NECA: Alien Movie Franchise Figures

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Roger, no throne reference. Giant prolapsed uterus it is. I will use this in any and all formal communications with NECA on the subject :D

i don't see any throne reference here. well i guess i didn't get the idea :)
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Hmmm, the answer to this was 'no chance'

Any chance you guys will release screaming face variants of Vasquez and Frost similar to Hicks and Hudson? Love those :)

That's kinda disappointing to hear - not that I need an alternate face for Frost, guy didn't survive long enough to even raise his voice (apart from when he was in flames) - but a ''Lets Rock'' face for Vasquez would have been nice. It also makes me worried for the possibility of more marine variants generally. It bugs me that we don't have an Ops battle Hicks or neutral-faced helmeted versions of Hicks and Hudson etc. In addition to feeling that the quality on the Hicks and Hudson figures just wasn't as good as they perhaps could have been - bad paint and wobbly joints and so forth.
Hmmm, the answer to this was 'no chance'

That's kinda disappointing to hear - not that I need an alternate face for Frost, guy didn't survive long enough to even raise his voice (apart from when he was in flames) - but a ''Lets Rock'' face for Vasquez would have been nice. It also makes me worried for the possibility of more marine variants generally. It bugs me that we don't have an Ops battle Hicks or neutral-faced helmeted versions of Hicks and Hudson etc. In addition to feeling that the quality on the Hicks and Hudson figures just wasn't as good as they perhaps could have been - bad paint and wobbly joints and so forth.
Ultimate Hicks and Hudson would be nice indeed.
I wonder if They do a "weapons pack"; several helmets with/without optics ( hicks, Hudson, newt, Apone/Windrix) a dead face hugger on a shotgun, probably a couple of turrets for the die hard fans.

Other then that I am worried about "we got all the major characters" line. It's safe to assume that the rest of the crew would be exclusives. If It would be financially feasible for Neca to do them that is. I prefer at least having Drake. Al is not available, no problem I'll just buy another Windrix and customize him. Drake on the other hand is not easy to make.
Ultimate Hicks and Hudson would be nice indeed.
I wonder if They do a "weapons pack"; several helmets with/without optics ( hicks, Hudson, newt, Apone/Windrix) a dead face hugger on a shotgun, probably a couple of turrets for the die hard fans.

Other then that I am worried about "we got all the major characters" line. It's safe to assume that the rest of the crew would be exclusives. If It would be financially feasible for Neca to do them that is. I prefer at least having Drake. Al is not available, no problem I'll just buy another Windrix and customize him. Drake on the other hand is not easy to make.

For Apone use the Booker T wrestler head from Mattel. Looks just like him. Have to remove the dread locks. Your right, Drake could be a challenge. image.jpgimage.jpg
Well that's your opinion. Comes closer than most customs out there, that's my opinion.'s a very nice custom, but you can't just por any guy with dark skin and a moustache and say that looks just like him. That's kinda racist. Sorry if I offended you, it's really not my intention to do so :)

Sent from my ALE-L23 using Tapatalk's a very nice custom, but you can't just por any guy with dark skin and a moustache and say that looks just like him. That's kinda racist. Sorry if I offended you, it's really not my intention to do so :)

Sent from my ALE-L23 using Tapatalk
Let me get this straight. Using an African American to portray another African American is racists? Maybe you could suggest a Caucasian in its place. But that would be black face, and definitely racist. This has to be the stupidest comment I've read on the internet all morning. Good job.
i understand you both and you don't understand each other :slap

Yup. Totally.

I think you both make fair points. As a customizer myself, I know it can be a no-win situation. In the world of "found heads" getting 'close-enough' is the best we can aim for. Until a sculptor tackles 1/10th scale (highly unlikely) it is a very very limited pool of resources we are working with and 'perfect' is impossible.

Sure, you can't just throw anything on there and expect everyone to love it, but knowing the limitations, you must also understand that criticism without offering a better solution toes the line of simply 'bashing'. Most of the criticism in this board is toward a specific goal (demanding more of the sculptor or suggesting better materials/products that actually exist). Better 'found heads' may not exist, so putting down someone's choices can be off-putting, to say the least.
I can think of alot of commercially produced head sculpts that look nothing like their character ( unfortunately several by NECA, Diehard Bruce Willis, Sin City Jessica Alba, Queen from the 300, Diamond Select Terry Cruse Expendables, etc )

I looked for a long time for a " found head" but nothing that I liked enough to try ( Al Simmons Spawn , Terry Cruse, Modified Sam Jackson and so on ) until I used the same head ( after contacting Kenernest63a, through Figure Realm). Even the Booker T heads produced by the same company look different !

I altered the head with some apoxie to make his nose bridge straighter and more defined cheek bones.

So someone using a "found head" that is as close as possible to the character, to serve the purpose...............................Where is the problem ?
jokes aside, this proves that a queen forms the eggs inside the sack and not inside her body (because in the middle of it they are still not ready to be laid, as they look like bird eggs without the cover), so A3 theories of a queen laying an egg without an apparatus for it are wrong. which was the purpose i made these shots for years ago.
You are my hero. :clap

Let me get this straight. Using an African American to portray another African American is racists? Maybe you could suggest a Caucasian in its place. But that would be black face, and definitely racist. This has to be the stupidest comment I've read on the internet all morning. Good job.
Hey man, you can't take Yahzee too seriously. He likes Alien 3 and Resurrection, after all. :wink1:

Nice custom, by the way. Might have to try that myself.
Didn't see that part of P.'s post. It's true it was a bit of a stretch with those eggs. There's been other suggestions that she was physically holding them on her person somewhere but that's also ridiculous. The only other option is that a warrior planted them on the dropship without being seen before Ripley and Hicks even made it on board - equally absurd for many reasons. No way around it really. Alien 3 shouldn't have happened as it did.

And yet...I still like the film. It still feels the closest in tone and retained a certain fear factor about the Alien that was gone with Alien Resurrection and anything thereafter.
Didn't see that part of P.'s post. It's true it was a bit of a stretch with those eggs. There's been other suggestions that she was physically holding them on her person somewhere but that's also ridiculous. The only other option is that a warrior planted them on the dropship without being seen before Ripley and Hicks even made it on board - equally absurd for many reasons. No way around it really. Alien 3 shouldn't have happened as it did.

And yet...I still like the film. It still feels the closest in tone and retained a certain fear factor about the Alien that was gone with Alien Resurrection and anything thereafter.
It's all contextual. Xenomorphs are really good at stalking unarmed, frightened civilians in enclosed environments. Anyone else, not so much. :)
NECA ‏@NECA_TOYS · 4h4 hours ago

NECA Retweeted

Might have something much bigger in mind...

NECA added,

@NECA_TOYS can we get a peek at the vasquez packaging on friday?