NECA 1/4 scale predator

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Well, one thing is certain, I won't be placing these guys up too high and over hard wood.

I'm considering surrounding the entire area where they'll be going with pillows.
Tankman, how about bugging Randy about making a stand for these guys? I wouldn't imagine they would cost more than $10-15 for one, and sounds like it would be worth buying.
bug him daily ,on getting us an aliens alien queen made.
i know you can and would do her justice, mcfarlane's one makes me sick ,still till this day.

Just think how I felt working there at the time and seeing them do what they did. They knew how much I wanted to sculpt it but I was told hardy any fan would know the difference from mine to what they sculpted. One of the many things that made me tell myself time to move on. I'm glad I did because my job there would be history 7 years later anyway when Todd got rid of all his sculptors.
bug him daily ,on getting us an aliens alien queen made.
i know you can and would do her justice, mcfarlane's one makes me sick ,still till this day.

yeah, I would really Love to own an Aliens Queen, yet I don't :(
I don't want to pay that much for a sculpture and I just havent seen a good one done that I can buy

seeing this Pred, if Neca Decided to make a 1/4 Queen alien I wouldn't mind paying 100 bucks or more, even if it comes in pieces to put together like the alien figure, that would so totally rule....
All these Suicide Predators are worrying me! Im going to need to fashion some kind of stand or tie P1 to something.

the predator has peg holes in the bottom of his feet, so he could be pegged to a wooden base. you can find round sticks and wood boads shaped and cut different sizes at hobby lobby to use for pegs and a base.
that's what i'm thinking of doing.
Tankman, how about bugging Randy about making a stand for these guys? I wouldn't imagine they would cost more than $10-15 for one, and sounds like it would be worth buying.

We were going to consider this at first because the first test shots didn't stand. The second third batch test shots never fall so we thought we were good to go. Just be kind of careful when you get yours.
Just think how I felt working there at the time and seeing them do what they did. They knew how much I wanted to sculpt it but I was told hardy any fan would know the difference from mine to what they sculpted. One of the many things that made me tell myself time to move on. I'm glad I did because my job there would be history 7 years later anyway when Todd got rid of all his sculptors.

mcfarlanes looked more like a dinosuar then the alien queen, i bought it when it came out, but i didn't keep it long.
i hope and pray neca decides to give you the go ahead, and she finally gets made in all her glory.
Here are some pics I just took. Hopefully, it'll give you guys a better idea as to how solid this figure is. Overall I am very pleased with it.

Excellent pictures! Seeing your has definitely made me doubt my 1st critique of these figures. In your pictures, there's no sign of "toy-like" gloss or strange green coloring like I saw in other pictures.
I think the best thing for me to do is just wait until I get mine in-hand and make my final assessment. But for now, I'll enjoy your amazing pictures. :clap
mcfarlanes looked more like a dinosuar then the alien queen, i bought it when it came out, but i didn't keep it long.
i hope and pray neca decides to give you the go ahead, and she finally gets made in all her glory.

It looked cool but just not the Queen from Aliens. The Queen is the last of my top 4 figures I've wanted a crack at. I'm thinking about Alien 3 also even though the movie for me was a big let down back in the day. I know fans want it and it's a really cool Alien. I saw the two SS figures of it and thought WOW it really is a great design. I need to get off my butt and get the SS Queen.
I'm sorry but I had to say something.

You guys can be sarcastic and neca fanboys all you want towards me but that doesn't change the facts one little bit. Neca screwed us again and that huge gap in the mask just adds insult to injury and thats not good enough in my opinion. Not good enough at all and you guys drink it up like it coke when it's mountain dew, its not even Pepsi. The netting looks terrible because it the wrong shape and part sculpted and part cheap fruit bag and takes away a major part of what it could have been.

You realize that all of us are simple predator collectors, not HT / NECA fanboys right? :dunno Oh, and the mask? Remember, this is an $80 toy, not a high end collectible. The netting looks fine, seriously... at least it isn't that thick ropey substance on the HT figure.

It bad enough that the alleged sculptor is in this thread stirring up hate with his comments about everything else being inferior to his perfect creation and gloating about his quality compared to them but that is so obviously not true. Its just laughably delusional. The horrible joints that only allow for the predator to stand with it bowed legs that look nothing like the way the predator in the movie gracefully moved just limits the possibilities for even basic dynamic poses. You are pretty much limited to having three lumber 19" figures all standing around with different arm positions and the right arm cant even make its way over to touch the wrist computer.

You do realize that this is more accurate than ever other PREDATOR figure on the market, right? So in that respect yes, all others are inferior to this. Paint is completely subjective so if you like it, good for you!, if you don't; don't purchase one.
The joints aren't "horrible", and they actually work well. This thing weighs seven pounds and can stand on it's own two feet - a figure with poor joints at that weight couldn't do that. And, check some previous pages or the "Predator franchise figures" thread; saying that these can not achieve dynamic poses is simply ignorant.
Yeah, the arm can't reach the wrist computer, what a deal braker :monkey4

Thigh cut joints look terrible if you rotate them. It just looks cheap and wrong even though they only cost 80 each but who cares how much they cost when they are basically just a statue with useless joints. People are already saying these things are top heavy and prone to falling because neca did the same old and used the horrible joins for the feet. And if you rotate them the figure has even less stability. No neca hasnt learned a thing from the past and just stuck to what they know best how to pump out mediocre stuff that only really appeals to kids that havent got any experience yet but when those kids get older they will realize that neca just ripped them off and gave them stuff that other companies could do better in the 80s without all the ugly seams and joints.

Again, that's subjective; however, it seems you're the only one complaining about them. IMO the netting helps hide them very well, and they never really bothered me in the first place. Would you rather it had skinny thighs with ball joints like the HT figure, or accurate proportions with cut joints like it has now? The figure's stability is the same no matter which way they are rotated, the only thing that affects stability is the position of the feet, so you're wrong again there. Only appeals to kids? Really? That's why there's all these adults on this forum who find it to be a very good figure and purchased it, fosho'.

And what about the ugly seam on the bio? Tankman made it seem like it was just a mtter of splitting a joint and repositionin the mask with some crazy glue but it not as simple as that at all so that makes me even more suspiciouse about him being who he says he is. And nobody can tell me that it would have been impossible for neca to include an extra mask that would only cost a few cents to make with the unmasked version for display. Having the masks with the other figure even though they cant be used on them would have been a smart move but its all about the cash for neca. Neca loves their fans alright their cash that is.

Congratulations, you are the world's biggest troll :slap And yes, the visor issue IS that simple to fix; it's the seam across the forhead that can't be fixed in a similar fasion.
No, it wouldn't have been impossible, but it would have been utterly pointless. The figure doesn't even come with a base, yet it comes with a mask that it can't even hold in either of it's hands? Come on now... And every company out there is all about teh proffitz, even Hot Toys and whoever else.

I wanted this predator to finally show everyone that ever thought bad things about necas work that things were changing and a new era for neca had begun but it hasnt. Its more of the same old rubbish from neca. The same old stories about them using different factories and better paint so at the end of the day they can just bale them for screwing things up. but did the factory decide what joints to give the figure? NO. Did they decide the quality of the paint and detail? NO. Did they decide to go with the atrocious half sculpted have fruit bad netting thats wrong? No.

No you didn't, you wanted this to suck from the very beginning. I'm betting you have another expensive predator collectible, and you didn't want a cheap $80 figure to dethrone it in any way.
And the paint IS certainly better, in it's application to overall film accuracy, there's no denying that when compared to their previous predators. The joints work. The paint is great. The netting works, obviously it was cheaper and easier to work with than any other. And that all lead up to a well priced $80 figure.

It was all necas fault because they said they only wanted to spend 8-9 bucks per figure so they could maximize their profit and screw the fans. Spending 1-2 dollars extra per per predator at the factory level would have made a VAST improvement and rectified all the problems and probably even given the predator a whole new set of less visible joints that don't have to be lined up to hide all the seams. The profile of the thigh joints always looks terrible and really hinders posing because if you rotate the legs all you can see is the ugly joints. One of the worst things about it all is that in one photo of a studio you can see all the other companies predators in the background and they still couldnt get things as basic as working useful joint correct.

When did they ever say that? WTF? That's complete speculation and honestly you probably just made it up.
And changing the joints on the figure would cost WAY more than just $1-$2,; they would have to change the complete molding process and assemble process and probably the paint process too just to do that.
Those same predators that are too thin with inaccurate proportions? You contradict yourself over and over.

All that just takes away from the quality of the piece. Its makes everything about it looks cheap. And as for the sculpt it looks alright in some positions but only has a basic resemblance to the predators feature from the side and back in profile. Its as if the head was sculpted in the wrong aspect ratio from the movie and photos and that has translated into distorted features. Neca isnt giving the fans what it claims to be giving us it actually trying to pass off a B-C grade sculpt and because some fanboys in this thread are heaping praise on them they will give you more of the same with the others they might be planning to do.

No, the separate netting, better paint job, bigger size, and better assembly make it seem better, not worse... lordy lord. The sculpt is dead on to the movie predator, even in the side and back profile.. When was the last time you saw the movie?!
The sculpt is and A+, if you think otherwise than you're just insecure about this dethroning another expensive predator collectible; there's no other possible explanation.

If they gave us all of this on a 19 inch P2, I would die a happy man! :rock

Neca has had way to may get out of jail free cards and people dont learn and are blind to what they do. Surely it must be because every few years a new group of kids come along all wide eyed and bushy tailed thinking they know it all and neca just sells them garbage that falls apart with the caveat that Hey what are you worried about it only cost you XX. And then that generation moves on to real high end collectables and 1/6 from real companies like Sideshow that do care a lot more about what they put out.

Do you even realize what you're saying? HT and sideshow have only been making 1/6th figures for a few years... and here you are talking about entire generations? How old are you? This is almost painful.

There isnt a person in this thread that would have paid 20 bucks or even more to have eveything done right but it too late now and any future release will just be more of the same. Neca saying its all about the fans of the franchises is just a laugh for me these days. I used to believe the hype untill I started seeing a patern of lies and terrible quality with nobody at neca takijng the blame but just blaiming it all of the factory. Another golden oportunity for neca to rise out of the ashes andmake its fans truely happy. It all just shows that neca doesnt really iunderstand the passion and love that predator fans have for the movie. Kids will be happy with it but the more mature collectors know theyve been screwed out of something great once again. No surprise really based on necas past. Its all just such a shame that neca doesnt listen to the real fans.

Maybe because this is a forum made out of high end collectors who commonly spend a lot of money on toys already? Not everybody can afford things that are $150, so neca tries to appeal to both markets. \Dude, "ashes to rise from"? WTF? Put down the pipe :rotfl
I'm pretty sure they do understand how the fans love the predator, considering their sculptor was the first one to try to make it accurate to the screen version.
And I'm pretty sure even the adult collectors here like this... The only guy who doesn't seem to like it is you :rotfl

Wow, what a mouthful.... :monkey4
Fortnox is funny... :) Now he's insulting Tankman's sculpt. In the wise words of Lt. Ellen Ripley, "did IQ's just drop sharply while I was away?" It's clear he just has a beef with NECA because even the people who normally bash the company will admit to the sculpt being very good. Saying it's lifeless all of a sudden and refusing to buy an $80 toy because of some small issues that are either fixable or irrelevant because of the price is incredibly petty.
I bet he doesn't even know that NECA will be using double-jointed knees and ball-jointed hips on their P2 figures. But we all know he'll find something to complain about even then. Hell, if the figures were made of solid gold like he wants, he'd probably moan about them being too shiny or too dull.

The most obvious point to make here has already been made. Someone's just poopy about NECA, that's all. Talking about the company having too many "get out of jail free" cards... it's a manufacturer of $15 figures. It's not a high-end deal and we all know Nox will always find something to argue about.

Does anyone else feel like they've been stabbed in the back and blatantly insulted by NECA here? Those jerks, giving us a beautifully-sculpted Predator figure for only $80 without quills, bells, whistles, fabric groin flaps, opening detonators, bottle-openers, PEZ dispensers, and satellite watches to give us the time of day. I hate them so much. The fact that they pulled this stunt just makes me want to punch a wall! $80 for this? No, sir. I will not stand for it any longer! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!111111!!!111!11!111


It's a bit of a bummer about the shelf-diving incidents, that's for sure. I don't quite know what diorama I'll be putting together, but with the heavy-duty hobby equipment in the garage, it shouldn't be too hard to make a large base, then dress up the unsightly screws and whatnot with some PETCO fake moss and rocks. The thing is, I've had dives with 7" figures too. My AVP-R Wolf, back when I had him, didn't have ball-jointed ankles. He'd still fall off the shelf and snap his spear. Now I take more precautions and make sure my 7" figures aren't in any position or danger of falling. If a stand must be built, so be it. My question is: if you're going to be this careful with $15 7" figures, why wouldn't you do the same with an $80 19" figure? No-brainer situation. This guy clearly needs care, but I'll give it to him. Plus he's going to sit on the bottom shelf, since that's the only place I have room for him anyway ;).
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Here are some pics I just took. Hopefully, it'll give you guys a better idea as to how solid this figure is. Overall I am very pleased with it.

Excellent pictures! Seeing your has definitely made me doubt my 1st critique of these figures. In your pictures, there's no sign of "toy-like" gloss or strange green coloring like I saw in other pictures.
I think the best thing for me to do is just wait until I get mine in-hand and make my final assessment. But for now, I'll enjoy your amazing pictures. :clap

This is some really nice pics he took and how about the rest of the stuff in the room? Full size Predator WOW. Where can I get one for myself?
Fortnox is funny... :) Now he's insulting Tankman's sculpt. In the wise words of Lt. Ellen Ripley, "did IQ's just drop sharply while I was away?" It's clear he just has a beef with NECA because even the people who normally bash the company will admit to the sculpt being very good. Saying it's lifeless all of a sudden and refusing to buy an $80 toy because of some small issues that are either fixable or irrelevant because of the price is incredibly petty.
I bet he doesn't even know that NECA will be using double-jointed knees and ball-jointed hips on their P2 figures. But we all know he'll find something to complain about even then. Hell, if the figures were made of solid gold like he wants, he'd probably moan about them being too shiny or too dull then.

The most obvious point to make here has already been made. Someone's just poopy about NECA, that's all. Talking about the company having too many "get out of jail free" cards... it's a manufacturer of $15 figures. It's not a high-end deal and we all know Nox will always find something to argue about.

Does anyone else feel like they've been stabbed in the back and blatantly insulted by NECA here? Those jerks, giving us a beautifully-sculpted Predator figure for only $80 without quills, bells, whistles, fabric groin flaps, and opening detonators. I hate them so much. The fact that they pulled this stunt just makes me want to punch a wall! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!111111!!!111!11!111


No, he'd complain that the laser cannon didn't properly light up with a naturally flourescent gemstone :rotfl
has it already been discussed if the gap in the helmet can be fixed? Some of you guys need to get your heads out of your asses.
It looked cool but just not the Queen from Aliens. The Queen is the last of my top 4 figures I've wanted a crack at. I'm thinking about Alien 3 also even though the movie for me was a big let down back in the day. I know fans want it and it's a really cool Alien. I saw the two SS figures of it and thought WOW it really is a great design. I need to get off my butt and get the SS Queen.

so you're saying there is a small possibility the Queen could be made? :horror
seriously, if they let you make her in 1/4 scale, not only would i instantly buy it but i would be forever in your gratitude, seriously, just thinking about a Tankman Queen makes me tremble :thud:
so you're saying there is a small possibility the Queen could be made? :horror
seriously, if they let you make her in 1/4 scale, not only would i instantly buy it but i would be forever in your gratitude, seriously, just thinking about a Tankman Queen makes me tremble :thud:

you do realize how big a 1/4 Queen is right? With the weight she would be at the top, a figure in that scale just isn't ideal with her skinny little legs.
has it already been discussed if the gap in the helmet can be fixed? Some of you guys need to get your heads out of your asses.

Actually kyle said he fixed his. Something about taking the helmet apart and regluing it lower.

Kyle, if you wouldn't mind elaborating exactly what you did to it. Looking at some of these pics I don't see how you would take it apart other than physically cutting the helmet apart and repositioning the helmet. You would then have to cut around the laser.