MRM Complete resculpt of 2.0 Joker w/ real hair. OPEN FOR SEPTEMBER!

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He did say people who paid will get their stuff...but he also raged at one of us and said he will never get his stuff...:\
I cant explain how much i want this! I keep checking the 1st page and seeing how awesome that prototype looks, i mean its just pure Ledger!
Zac has done all the hard work, i cant see how sending an unpainted head is such a problem? Its been over like 6 months since i paid now. I get excited every time when the postman delivers mail, but really i know he will not be bringing me my MRM joker in his big ol' Sack!:(
Awesome, look forward to seeing it complete... Will post a pic of mine also, once I receive from 8-bit... Thanks I hope it works out also, for everyone in this thread
Considering how some of the threads descend into name calling and general nastiness, this one has remained quite civil. NOWWHERE THE FRAK IS MY JOKER HEAD ZACH !!!!
My replacements heads were supposed to have been shipped january 6th.
No it's january 20 and still nothing.

Is that longer than usual for a package from the US to Germany? Did he send you a tracking number? The longest I've ever had to wait on a package coming from you to the US is 7 days so I would think it wouldn't be that big of a difference going the other way.
Packages to Germany can take up to 3-4 weeks some times. At least that's how long I waited for some. Hey elvis, didn't know you live in Germany. Any chance MRM said something about my head included in the shipping you're supposed to get?