NECA 1/4 scale predator

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Shin, I don't think the ankles would be able to hold the weight of this guy if they had more articulation. It seems some people have issues with them with the limited articulation there already.

Good point Natrix, I have thought of that but it would have been nice to have more articulation at the ankles, they could include a simple base/stand to hold them and keep them from falling. But I suppose that would increase the production and shipping cost.

-Seam on the mask.

-the netting is made of thin plastic material and not fabric. It seems very fragile, I’m trying not to handle them too much. Pay attention when posing your Predator guys, make sure you don’t pull/stretch the netting too much.

-the articulation could be better - the ankle joints could have more range.

-Paint job on the armour could be more metallic and less plastic. Also, take care while posing your figures guys, the paint can jam the joints. The small ball joint of the shoulder cannon snapped right off when I was putting it on his “backpack” .

Overall, I am a very happy and proud owner of the three awesome ¼ Predators and my 1/6 Hot Toys Original Predator. Despite some small quality and articulation issues, these ¼ NECA Predators are really impressive and beautiful display pieces! Well done NECA and thank you for making them!

I'm suprised you didn't mention that this isn't even 1/4. I keep calling it the KPH stunt double cause this won't look good next to most 1/4 pieces except for Neca's so called other 1/4 scale pieces. That's the biggest dissapointment for me.
I forgot I had One pre-ordered with BBTS and Got a charge just the other day!! it is on its way, should get mine is the Open Mouth version
so whats the actual 1/4 size for this?

this pappo and that Maquette isn't even standing up straight :lecture

So i was sat watching Dodgeball then i got a sudden urge to mod my Predators bio mask. Everybody was in bed so i couldnt use a hair dryer to weaken the glue. And i didnt have a sharp enough knife to cut off the excess "lip" so i could lower the visor. Long story short i used my fingers to pry off the visor and i "Bit the lip" and ripped off the excess with my teeth! and this is the result...




Yeah a hairdryer and a sharp knife would of been easier but as i couldnt use either tooth n' nail did.

I don't know what it is about this picture, perhaps the lighting, but it's ridiculous how much it resembles a screenshot from the film itself!

Well done.:clap

You get double points for doing the mod grunt-style, who needs fancy shmancy hair dryers and exacto knives when you've got your fingers and teeth lol. :)
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Is it just me or does it look a bit crooked?
Yep it is every so slightly. I didnt mean to and i can fix it but when i look at this


There seems to also be a bit of a slope leading the brow to favor the right side more (or mouth to be a bit left?) All though it could be my eyes playing tricks on me. The mask nor its recasts have never been perfectly symmetrical so ill use that as my excuse if im too lazy to fix it in the future :monkey5
Well the 1:3 scale cinemaquette is way bigger than the SS maquette. I always thought the SS maquette was in accurate 1:4 scale.

Uh, I've read that the SS Maquette is actually in between 1:4 and 1:3, is this true?

If so..

I've never heard that before. The CM version is a lot bigger, as seen. Even though the SS maquette isn't standing up straight, it's pretty clear that the scales of both those pieces are accurate. Neca's is in between 1:4 and 1:5 from the looks of it, so if anyone can pose this Neca Pred next to a Marvel 1:5 piece for pics, maybe we can see how it looks next to one of those to get a better idea of its true scale.
So i was sat watching Dodgeball then i got a sudden urge to mod my Predators bio mask. Everybody was in bed so i couldnt use a hair dryer to weaken the glue. And i didnt have a sharp enough knife to cut off the excess "lip" so i could lower the visor. Long story short i used my fingers to pry off the visor and i "Bit the lip" and ripped off the excess with my teeth! and this is the result...




Yeah a hairdryer and a sharp knife would of been easier but as i couldnt use either tooth n' nail did.

LOL holy crap man you used your teeth? Man you did a nice job here.
I finally fixed my bio, was nervous as all hell doing it too lol...




l found out tonight that if you use a razer and trim the bottom of the lenses, the gap is even less after doing that. l am still tweeking mine before l finally glue the top on. just a suggestion if you haven't glued yet because you might be able to close it up a bit more.
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