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Re: Hot Toys - MMS DX 02 - TDK- BATMAN full spec and pics


Batman comes with a television in his chest? Hmm.......strange, but I like it! :D
Re: Hot Toys - MMS DX 02 - TDK- BATMAN full spec and pics

But it lays so well there :(

One thing what I disliked on the cape of the v1 tdk was that it was so hard to control it and pose it just straight. It always just goes brighter to the left and right side. With a longer cape you have the chance to futz it so, that it lays straight to the bottom and just look alright like in the movie...

Don't know what I'm talking about, hope you understand what I mean :D

I know what your talking about and it does look like this cape just falls better. But if it was a tad shorter it would be perfect.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS DX 02 - TDK- BATMAN full spec and pics

I can totally see that those figs are wearing the v1 suit now :horror
Re: Hot Toys - MMS DX 02 - TDK- BATMAN full spec and pics

the DX batman is actually starting to grow on me. I had the medicom batman that was modded and looked great but I think the quality of hot toys figures are just so much better. And lets be honest everyone will end up modding him anyways just like any other figure and improve it.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS DX 02 - TDK- BATMAN full spec and pics

the DX batman is actually starting to grow on me. I had the medicom batman that was modded and looked great but I think the quality of hot toys figures are just so much better. And lets be honest everyone will end up modding him anyways just like any other figure and improve it.

That's so true. I have a modded Medicom one too, and while it's a good figure, there's just something about the quality of the suit that looks a bit cheap and toylike. The HT suit quality is noticeably better.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS DX 02 - TDK- BATMAN full spec and pics

Exactly. The Medicom is good proportion wise but the suit looks like a toy. Hot Toys' suit isn't great proportion wise but it's so damn realistic looking. The quality is much better.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS DX 02 - TDK- BATMAN full spec and pics

another thing to consider to is the pose. If you look at it carefully you will see that the back is bent. If you put the back straighter the stomach will look much flatter. But the only thing that seems to bother me now is the rubbery look. I can live with it but I wish they would change it up a bit.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS DX 02 - TDK- BATMAN full spec and pics

the DX batman is actually starting to grow on me. I had the medicom batman that was modded and looked great but I think the quality of hot toys figures are just so much better. And lets be honest everyone will end up modding him anyways just like any other figure and improve it.
......actually.. everyone DOESN'T want to mod him IF possible. Small mods, maybe... to suit personal tastes.... but have to slim down the chest AGAIN?! This is the SECOND TIME they have a go at this bat figure.. but it's ok... everybody is just so happy about the head they forgot about the body... I think once they receive the figure (if the same body/suit fitting is used).. and they will bash it again like they bash the old one and then medicom will be praised again -.-"

That's so true. I have a modded Medicom one too, and while it's a good figure, there's just something about the quality of the suit that looks a bit cheap and toylike. The HT suit quality is noticeably better.
.....Well.. this suit looks like rubber... which the real suit does not... mmm...fingers crossed.

Exactly. The Medicom is good proportion wise but the suit looks like a toy. Hot Toys' suit isn't great proportion wise but it's so damn realistic looking. The quality is much better.
yes...realistic looking if it does not look like rubber...... :banghead
Re: Hot Toys - MMS DX 02 - TDK- BATMAN full spec and pics

......actually.. everyone DOESN'T want to mod him IF possible. Small mods, maybe... to suit personal tastes.... but have to slim down the chest AGAIN?! This is the SECOND TIME they have a go at this bat figure.. but it's ok... everybody is just so happy about the head they forgot about the body... I think once they receive the figure (if the same body/suit fitting is used).. and they will bash it again like they bash the old one and then medicom will be praised again -.-"

This isn't aimed at, lforigno... but the majority that hate reading the nitpicking and criticism for a overall better final product.

Careful now, you might hurt somebody's feelings! God forbid never criticize something, riots would break out and that means we'd be too picky. So that means we are not part of the groupies! We want something relatively close to accurate but we are not allowed to question it?... Yes I know it's been covered a hundred times.

I'm positive I read Snake was going to get the dremel out again and/or sand down the chest again for this figure. I'm not questioning that but how can people say they are loving the figure but are going to start doing excessive modifications like that? It doesn't make sense unless they are scared to say, Hot Toys... you have messed up! Again!

I know it's 6 - 8 months away still but I/we can only go by the present day.

.....Well.. this suit looks like rubber... which the real suit does not... mmm...fingers crossed.

Totally agree.

Quote from the film... no mention of rubber, ahem!


Batman's striking outfit, developed then ditched by Wayne Industries as military combat armour, is the most important piece of his crime fighting equipment. But how much protection could bullet and stab-proof "hardened Kevlar plates of titanium-dipped tri-weave fibres" offer? "The problem is that, however protective the suit is, the energy of a bullet or a hit still has to go through," Zehr says. "I've seen chainmail suits used by divers where shark bites haven't punctured the skin yet the whole arm gets crushed." Batman's most-vulnerable body part is his head and Zehr says one of the biggest stumbling blocks on the way to becoming Batman would be surviving the knocks he takes. Zehr says. "However good his helmet is, a big jolt is going to cause concussion or worse." A real life Batman would have to be quick enough to avoid a good hiding.


yes...realistic looking if it does not look like rubber...... :banghead

With all the stock reference photos kicking about the net and the majority haven't realized this yet?... did they not watch the film? I bet most have watched it a lot more than I ever have. I have only seen the DVD like 3 or 4 times since Christmas and even then after the 2nd watch... only watched a scene here and a scene there. It wasn't until 4 - 5 days ago I had just watched parts of Disc 2. I never even went to see it at the cinemas.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS DX 02 - TDK- BATMAN full spec and pics

Just to be technical, that big bold quote about his armor is regarding the Batman Begins suit.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS DX 02 - TDK- BATMAN full spec and pics

Are you sure?... there's no mention of titanium in the IMDb quotes.

Lucius Fox: Oh, yeah. Helped him build his train. Ah, here we are. Kevlar utility harness. Gas-powered magnetic grapple gun. The three hundred and fifty pound test monofilament. Wonderful project, your dad's train. Routed it right into Wayne Tower along with the water and power utilities. Kind of made Wayne Tower the unofficial centre of Gotham City. Of course, Earle let it go to rot. Here we are. Nomex survival suit for advanced infantry. Kevlar biweave, reinforced joints.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS DX 02 - TDK- BATMAN full spec and pics

My mistake, the descriptions sound so similar I just confused "blah blah blah techno mumbo jumbo I don't understand" as being from one movie or the other :lol
Re: Hot Toys - MMS DX 02 - TDK- BATMAN full spec and pics


But hey let's be honest here, it's F'n rubber. BOTH suits are F'n rubber. I could care less how they're described on-screen. In reality they're rubber. And not only that, they look like rubber. I don't understand how anyone can see the suits and NOT see that there's rubber parts there. If those comments are directed more towards the mesh suit that the rubber pieces sit on top of for the TDK suit, that I canunderstand. But imo every company has failed miserably trying to recreate that. The DCD figure came close, but overall looked like garbage. Medicom failed. HT failed the first time and looks to be failing at that again. Basically every TDK suit Batman out there has failed.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS DX 02 - TDK- BATMAN full spec and pics

As for the body on this figure, I really can't figure if it is the first body with different paint and a new chest piece or not without seeing both side by side.

I will say, the convention shots look more like the first figure as far as the body goes, but the official shots at the start of this thread look improved.

Might just be photography and lighting, but as long as the shipped figure looks like this or better, I'll be fine with it, if it is the v1 for the most part, then something dramatic was done because the proportions of the head to the body and everything looks much improved over the v1, specifically from front views where the changed chest plate wouldn't make the difference alone.

Re: Hot Toys - MMS DX 02 - TDK- BATMAN full spec and pics


But hey let's be honest here, it's F'n rubber. BOTH suits are F'n rubber. I could care less how they're described on-screen. In reality they're rubber. They look like rubber. I don't understand how anyone can see the suits and NOT see that there's rubber there.

Begins for sure, there are some moments where there are some awfully blatant folds, really kills the illusion of the suit it's supposed to have started as, but most of the time his cape is covering most of his body and you don't see that.

As for the TDK suit, I noticed in some pictures I was looking at earlier today, they've got all sorts of, probably bungee, cables around his arm to keep the chest armor and shoulder pads snug to his body, but like the figure, I think from the chest down is probably one big piece with a layered look based on the way it folds in some shots, with the chest armor and shoulder pades being an add on piece.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS DX 02 - TDK- BATMAN full spec and pics

I brought this up a bit ago, the proportions in that picture seem so different from the recent pictures we've gotten. It really makes me wonder if the recent pics are just on a V1 body and the spec pics are of the body we'll finally get. I tried doing a comparison picture and the chestpiece actually looks the same but the torso is much slimmer, I zoomed and it almost looks as if they photoshopped it. I doubt they'd do that, so I'm really confused especially with all of that milk magazine talk.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS DX 02 - TDK- BATMAN full spec and pics

is there any chance HT going to use another material for the suit? :(