NECA 1/4 scale predator

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I do need to find space though...:D

No problem, we always find more space, even when apparently there's no space left :D . Thanks for adding me BTW :) .

Andrew..has to be a family member of course :wave

One can start putting Detolfs in other family members' rooms :D "hey, trust me, your room will look cooler with some of my figures :)".
The paint apps on the mask are outstanding, (especially the "mouth" area scuff marks), every stain, mark and paint app is dead-on to the on-screen mask. VERY impressive!
Ahh, sounds easy enough, Tankman.

That one latest pic with his open hand in the foreground is straight out of the documentary on the DVD and BD!

"Wow!" is right.

That is total badassery right there. :hi5:
The blast mark on the center of his head doesn't look that great imo. Would prefer the Bio to be clean.

Not a problem though, just sayin.
no it's called( they will buy it anyway,even though we've doubled the price) as i will be doing, and as all predator fans will do,buy them anyway.
i'm not a hot toys predator or alien fan, i've owned most and sold them all.
but i would like to see tankman's great sculpt be finished and sold with all movie accuratcy as it deserves.

Tankman himself doesn't even seem to care too much about this, so maybe you should just let it go? :1-1: :hi5:
It's glued in the back of the head where the mask touches in the back. I pried it lose took it apart and then re glued it back together and held it tight while the super glue was setting up.

hey tankman ,where are the arm and leg bands and mask hoses?
Good God, these are incredible! Tankman has returned with masked pics, and they're looking gorgeous, as usual. Making the wait easier and tougher at the same time. Sigh... :rock:rock:rock