LOST discussion - thar be spoilers ahead!

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When the rabbit, or anyone else for that matter, steps into the Dharma TARDIS thing, it simply moves them forward (or possibly backward?) through time ala Doc Brown's dog in BTTF. This is perhaps why Richard appears not to age, moving through different times rather than being immortal?

My buddy Mike is a physicist and he says that the body would still age even when it is moving through time. But, it's all theoretical, so who the hell really knows!! :lol

I love talking with him about the show when we watch it. He always has some cool ideas on this stuff.
My buddy Mike is a physicist and he says that the body would still age even when it is moving through time. But, it's all theoretical, so who the hell really knows!! :lol

I love talking with him about the show when we watch it. He always has some cool ideas on this stuff.

Of course the body will still age, you would still live a normal life span, just in different eras. If you jump to 12 or so different times, 1885,1992,1974, etc, while you are still 35 or whathaveyou, you will appear the same, 35, in all of those times.

This is what's going on in the Dharma Orchid station time machine: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Casimir_effect
Loved the episode last night.

I really hope that Jin is not dead, but I do not see how he could be alive. If he actually is dead I wish they would have let us see him die.

Did Daniel make it back to the island? If he didn't I do not see why he wouldn't have met up with the Oceanic 6 raft. Or maybe Daniel picked up Jin? I suppose we will have to wait until Feb.

Is Sun working for Ben or does she really have her own agenda? Did Locke visit her and tell her that Ben was responsible for the explosion? If Sun did find out I guess she would hold her father and Ben reponsible.

When Christian told Michael that he "could go now" did that mean death, since he had been wanting to die?

I also am thinking that Jack did not tell Kate about Aaron being his nephew. I know Jack brought up Aaron and Kate not being related a few episodes back but last night Kate did not seem to know that Jack was the uncle.

It is going to be a long wait until Feb. 2009.:(
Thanks for making my eyes bleed! :lol:lol

Here's a less complicated explanation :D



When Christian told Michael that he "could go now" did that mean death, since he had been wanting to die?


I think that's it exactly... and Claire is dead just as Charlie died but the "island" allows them to communicate with those they left behind (Kate/Aaron, Hurley...).
I wouldn't be surprised if Claire isn't dead and they find some way to explain her appearances. Walt has appeared as well, and he's not dead.

Part of me would like to see Desmond's vision of Claire and Aaron getting on a helicopter come true just so that Charlie's death isn't made completely meaningless.
During her flash-forward dream sequence, Kate receives a garbled phone call. When played backwards, the message states: "The Island needs you. You have to go back before it's too late."

Also, Harold is pissed. Was Michael killed because he's black? :rolleyes:

Also, Ben's #8 rabbit makes more sense now.

In the orientation film for "Station 6 - The Orchid" Edgar Halliwax holds up a rabbit with the number 15 on it. After a moment, it is shown that behind him a second rabbit with the number 15 sitting on the top shelf of the metal shelving unit. Candle and his assistants are upset by the second 15 and Candle moves away from it, saying the two cannot be close together. The film abruptly ends and restarts with only one 15.

So the duality thing becomes more intriguing. Like the title of the Lost book "The Bad Twin" and Locke's first backgammon conversation with Walt in the pilot about a "light side and dark side" and the season 1 dream vision of Locke with one white eye and one black eye implies, could Jacob indeed be a future version of Locke as I originally surmised? If Jacob is another version of Locke would the island explode if they came in contact with one another?

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Michael really didn't deserve to he a full fledged regular for the whole season. In the end, they didn't have very much for him to do when they brought him back and gave him so little screen time before killing him off. (Although he told us when he showed up again that he was here to die.) I guess this gives him better closure than simply sailing away, but I would have liked to see him do just a little but more.
Or Jacob is merely the previous Christian. The island uses some form to communicate with people, and for Ben it was Jacob. Perhaps once Ben is no longer the chosen one, the manifestation for the island has changed as well.

It appears that we are seeing two versions of time/space travel. One is what we've seen with Desmond, as well as the rat in Faraday's early experiment. Desmond's physical being didn't travel through time, only his consciousness, either forward or backward.

But we know that with Ben and his latest jump off the island, he moved through space physically as well. Hmmmm, interesting. I'm certainly looking forward to where this all goes.

I did have one complaint last night. What's with the whining about having to lie? Obviously they had to lie...they certainly couldn't tell the world that they'd been on a mystical island that just disappeared. Even if Widmere wasn't looking to use them to get to the island, they certainly couldn't tell the truth about where they'd been, and you'd think that would have been pretty obvious the first time the smoke monster did it's dance.

But otherwise, it was a very solid finale, with lots of good answers and lots of good questions.

It's going to be interesting to see the structure of the show next year - they switched this year from flashbacks to predominately flash forwards, but now we've caught up to the point real time with them off the island. Doing the flashbacks and forewards might be tough now structurally, since some characters are off island and some on in current time. I'll be very interested to see how they reinvent things.
Anyone see the Good Morning America alternate endings? The difference was just who was in the coffin. The first one was Sawyer and the second was Desmond.
I think that current/present time will be off island with the Oceanic Six trying to get back, following the events of season four's flash forwards. Possibly we will get flashbacks to the island after the big move, showing us the "bad things" that happened.

Of course, if they jumped in time as well as space after the wheel was turned, then it could be a flash sideways.
Or Jacob is merely the previous Christian. The island uses some form to communicate with people, and for Ben it was Jacob. Perhaps once Ben is no longer the chosen one, the manifestation for the island has changed as well.

:confused: Sorry. not buying this one.

Christian already said he isn't Jacob. Jacob is actually someone, not just a psychic cloud that chooses different identities to assume - that's smokey's job.

Ask yourself what payoff will be exciting and shocking for Jacob's big reveal... a faceless "consciousness of the island" :rolleyes:, or... someone we've never met like Alvar Hanso... boring, or... stepping from the shadows, Locke discovers Jacob is himself! :google Ties into the whole you cannot escape your fate theme and the duality, time bending motifs quite nicely. The dual #15 rabbits are just the latest hint/setup for this methinks
When Christian told Michael that he "could go now" did that mean death, since he had been wanting to die?

Yeah I think it was the island's way of saying he could die now since it wouldn't let him before. It almost seemed as cold to me as Ben's "so?"
I think that current/present time will be off island with the Oceanic Six trying to get back, following the events of season four's flash forwards. Possibly we will get flashbacks to the island after the big move, showing us the "bad things" that happened.

I think this is a lock.

The difference with season 5 will be that the present main story will be the off island story for the first time.

These are the 2 plot threads that need to be addressed. The overall arc of the season will be the 6 trying to get back to the island, Ben will be instrumental in this, with the finale being them returning, reuniting with the island folk who think they died in the explosion, and what the 6 discover has changed. The other plot will be what happened to the people left behind, Sawyer & Juliet... how Jin survived... Miles, Daniel and Charlotte... and of course Locke and The Others and the "bad things". They can't let the island story disappear from each episode just as they can't drop actors left on the island from getting screen time. Now whether the island story is a flashback or flash sideways or, dare I say, a flash forward ;)... remains to be seen.
anyone get the feeling with the latest occurrences that have happened and since the beginning of jack's pretty much being a leader of the people of the oceanic survivors and the burden he carries of the promise that he would get them off the island and keep them safe (it's been brought up & he's stated several times throughout the show, almost theme like for a set up) that when it's all said and done..........many roller coaster rides up and down from now...........the last show will bring everyone from the show back onto the original flight and they will land safely in Los Angeles as if it was just another routine flight?
at this point & what they have been through, i kind of want that in a way but knowing what has happened along the way and relationships forged and broken and events seen...........that would be a hard pill to swallow. this show runs the gambit of emotions with its characters and really draws on the human condition.
anyone get the feeling with the latest occurrences that have happened and since the beginning of jack's pretty much being a leader of the people of the oceanic survivors and the burden he carries of the promise that he would get them off the island and keep them safe (it's been brought up & he's stated several times throughout the show, almost theme like for a set up) that when it's all said and done..........many roller coaster rides up and down from now...........the last show will bring everyone from the show back onto the original flight and they will land safely in Los Angeles as if it was just another routine flight?
at this point & what they have been through, i kind of want that in a way but knowing what has happened along the way and relationships forged and broken and events seen...........that would be a hard pill to swallow. this show runs the gambit of emotions with its characters and really draws on the human condition.

No, no reset button. That would cheapen the ENTIRE show. Those dead should stay dead (Locke probably being an exception). I don't want to see all this time just washed away with Des still on the island and not with Penny, etc.
No, there better NOT be a reset button!

Is Sun working for Ben or does she really have her own agenda? Did Locke visit her and tell her that Ben was responsible for the explosion? If Sun did find out I guess she would hold her father and Ben reponsible.

I don't have the best memory, especially when it comes to this complicated show. But didn't Sun say that she holds 2 people responsible for Jin's death?

We know one is her father and the other one is Jack. He told Ben so after Ben gave him the good news that he's got to corral everyone up and, well, basically fix his mistake of taking them off the island in the first place.
I don't have the best memory, especially when it comes to this complicated show. But didn't Sun say that she holds 2 people responsible for Jin's death?


It will be interesting to see how Sun helps Widmore and how she punishes Jack. Also how will she be talked into returning to the island? Jin appears to her ghost style?

These writers aren't stupid enough to do a rest button "happily ever after" type of thing. I can see certain decisions changing, most notably Jack calling the ship and Locke choosing not to shoot at the end of season 3, but no great "the crash never happened" type of thing.