Lord of the Rings in Blu-Ray

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The November Blu-ray release has been cancelled... or at least "delayed" until some time in 2010. So we won't be getting LOTR in high def this year. I'm bummed...

Here's the DigitalBits' info on the delay:

The Lord of the Rings Trilogy Blu-ray release HAS been pushed into early 2010. Sources at the studio tell me that it's now tentatively set for release in March of next year. There's no official reason for the delay, because again the title hasn't even officially been announced. But the sense we're getting is that the studio already has a number of big 3rd and 4th quarter titles coming on Blu-ray this year - think Wizard of Oz, Gone with the Wind, North by Northwest, etc - and they didn't want Rings to get lost in the crowd. Pushing it back five months into early 2010 gives them more time to prepare and promote the title, and there will be still more BD players in people's homes after the holidays anyway.
At this rate, that EE version is smelling nicer and nicer . . . I have a feeling they'll just bump the release date into oblivion, and then say that it's reincarnated itself as the EE set. Then everyone's happy. I mean, given today's technologies, they can place both the TEs and EEs in the same disc, and just have seamless branching -- that way it can keep both camps happy!
I hope they are taking the extra time and following the Gladiator Bluray fiasco to give us the best possible bluray quality. :lecture
I was going to order this on bluray, but I can't believe all the bad reviews @ amazon for this film, I heard it was good, but 1-1/2 stars with over 1000 reviews, it must suck.
At this rate, that EE version is smelling nicer and nicer . . . I have a feeling they'll just bump the release date into oblivion, and then say that it's reincarnated itself as the EE set. Then everyone's happy. I mean, given today's technologies, they can place both the TEs and EEs in the same disc, and just have seamless branching -- that way it can keep both camps happy!

You can't have seemless branching for the EE's. PJ didn't just toss some extra scenes in. I na lot of cases, he completely re-edited scenes, removed bits, added bits.
You can't have seemless branching for the EE's. PJ didn't just toss some extra scenes in. I na lot of cases, he completely re-edited scenes, removed bits, added bits.

Hmm . . .I wasn't aware that he re-edited scenes. Do we have any classic examples of that?
The EE cant come soon enough. Till this day the 3 EE are the pride of my DVD collection. Just got finished watching them for at least the 10th time last week (one disc at a time over 6 days :)). The visuals, the amazing packaging, the extras, truly the crème of the crop when it comes to the medium.

I wonder how they will package the EE for blu? I hope they don’t go the cheap route like most blu’s have gone packaging wise.......
The EE cant come soon enough. Till this day the 3 EE are the pride of my DVD collection. Just got finished watching them for at least the 10th time last week (one disc at a time over 6 days :)). The visuals, the amazing packaging, the extras, truly the crème of the crop when it comes to the medium.

I wonder how they will package the EE for blu? I hope they don’t go the cheap route like most blu’s have gone packaging wise.......

it will be nice to not have to change the discs half way through the movie though. you'll be able to cut that down to 3 days.
I saw the films native 1080p in the internet for download with sample screenshots.

Excellent quality. But for that my connection is too slow...

I can wait.
it will be nice to not have to change the discs half way through the movie though. you'll be able to cut that down to 3 days.

Without a doubt. I just wish i had more time to watch a 3 and a half hour Plus movie 3 days striaght (if my memory serves me right i think ROTK is like 4 hours 15 min). That is why i kinda liked having each movie on two disks, that way they can be spread out evenly instead of having to remember what scene you left off on a day or two previously. 2 hours a day over 6 days is perfect right after a long day of work, esp with the giants, yanks and rangers in full swing.

A full 1080 p version on one disk would be the ultimate experience though, and i def would find the time to watch em over a three day period when they release. Def going to get alot more Blu-rays and PS3s sold.
Sry, can't remember where, but it was around 90GB(!!!!) big and the quality was not even worse than the official Bluray of Gladiator! Seriously!

Pretty sure it wouldn't have been the EE versions tho. Those HD grabs are from TV,etc broadcasts and I'm not aware that any TV station has ever broadcast the EE versions. I know the HD broadcast of all 3 films down here have only ever been standard versions.

Plus, it may have watermarks, fade ins and fade outs with extra music stings between ads, etc, etc. Not exactly worth the 90GB download.
Without a doubt. I just wish i had more time to watch a 3 and a half hour Plus movie 3 days striaght (if my memory serves me right i think ROTK is like 4 hours 15 min). That is why i kinda liked having each movie on two disks, that way they can be spread out evenly instead of having to remember what scene you left off on a day or two previously. 2 hours a day over 6 days is perfect right after a long day of work, esp with the giants, yanks and rangers in full swing.

A full 1080 p version on one disk would be the ultimate experience though, and i def would find the time to watch em over a three day period when they release. Def going to get alot more Blu-rays and PS3s sold.

the last time we watched them it was all three in one day EE's also :duh i think we started around 10 am and with breaks and eating we ended about midnight.:lol
i would never do that again, since it actually kinda dampened my interest in the films. but will be watching them again this winter i'm sure