses - I personally don't see the need for getting so worked up when they put out something you don't want (smacks a bit of the sense of entitlement so common in society these days) - HT will (sooner than you think) put out something people will love. Now turn those frowns upside down.
What the hell is up with people's strange obsession with secondary characters? Alfred and Gordon over the likes of a Keaton Batman, Scarecrow and Demon Batman? What the hell?

I'm surprised people aren't up in arms about it not being Rachel.
What the hell is up with people's strange obsession with secondary characters? Alfred and Gordon over the likes of a Keaton Batman, Scarecrow and Demon Batman? What the hell?

I'm surprised people aren't up in arms about it not being Rachel.

Its because these characters are important to people and because, like the way the Star Wars figure line is run, these secondary characters - if they are to be made at all - cannot be left till last. There has to be something else more important left to follow them where fans who are on the fence will say 'OK, wasn't majorly pushed but I might aswell get him while I wait for the big one'. Thats the theory I'm going with anyway.

So when people don't see these secondary characters happening before the more obvious ones it doesn't bode well. Like the situation of young John in the T2 line. If BD T-800 is the next figure we see we can pretty much rule out a young John completely.
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Now that thing is just stupid. I have no idea what it is and I don't care. I hope it sells miserably.

I'm with you on this. I was like, "w..... t..... f.....?" :slap

Just being honest. I know I'm not in the minority. ____ that guy.


Did a search for Friend and still can't figure out who that SOB is.

Preach on!

I don't care how popular that manga is, that thing looks plain stupid. Oh well, I guess I'll save some money for now... I would have been all in for a Matrix license, and buy each and every release. I'm dying for a Neo, Smith and Morpheus (w/samurai sword from the second movie, especially).

No interest in Batman Begins/Dark Knight figures. One day I think I'd like a DX Joker, but that's probably about it. I would probably have gotten an '89 Keaton Batman and CERTAINLY gotten any and all Kick-Ass figures, if that was an option. But an ultra-expensive two-pack with that Bat-thing? No thanks. Nice as an exclusive, but not interested.

Even the MJ looks disappointing. I probably wouldn't have gotten him even if it looked awesome (the Thriller version is enough for me), but still, it's sad to see such a crappy pic.

Like I said, probably good to save some money, but disappointing overall.
Hot Toys are here for the long run, people demand stuff like if does not get made now it's never going to come in the future. There were a lot of people warning not to get your hopes up for a Keaton Batman and a Neo. Don't worry, 2012 is a load of codswallop, Hot Toys will still hopefully be here for a long time
What the hell is up with people's strange obsession with secondary characters? Alfred and Gordon over the likes of a Keaton Batman, Scarecrow and Demon Batman? What the hell?

I'm surprised people aren't up in arms about it not being Rachel.
Wait, I'm confused. You saying Demon Batman should be more important to collectors than Gordon? And that Scarecrow is more of a core character in the films than Gordon?

I've not been clamoring for Gordon (though I would buy him), but he's an important character in the Batman mythos and arguably the 2nd most important character in the films. I think Scarecrow works better as an action figure, but I can completely understand people wanting a new, important character over the demon Bats that had about 15 seconds of screen-time.