My (Kurgan) Confession: I have never seen Highlander

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Yep, excellent movie... all the silent freaks who aren't able to admit they have not seen Highlander I would encourage you to follow Sideshowpdx's example and get yourself straight!

And after you've done that sign up as a purchaser of a Medieval Kurgan.

And then of course: Join the Krusade!!!
I hadn't seen Highlander until about a month ago. I was flipping through channels late at night and it was on. Stayed up till 3:30am watching it. I joined the Krusade a few days later.
Bannister said:
I hadn't seen Highlander until about a month ago. I was flipping through channels late at night and it was on. Stayed up till 3:30am watching it. I joined the Krusade a few days later.

TheObsoleteMan said:
Yeah, avoid the sequels like the plague. They're terrible and make absolutely no sense in context with the first film.

The original Highlander is one of my all time favorite movies. Make sure to check out the director's cut if you can.

Endgame is pretty good. And by a techinal stand point(acting and directing is better) better then the first.....
I saw Highlander the day it came out in 87. I went into the theatre totally unprepared for what I experienced.
It is a theatrical movie, and loses much on the TV screen. The scale is very diminished and it loses some of the drama of those magnificent scene changes, like the one where Connor runs out of the parking garage after the duel and the camera pans up through blackness, to reveal medieval Scotland in that triumph of music! I almost lost it there and then again when the fishtank becomes the loch to Ramirez singing...

After it was all over, and yes, the total terror of that villain, THE KURGAN, who had more power than most villains I had ever seen, was still in my head, I left the theatre with the only reponse I have ever had like this, I ran and shouted very loudly "YES!, Now THAT's what a movie is supposed to make me feel!"

It was a great day. Seeing it again, I still love it, but it will never be that original experience.

Still, See it! Anyone, see it!

It is hard to believe that Sean Connery only had six days open to shoot his scenes...they are so well integrated....


(And listen to all the small talk banter in the police station scenes! Like the guy commenting on the newspaper story...Hilarous stuff!) :lol
Weclome to the fold JustinLuck...

And a truly inspiring testimonial Bannister... may your example serve as a beackon of hope to those who have not yet excepted the Highlander, and the Medieval F'n Kurgan into their hearts.

(Maybe I laid it on a bit too thick there :monkey3 )
I remember watching Highlander on thee uberness of vhs in the late 80's at night after a marathon of hellraiser and NOES..brings back alot of great memories during summer holiers
Don't kill me, but I would rather have a Ramirez 12" than a kurgan. What can I saw, who doesn't love sean connery?
My Dad introduced me to Highlander.... I was 15, long haired... full of rebellion and lust for women... It was a late Saturday and we both were home alone. I kept repeating how bored I was and how I had nothing to do. He was flipping channels and bored as well... just probably sick of hearing my crap up until then...

I was grabbing a drink and heard Queen coming from the TV. Intrigued, I stuck my head out into the living room and beheld my Father's intent gaze... With a smile, he said those fateful words...

"Have you ever seen Highlander?"

I replied that I hadn't, but had heard a little bit about it and seen a few episodes of the show... but that was it. His reply was classic...

"Well then stop B*tching, sit your *ss down and watch one of the greatest movies ever made...."

I sat back with my Dad as we watched the story unfold. Instantly I was amazed at the craziness of the villian, the sadness in the story, and that wonderful music.... It was one of the most memorable moments I've ever had with my Dad and we've actually made it into a little Father's Day tradition from that year on.

I would never forget Connery as Ramirez, Clancy as THE KURGAN, or Lambert as Connor. They all captivated me, every character perfectly played.... And to this day, each of those actors is best remembered by me for those parts... well... Maybe not Connery (Still best in Dr No :D ). But one thing was for certain, from that moment on I was a Highlander fan.... and I always will be.
Yeah, I think it's my most watched movie, next to the original Star Wars trilogy and Dumb and Dumber (I somehow always catch it, not that I complain!)
congerking said:
Don't kill me, but I would rather have a Ramirez 12" than a kurgan. What can I saw, who doesn't love sean connery?

Unfortunately Sideshow has officially confirmed that Connery's likeness isn't included in the licence.... so no Juan Sanchez Villa Lobos Ramirez figure :-(
congerking said:
Don't kill me, but I would rather have a Ramirez 12" than a kurgan. What can I saw, who doesn't love sean connery?

As would I. But mainly because I don't want too many variants.