Neill Blomkamp's Elysium

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Heard it sends a strong message that could take you out of the movie is this true?
If you can't separate yourself from your own politics and just accept the film's message as what it is, I suppose.

It's heavy, and blunt in places....but it's a science fiction blockbuster. It has to be dumbed down for the audiences to get. But there is a story there. It ain't the greatest story, mind you. But it's fun. It's just a fun movie, really. It's no District 9.
I saw it more toward the heath care thing. The rich get the better heath care, the poor get **** health care.

I didn't pick up on that at all. But then again, I wasn't looking.
Well the ending you could see coming a mile away...ugh. This may be the worst summer movie season I can recall. Other than Mud, which is outstanding, this has been a pitiful Summer in theaters.
What an awful movie. It has been a while since I've seen so many cliches and tropes packed into one film.

Jodie Foster was dreadful - every line of her dialogue made me cringe, and forget about seeing any of the other villains show an ounce of humanity. Matt Damon was cool but pretty forgettable, your average likable ex-con, who really shows no human flaws other than the exposition of him being a past criminal.

By the end of it I was yearning for the credits to start rolling, but they insisted on showing more flashbacks of the children as if it was some sort of revelation. I just wanted it to end.

Some of the slow motion shots were pretty bad *** though, like the first action scene where they needed to get the info from William Fichtner.

Just another forgettable and entirely predictable movie in a lackluster summer of films.
Heard it sends a strong message that could take you out of the movie is this true?

all that stuff is just fine, it's the over use of the SAME flashback and the over active camera that bring this film down. We don't need to see Max (main character) sitting on a swing talking to a nun three or so different times telling him the same thing.

I felt the health care and immigration stuff was well used. I don't connect things like that in films with things happening in real life, so it didn't bother me like it did some people, it's film and I only observed them as such. This isn't a documentary and those things are just plot devices to get our characters from point A to point B and they were done just fine.

It's kind of like Cameron with Avatar, alot of people can't stand how it beats you over the head with the be good to nature stuff, but I like it because they're just plot devices to me that get us from point A to point B, and they were well used to set up and develop the characters. But I much prefer Avatar as Camerons method of getting from point A to point B is much more enjoyable to watch for me, but that's just me.
Box Office Mojo:

Still, it is disappointing that it fell so far short of District 9, and a weak "B" CinemaScore suggests its long-term prospects aren't strong. It will likely fall short of $100 million at the domestic box office, which would make it the fourth expensive Sony movie this Summer to miss that mark (along with After Earth, White House Down and The Smurfs 2).
Saw it today I liked it not great but good.
Enjoyed Damon in it IMO district 9 was a better film .

Sharlto Copley is awesome he was intense love that type of villian overall I enjoyed it .
Predictable, but enjoyable. I really liked coply as kruger, i think he did a great job playing a villian. The cinemetography bugged me as much in this one as it did district 9 sometimes, the we made a great world and robots, but we're going to shake the camera so much you miss a good chunk of it, i see the point to add realism, but I think it was overdone. At least it wasn't 3d. Overall, a solid 7/10, as others here said, good, but not great.
Well, I enjoyed it quite a bit. From a visual and design aspect it was amazing... I love seeing Syd Mead's work come to life. The story and message (I guess you could call it that) was a little heavy handed, but didn't bother me. I thought Damon was really good and Foster was okay, but she did remind me of Vickers from Prometheus. And of course, the Kruger was just insane... Although I did have a hard time understanding him. :lol

Overall I just enjoyed it for being a gritty sci-fi movie. There are too few of them.

Oh, and I wish it was in 3D.
Really liked it. It wasn't as amazing as District 9 but its a definite bluray purchase and I'll buy some Collectibles made by Weta.