Metal Gear Solid collectibles

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I don't get what's the big deal with that arm, it doesn't look aesthetically striking even more so without knowing any context about the game. Now if it was Raiden's arm on the other hand- that would look cool and that plasma lamp, flaws and all was actually a neat idea. Generic red hand? Hard to say without playing the game first.
I don't get what's the big deal with that arm, it doesn't look aesthetically striking even more so without knowing any context about the game. Now if it was Raiden's arm on the other hand- that would look cool and that plasma lamp, flaws and all was actually a neat idea. Generic red hand? Hard to say without playing the game first.

Yeah, but you can say that about Raiden's hand too, or any other game prop/collectible.
I seem to be the only one glad were getting the smaller version. 1:1 scale is way to big, especially for such a silly collectable IMO

I just realised the US version is 99$ (£60) yet here in the UK for the same thing it's £99!

What the hell
I mentioned it before, but I think the Japanese arm being larger, has to do with them having smaller wieners. They need to compensate for their tiny peens in other ways. Just like when you see a midget driving a pick-up truck or SUV.
I mentioned it before, but I think the Japanese arm being larger, has to do with them having smaller wieners. They need to compensate for their tiny peens in other ways. Just like when you see a midget driving a pick-up truck or SUV.


I actually think the arm is awesome. The 1:1 version would have been awesome to have but I already read the Japan version is more than double the price we pay, so I'm okay with the half scale arm. I'll check eBay and if the prices are decent I might pick up the 1:1 arm but I'm not going to dish out hundreds of dollars for it either.
I just saw the news. I'm not interested in the collector's edition, but it seems good. Never would I have thought people would want creepy baby toy versions of these characters, and folks like those, so I guess I'm not the guy to ask what would be good for fans.

The cover doesn't even seem real! It looks like a knockoff copy! I doesn't really matter. No matter how good the case looks, I'm only going to be looking at if for 5 seconds before it goes on the shelf.

I didn't see a release date. Did I miss it? I want them to take their time making the best experience possible. This is my most anticipated entertainment release of the decade! Well, unless MGS6 comes out in 2019. Kojima just said that MGSV was the last Metal Gear, so I guess that means a sequel is confirmed!

I know I'm the odd man out here when it comes to Solid Snake's character, but for me, he was just a lame version of Wolverine in MGS1. With how preachy it got, he might as well just looked at the screen and said, "Kids, it's okay to be yourself and you can love whoever you want. Now remember, say no to nuclear weapons!" The plot in that game is so good, but the characterizations are really silly. I think it has the best cast in the series, but sloppy execution when it comes to dialogue.

With MGS2, Raiden was a much more interesting character, which made Solid Snake seem like such a legendary badass. It's kind of like Superman stories. He's pretty one-dimensional, but if you develop the cast and the world around him, he seems so much more interesting. It falls apart when you put him with the rest of the Justice League, because he can't rely on that "Truth, Justice, and American Way," because every hero has that, plus more depth to their character.

I didn't think Snake was a great character until MGS4, which is very unpopular. The only thing wrong was parts of the scene where he meets with Meryl in Act 3, and that dumb ending of making him quiver and shoot the gun—as if he cowardly shot the gun in the air. I didn't mind him breaking down in front of Liquid's ship; it wasn't out of character, and humanized him further. Thankfully, the last we see of Solid Snake is helping Big Boss, despite how much torment he went through because of that man. I don't know. MGS4 is where I really fell in love with the character. On reflection, I always think MGS is the best for him until I play it. That dialogue messed it up. Some of developments don't resonate, because it comes off so cheesy. Not to say that MGS4 was a dialogue wizard. Although, I think some should remember Psycho Mantis' and Gray Fox's dialogue before getting upset at Eva's ridiculous tangents.

I actually think the arm is awesome. The 1:1 version would have been awesome to have but I already read the Japan version is more than double the price we pay, so I'm okay with the half scale arm. I'll check eBay and if the prices are decent I might pick up the 1:1 arm but I'm not going to dish out hundreds of dollars for it either.

You know, you might be able to get it cheaper on EBay later on. In a all honesty, I can't see the "arms" fairing much better in sales than the lamp Sword from the Rising LE - which I got on sale for $99 through Amazon. I also picked up the UK LE for Rising for $69 last year :lol.

MGS LEs, and just the collectibles in general, aren't as limited as they used to be. I'm sure it'll be the same with MGS V.
I just saw the news. I'm not interested in the collector's edition, but it seems good. Never would I have thought people would want creepy baby toy versions of these characters, and folks like those, so I guess I'm not the guy to ask what would be good for fans.

The cover doesn't even seem real! It looks like a knockoff copy! I doesn't really matter. No matter how good the case looks, I'm only going to be looking at if for 5 seconds before it goes on the shelf.

I didn't see a release date. Did I miss it? I want them to take their time making the best experience possible. This is my most anticipated entertainment release of the decade! Well, unless MGS6 comes out in 2019. Kojima just said that MGSV was the last Metal Gear, so I guess that means a sequel is confirmed!

I know I'm the odd man out here when it comes to Solid Snake's character, but for me, he was just a lame version of Wolverine in MGS1. With how preachy it got, he might as well just looked at the screen and said, "Kids, it's okay to be yourself and you can love whoever you want. Now remember, say no to nuclear weapons!" The plot in that game is so good, but the characterizations are really silly. I think it has the best cast in the series, but sloppy execution when it comes to dialogue.

With MGS2, Raiden was a much more interesting character, which made Solid Snake seem like such a legendary badass. It's kind of like Superman stories. He's pretty one-dimensional, but if you develop the cast and the world around him, he seems so much more interesting. It falls apart when you put him with the rest of the Justice League, because he can't rely on that "Truth, Justice, and American Way," because every hero has that, plus more depth to their character.

I didn't think Snake was a great character until MGS4, which is very unpopular. The only thing wrong was parts of the scene where he meets with Meryl in Act 3, and that dumb ending of making him quiver and shoot the gun—as if he cowardly shot the gun in the air. I didn't mind him breaking down in front of Liquid's ship; it wasn't out of character, and humanized him further. Thankfully, the last we see of Solid Snake is helping Big Boss, despite how much torment he went through because of that man. I don't know. MGS4 is where I really fell in love with the character. On reflection, I always think MGS is the best for him until I play it. That dialogue messed it up. Some of developments don't resonate, because it comes off so cheesy. Not to say that MGS4 was a dialogue wizard. Although, I think some should remember Psycho Mantis' and Gray Fox's dialogue before getting upset at Eva's ridiculous tangents.

I just saw the news. I'm not interested in the collector's edition, but it seems good. Never would I have thought people would want creepy baby toy versions of these characters, and folks like those, so I guess I'm not the guy to ask what would be good for fans.

The cover doesn't even seem real! It looks like a knockoff copy! I doesn't really matter. No matter how good the case looks, I'm only going to be looking at if for 5 seconds before it goes on the shelf.

I didn't see a release date. Did I miss it? I want them to take their time making the best experience possible. This is my most anticipated entertainment release of the decade! Well, unless MGS6 comes out in 2019. Kojima just said that MGSV was the last Metal Gear, so I guess that means a sequel is confirmed!

I know I'm the odd man out here when it comes to Solid Snake's character, but for me, he was just a lame version of Wolverine in MGS1. With how preachy it got, he might as well just looked at the screen and said, "Kids, it's okay to be yourself and you can love whoever you want. Now remember, say no to nuclear weapons!" The plot in that game is so good, but the characterizations are really silly. I think it has the best cast in the series, but sloppy execution when it comes to dialogue.

With MGS2, Raiden was a much more interesting character, which made Solid Snake seem like such a legendary badass. It's kind of like Superman stories. He's pretty one-dimensional, but if you develop the cast and the world around him, he seems so much more interesting. It falls apart when you put him with the rest of the Justice League, because he can't rely on that "Truth, Justice, and American Way," because every hero has that, plus more depth to their character.

I didn't think Snake was a great character until MGS4, which is very unpopular. The only thing wrong was parts of the scene where he meets with Meryl in Act 3, and that dumb ending of making him quiver and shoot the gun—as if he cowardly shot the gun in the air. I didn't mind him breaking down in front of Liquid's ship; it wasn't out of character, and humanized him further. Thankfully, the last we see of Solid Snake is helping Big Boss, despite how much torment he went through because of that man. I don't know. MGS4 is where I really fell in love with the character. On reflection, I always think MGS is the best for him until I play it. That dialogue messed it up. Some of developments don't resonate, because it comes off so cheesy. Not to say that MGS4 was a dialogue wizard. Although, I think some should remember Psycho Mantis' and Gray Fox's dialogue before getting upset at Eva's ridiculous tangents.

I love MGS 4, I'm a big fan of old worn out soldiers/fighters/heroes completing one last mission. Old Snake reminded a lot of Clint Eastwood in Unforgiven, and that game hit every nostalgia nerve in my body.

You know, you might be able to get it cheaper on EBay later on. In a all honesty, I can't see the "arms" fairing much better in sales than the lamp Sword from the Rising LE - which I got on sale for $99 through Amazon. I also picked up the UK LE for Rising for $69 last year :lol.

MGS LEs, and just the collectibles in general, aren't as limited as they used to be. I'm sure it'll be the same with MGS V.

Thanks, hopefully it it's easy to find after release. I might even buy a cigar and leave it in the hand.
Yeah, I mean, I don't want to say "don't pre-order", but there's a high likelihood that you'll be able find the LEs a lot cheaper than MSRP - although, you might have to wait a bit for a good sale or price drop.
I'm definitely getting the U.S. version since I have a ton of discover points I can use on Amazon, but yea I'll be patient and try and score a good deal on the 1:1 arm later this year.