MRM Complete resculpt of 2.0 Joker w/ real hair. OPEN FOR SEPTEMBER!

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I'm trying to get in touch with him.

I did asked him that people here are stressing and watned updates.
He doesn't seems to really care and the only answers are "i'm busy and i have problems with the post"

I'm sorry but that kind of answer is a joke. It isn't the way you do business. I don't care for the wait but you need to respect the people who gives you money.

But i'm afraind that at this point we cannot do anything else than wait.

I see that he is online on facebook. He really should be present here. A damn shame.
So I guess my $45 dollars is sunk huh? Oh well...small price to pay to learn a lesson matter how reliable a guy seems at the beginning, doesn't mean he will always deliver at the end. I did get my Joker sculpt from him so that's probably why I, and many others trusted him. Like you said Seb, it is a damn shame he fell off the wagon like that. :(
Its a shame the forum blocks what I want to call Zac. But you get the idea. This guy is so out of order and a thief.
In addition to the Joker head I also have a Thor in for some work. I'm really hoping it still comes through and gets sorted out somehow. It's really too bad when things like this happen and it spoils the hobby. I don't think it was calculated. Probably a case of taking on too much, seeing the money roll in and then not being able to fulfill. Unfortunately I've seen this type of thing happen before and at the end of the day there should be no excuse for it. The honorable thing to do is to work with the mods, resolve, and dig out of the mess.
Damn a shame to see this happen, I'm pretty shocked actually seemed like he had his stuff together when I delt with him, guess my joker heads for enterbay just became super rare now.
Damn a shame to see this happen, I'm pretty shocked actually seemed like he had his stuff together when I delt with him, guess my joker heads for enterbay just became super rare now.

I wouldn't jump to conclusions quite yet. At this point, it's not "if", it's "when." Everyone's going to get their stuff, just later than some of us had hoped.

Plus, it's not like we don't have enough of his personal information if we ever wanted to do anything about it.
I wouldn't jump to conclusions quite yet. At this point, it's not "if", it's "when." Everyone's going to get their stuff, just later than some of us had hoped.

Plus, it's not like we don't have enough of his personal information if we ever wanted to do anything about it.

I think your right. I'm not making excuses for Zach or saying what he's doing is acceptable. It isn't at all. I think it's disrespectful and really childish that Seb is the one having to come on here and update everyone because he can't take 10 minutes to log in and update his threads. But he has fallen behind before and to my knowledge he settled up with everyone he owed work to. Maybe you guys should get a list going of what everyone is owed. Not just from this thread but from the others as well. It might not make anything better, but at this point it certainly wouldn't hurt to at least get a running total.
I would be happy to know that my pieces were indeed coming and get some kind of an ETA, be it 4 days, 4 weeks, or 4 months. If he does this through the mods that's fine. If he can log on and chime in even better. It's not like I've been sitting around for months fretting about my stuff. I happened to check this thread a few days ago and see all the drama occurring. So I'm thinking "oh great, here we go again." I'm sure everyone would like to see this work out, and would like to give the benefit of the doubt.

For the record I have a Joker head plus a Thor in.
I got an answer "not worry about anything else. everyone is going to get what they paid for." I don't know if it's a proper answer but still an update.

I still think he should come in here if he has time to update on Facebook.
Just got an angry email from this prick after I filed a paypal claim against him. Here's what he wrote
"i was also having internet issues then my laptop took a crap and have just been able to get the both taken care of. it wasn't that i don't care to respond just couldn't. everyone is going to get their ****, and if you want your's i really suggest you drop the claim.
lso i've given my contact info out on freaks a number of times both my email and cell number in the first page of some of the threads because that stupid pm box gets filled up so fast and is a pain in the *** to sort through and clean out. next time try contacting me first before you decide to be a moronic sheep and listen to others and make assumptions about **** you have no ****ing clue about. i'm so ****ing sick and tired of everyone's bull**** with these ****ing heads, i don't control the post office, and i'm doing the best i can for everyone. once everyone get their **** i quit, all you ****ing whinny *** little *****es have ruined this hobby for me. sorry you're getting brunt of this, but this was the straw that broke my back and now i'm pissed. drop the the claim or **** off."
Sucks that it came to that.

The fact remains - he will come through, as those of us that have dealt with him before have known all along.
So many *
What happen with him when someone ask for a pp clain? Beside of course refund the money
That is a pretty unacceptable attitude.

He offers services, people are paying. It's normal to ask for an update. No excuse here.

I laughed at that part "all you ****ing whinny *** little *****es have ruined this hobby for me".

So it's our fault now. RIGHT!!