Luc's crazy room

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Aug 7, 2016
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I do not have much place to keep my collection... so I am just keeping my collection literally everywhere in my small room.








Here is my 1/6 Star Wars collection :

Sideshow Anakin
I bought him secondhand, his arm is broken, I must repair him but I still have no idea how to do that. I repainted him because his oryginal face-up is really ugly, but I must make his scars darker, now they are almost invisible. I don't have his black shirt and his cape, I also don't have his lightsaber, he has one from Hot Toys Tatooine Luke.


Kenner/Sideshow/HotToys Luke
I have 3 Luke figures in 1/6 size. The Kenner one is so ugly but I am going to keep him like he is. I must repaint Sideshow one, his eyes looks too strange. One from Hot Toys is my favorite, he is so well made, I just wish his hair is less golden, but I am not going to repaint it.


Hot Toys Vader
...with little hand made Luke ( I am going to make Leia too)
I always wanted to buy Sideshow RotJ Vader but I found this Hot Toys one really cheap. I put his shoulder armor on his clothe like it should be.


Hasbro Amidala dolls
I have 3 of them, one had changed body. I wish I have place to keep them in boxes, because they are rally great.
Hasbro dolls look much better than any Amidala action figure I saw,


Sideshow Leia and Ventress and Custom Amidala
I keep Leia in casual clothes because I am making her dress now (her original one is ugly).
Amidala is Headplay Natalie Portman head on Jiaoudoll seamless body. The body looks cool but wasn't good choice. Silicon was broken on joints in first month after buying her. I need to make her wig and dress.
I wish I have second exclusive version of Ventress head, it had better face-up


Sideshow Obi-Wan
I have 2 of them, I wish I can have old one, but from Hot Toys.
The RotS one is secondhand, I don't have his cape and his lightsaber is without..the light ;p


Sphero BB8 and Hasbro R2D2
R2 is a piggybank ;p but it is in correct size for my 1/6 dolls.
I love the sphero BB8, he is...cute. And my cat loves running after him XD...or she is escaping from him..poor kitty


I was trying to made my favorite game (also Star Wars) character, Galen Marek. But it is first realistic sculpture (I can make anime and cartoon looking dolls) I've ever made...or I was trying to make. He is so ugly XD but I am keeping him together with my other 1/6 dolls . I've really messed up with face proportions


he has Sideshow body, from a vampire ..or something from Buffy. I keep the head, it is so cool.