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Dekker probably has some of the best fitting Shirt/Armor of the bunch and the tabs are in the back. They have since gone in the other direction and it seems to be just getting worse. Now that they switched design guy's hopefully it gets better down the road.
The figures at the end of the year always seem to have a lot more work put into them and don't suffer as much from the same problems as those from earlier in the year. So maybe we'll get some really awesome stuff in November-December?
Oh yeah, I totally forgot how good Dekker's armour was. Odd how they didn't repeat that.

Right! It really rubs salt in the wound when you compare him to say Goat Man or some of the other recent bloated figures.
Don't some of the old figures have the snaps in the back too? I wish they would just not do the rubber suit thing in the first place. I get that they do it to save money (I believe the soft vinyl molds are way cheaper than the harder plastic molds) but it just doesn't look anything like as good as if it were the actual body. It's fine for guys who are actually wearing armor like Hordak or the Battle Armor figures but if it's meant to be the figure's actual body it just looks weird.

Yeah - I might be confused, but I thought having them in the back was a good thing? It's on the side that was the issue because they thickened the walls as a result? In any case, Eldor looks pretty good, there, as far as the fat armor issue goes.

at this point i just wished their armor wasnt removable in the first place, ofcourse it could be said that fans wanted it removed but really it was just to save money using the same buck, i imagined if the torso/armor was one with ab crunch the figures would all look slimmer and not bulky

I'm kind of feeling the same way. There's no reason it SHOULDN'T be able to be done right. The fact they didn't glue down NA Skeletor's body still boggles my mind. But if for whatever reason it's not happening, just make the armor non-removable and make it look right.
I wonder if NA Skeletor is fixable by shaving out the armor and gluing it down yourself. Might require some finagling. I think I might get one to try that.
I wonder if NA Skeletor is fixable by shaving out the armor and gluing it down yourself. Might require some finagling. I think I might get one to try that.

Yeah, I'm going to try it. I will say, I reacted quite... ahem... badly when I first saw him. Thankfully, he wasn't quite the outright mess I was worried he would be after the first packaged pic. BUT, seeing his belly button below his skin is weird, weird, weird. So, I'm hoping to cut him own and glue him on his torso. I have two coming, so even if I royally screw it up I have a back-up. LOL. I planned to do the same thing with Hydron but haven't gotten around to it yet.

I think what might complicate NA Skeletor is his neck. Fixing the bulkiness of that overlay might be really hard, at least in a way that doesn't looks too obvious. But maybe just getting the rest glued down will help there some.
The figures at the end of the year always seem to have a lot more work put into them and don't suffer as much from the same problems as those from earlier in the year. So maybe we'll get some really awesome stuff in November-December?

Tung Lashor,Gwildor,Mermista....we shall see
Somebody did glue down Hydron's armour and it did look better.

Ooh, just googled "Hydron armor fix motu" and it looks pretty good. Should be able to pick a Hydron fairly cheap on ebay :) Now I just need to clear a space on my NA shelf.

If someone comes up with a similar idea for Blade I'll probably bite!
Wow, I just did the same. That drastically improves the look of the figure. Now I kinda want to try something similar with Mosquitor but I'd need to get a second one to do that.
Actually I think I'm going to try it first and then buy a second if I botch it. From what I'm seeing the lats on the armor are basically the same as the lats on the body so I can just cut those off and it should still look right.
Yeah I use scalpels. I do a fair amount of this sort of thing with 1/6 scale customizing.
I hope you guys can post pics.

Has anybody got their Battle Lion yet? I got Randsom note today and it looks like Matty. I am well stoked for Battle Lion yo! :)
I've done the cutting just need to glue it down now. This method works great for Mosquitor since he has some really obvious lines to cut along to remove material due to the hard carapace look of his sculpt.
Okay to remind, this what he used to look like:

MOTUC Mosquitor by dangercorpse, on Flickr

Or perhaps a better comparison, a photo from Fwoosh, since that photo was taken to intentionally hide how bad the armor looked.

And now this is after the mod. I tried to take brightly lit photos so you could see what was going on but the black is hard to take detailed photos of without washing out everything else. Anyway… I think he looks much better now. Happy I did it, though it isn't the easiest thing in the world to do. I wouldn't suggest trying it unless you have experience with this sort of thing. It's very easy to screw up and cut too much off.

Mosquitor Armor Mod (front) by dangercorpse, on Flickr
Mosquitor Armor Mod (back) by dangercorpse, on Flickr
Mosquitor Armor Mod (side) by dangercorpse, on Flickr
that looks it's just simple carving the armor down and super glue?