Merry & Pippin 1/6?

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My plan is to get all the figures in this line. That being said though I wouldn't mind seeing Merry and Pippin come fairly soon. The Fellowship is the heart of LOTR and if something happens and this line doesn't go long I want all 9 members.
I would love to see the complete Fellowship ASAP for those who collect this line. I might even go back and pick them all up after having dropped this line if they were all available. I think Sideshow knows the appeal of a full set of nine and I imagine that they will try to get them all finished as soon as they can to keep this line popular.
Sure eventually that would be cool. But I want a Bill the Pony first! :rock If Star Wars can have their creature packs, why not us LotR collectors.
I might even go back and pick them all up after having dropped this line if they were all available.

I think a lot of people are in this camp. If the Fellowship were complete, more people would buy, more people buying would lead to more characters being made. Even if Merry and Pippin aren't the flashiest most desirable figures for some, them being made sooner will help the more obscure characters to be made.
Yeah, I'm of the feeling that we really need them sooner than late. Putting them out would get it over and done with, assure us that at least the Fellowship will be complete, and assuage any SSW concerns. I'm not very excited to see any orcs anyway (I'm not a villain guy myself), though I admit I want a Saruman as soon as possible. As long as the bodies let's just get on with it--besides, what's wrong with Merry and Pippen? I would very much like them in the collection; just as long as we get some more elves in the line too, like Elrond, Arwen, or Galadriel.
Lots of folks still feel burned by Weta with the Fellowship not being done in Fellowship gear. To face facts the company linked to Weta and the the LOTR line is Sideshow. I think the Fellowship is important if we only have a few left I would rather see a complete fellowship than nothing at all. After all the Title of the First book as well as the first movie is "THE FELLOWSHIP OF THE RING". They have spent the $$$ on the body so why not put a Gimli, Merry and Pippin head on it I would also love to have a Bilbo. The only Character left to complete for Fellowship is Gandalf the Grey. If they do not complete the Fellowship then I fully expect a Fellowship diorama with them all crossing the hilltop. LOTR was Sideshows first big hit and I think it would be shame to see the Fellowship slip away yet again.
Lots of folks still feel burned by Weta with the Fellowship not being done in Fellowship gear. To face facts the company linked to Weta and the the LOTR line is Sideshow. I think the Fellowship is important if we only have a few left I would rather see a complete fellowship than nothing at all. After all the Title of the First book as well as the first movie is "THE FELLOWSHIP OF THE RING". They have spent the $$$ on the body so why not put a Gimli, Merry and Pippin head on it I would also love to have a Bilbo. The only Character left to complete for Fellowship is Gandalf the Grey. If they do not complete the Fellowship then I fully expect a Fellowship diorama with them all crossing the hilltop. LOTR was Sideshows first big hit and I think it would be shame to see the Fellowship slip away yet again.

Well said!! :DThat's exactly how I feel. After not getting the complete fellowship in the weta line, I am really hoping sideshow honors their fans and completes the fellowship in the 1/6 scale line. I don't think we'll see the fellowship in the PF line.
My plan is to get all the figures in this line. That being said though I wouldn't mind seeing Merry and Pippin come fairly soon. The Fellowship is the heart of LOTR and if something happens and this line doesn't go long I want all 9 members.

I too plan on being a completist with this line--- however I certainly hope that we branch out from simply the Fellowship (Faramir being the only example of when that's been done so far). Specifically I want to see some of the bad guys... Uruk-hai... Berzerkers (why does the Russian guy's song from Clerks always pop into my head when I say that character's title?:D)... Wormtongue... Saruman...

Merry and Pippin would be great editions--- eventually.

Now Gimli and GtG are a completely different story... we need those two YESTERDAY!
Here's my take: Pippin and Merry would be a good filler for Sideshow at this point based on a couple of reasons.
1) We haven't seen Pippin in Fellowship attire, and will be a welcomed choice.
2) As many have stated, completing the Fellowship sooner rather than later will also be a welcomed choice.
3) With Pippin and Merry not having as much gear on them, perhaps Sideshow could offer them as a 2-pack and save us on packaging and shipping.
4) This will give Sideshow more time to flesh out a Gimli, and Gandalf -- since it's looking that maybe rendering the beards is the issue (not to mention the heft of Gimli's proportion) -- any Sideshow staff can chime in on this speculation on my part.
5) The release would help create some sorely lacking release flow from SS on the LOTR line.

Now, the only thing I'm hoping is now that they've nailed Sam and Frodo's likenesses (even better than the PF -- can ya believe that!), perhaps SS can also nail Merry and Pippin's faces.
Right we got a Fellowship from the SSW line just not in the garb they wore during that part of the trilogy. I would hate to see this happen again in the 1/6th line. Do them now and I think this line will really take off for folks knowing they can get a complete FOTR Garbed Fellowship. Now, I want plenty of other figuers outside the Fellowship as well like: Eomer, Theoden, Uruks, Orcs, Haldir, Saruman, Ringwraiths, etc.
I don't see how orcs can be done in the 1/6th scale line. Most of them have bare arms and legs, and would require specially-molded "orc-arms" and "orc-legs" in order to look at all good. The only other alternative would be to develop skin coverings for the existing arms and legs, but that's something Sideshow has never done before.

I'd much rather see Merry and Pippin NOW, using the newly-crafted bodies, and THEN move on to other possibilities.
Right I'd rather see them now as well. Honstly if we have to have some joints on th Orcs and stuff like that. I'm ok with it since a the nicer 1/6th bodies look fine and SS is working with HT now so we can gear it that way.
I don't see how orcs can be done in the 1/6th scale line. Most of them have bare arms and legs, and would require specially-molded "orc-arms" and "orc-legs" in order to look at all good. The only other alternative would be to develop skin coverings for the existing arms and legs, but that's something Sideshow has never done before.

I'd much rather see Merry and Pippin NOW, using the newly-crafted bodies, and THEN move on to other possibilities.

My guess is for the legs and arms SS will use that rubbery sculpted skin like with what they did with one of their Jason figures.
Hmm . . .once joints start showing up, it's hard to justify these not looking like their Toybiz counterparts, especially if they start sporting plastic parts for the armor. I don't recall Sideshow commenting on how far along they are in replicating armor.
I LOVE this line! But since my space is so limited I am only planning on getting the Fellowship. I was so excited to see Frodo and Sam at SDCC. I can't believe that out of the first 6 figures in this line 5 of them are Fellowship members. I am guessing that I will have a complete set in 2-2 1/2 years.
Well I can see how Merry and Pippin aren't the most exciting pieces offered but because this line is draging on so slowly I'd like to get the Fellowship finished up first...

What about their legs? They don't need those...

I think Merry and Pippin are essential but there were many gasps at the $70 price tag on Frodo and Sam, who are much more important characters to say the least. That would be asking the average collector to fork over $280 in hobbit. I think it would be far more prudent to keep the line fresh, release a Ringwraith, and aq standard orc, then Merry and Pippin two pack with some Gandalf in progress pics and the customers will salivate and buy all the offerings.
But thats just my opinion.
Haldir would be a great in between stop-gap (if the armour question is resolved)