My (Kurgan) Confession: I have never seen Highlander

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DarkArtist81 said:
My Dad introduced me to Highlander.... I was 15, long haired... full of rebellion and lust for women... It was a late Saturday and we both were home alone. I kept repeating how bored I was and how I had nothing to do. He was flipping channels and bored as well... just probably sick of hearing my crap up until then...

I was grabbing a drink and heard Queen coming from the TV. Intrigued, I stuck my head out into the living room and beheld my Father's intent gaze... With a smile, he said those fateful words...

"Have you ever seen Highlander?"

I replied that I hadn't, but had heard a little bit about it and seen a few episodes of the show... but that was it. His reply was classic...

"Well then stop B*tching, sit your *ss down and watch one of the greatest movies ever made...."

I sat back with my Dad as we watched the story unfold. Instantly I was amazed at the craziness of the villian, the sadness in the story, and that wonderful music.... It was one of the most memorable moments I've ever had with my Dad and we've actually made it into a little Father's Day tradition from that year on.

I would never forget Connery as Ramirez, Clancy as THE KURGAN, or Lambert as Connor. They all captivated me, every character perfectly played.... And to this day, each of those actors is best remembered by me for those parts... well... Maybe not Connery (Still best in Dr No :D ). But one thing was for certain, from that moment on I was a Highlander fan.... and I always will be.

Truley awesome sroty Josh...I actually got a little chocked up reading it:eek:

Awesome-O said:
Yeah, I think it's my most watched movie, next to the original Star Wars trilogy

Same here!! When I got my first job (summer between 9th & 10th grade) with my first check I went out and bought me a VCR for my room and 4 movies...The SW trilogy & Highlander...To this day they are the only VHS tapes I still have. Even though I have them all on DVD and dont even own a VCR any more I just cant throw them out. Highlander was really a movie that changed the way I watched movies. And Kurgan was the first villian in a movie I ever cheered for, the first villian I ever loved more than the hero, and should become the greatest figure ever produced by Sideshow!!!!
I hate to bump old threads, but it's about Highlander so I figure most of you won't mind. :D

I finally saw this movie for the first time tonight. Since it was the first time, it had to be the best version available - Blu-ray.

Totally awesome movie and the Kurgan was one of the best badasses in movie history! I don't know why I waited this long to see it. :rock

And funny story...while I was watching it, my 5-year-old daughter comes in during the scene with the Kurgan and Connor in church. This is what she said about the Kurgan:

"Why is he talking funny?" (pause) "Maybe his brain is yucky." :lol

Highlander concept is good, the Kurgan character was awesome in the begining only..Christopher Lambert sucks le cox with that BS accent..did not even sound one bit scottish.

Hell, Sean Connery sounded more scottish as a Spainard...pfftt.
:welcome to the fold Darth Waller

Didn't know this was available on Blu-Ray either... have to see about getting one :rock
It says Region B on the back, but it plays in a regular US player! Fly you fools (to Amazon UK)! :rock
I was a Highlander geek since waaaay on back. When I was 12 or 13 (circa 1993), I convinced my mom to buy me a huge Italian poster that was being sold at the mall, and I kept in on my room wall for a few years. I was probably the only kid at my school who even knew or cared what Highlander was. . .

I remember being so excited when Highlander 3 came out. I taped the commercial on SP mode and watched it over and over :lol

Had to go an hour away to see it.