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I personally would not use Superglue on anything leathery / clothlike as it penetrates (creates a dark looking sticky patch :nono ). I stick to FabriTac on anything not plastic or metal.
It worked PERFECT for me. No dark sticky patches at all and created a rock hard bond.
Besides, the glue wont be seen anyway(as long as youre careful) because it will be covered by the other join.


Yeah,i'm goin to have to agree with TFG on this one!:hi5:I myself had used Crazy Glue on the case more than once and i still haven't seen any problems.YOu just have to be very careful when using it cause the leather is very thin(cheap) and will tear very easily if not done right.ANyway,here are some PICS. of Leon's vest with the bullet upgrade that i said i was going to do.I wish i could have more time to really work on this figure some more but with Christmas right around the corner,i have other priorities right now.:slap:lolThe bullets are metal and fit perfect in the holder.It makes the vest look so much better and accurate as well.:wink1:
Whats the general consenses on this figure? Go or no go? Looks good on the outside but are there any QC issues?
Yeah,i'm goin to have to agree with TFG on this one!:hi5:I myself had used Crazy Glue on the case more than once and i still haven't seen any problems.YOu just have to be very careful when using it cause the leather is very thin(cheap) and will tear very easily if not done right.ANyway,here are some PICS. of Leon's vest with the bullet upgrade that i said i was going to do.I wish i could have more time to really work on this figure some more but with Christmas right around the corner,i have other priorities right now.:slap:lolThe bullets are metal and fit perfect in the holder.It makes the vest look so much better and accurate as well.:wink1:

Thanks brother! :hi5: Yeah, the leather is very thin and thats why one side of my handle came off when I tried putting it in his hand!
I decided to remove it completely and superglue it back on. Now it is rock solid and doesnt move even a milli metre! Its rock hard. Before I glued it, it felt a bit loose/stretchy and felt really weak.

Anyway, our vest looks incredible yet again my friend! :rock I Love the attention to detail you put in. Even the leather detailing on the case that I thought only I noticed, youve already done it! :clap
Do you have any reference pictures of Leons vest that you could post here?
I will reply to your PM soon too bro.
Whats the general consenses on this figure? Go or no go? Looks good on the outside but are there any QC issues?

Mine was fine apart from slightly loose legs and the handle on his case fell off because 1/6 companies seem to like using crappy glue:dunno
I wouldnt really it a problem though because if its an easy fix where just a bit of glue is required, then I dont see that as a problem...but I understand that some people do so thats why I mentioned it.)
If youre a Leon fan then I would definitely recommend this figure...even more so if youre a customiser because the hat sucks straight out of the box.
Congratz J!:hi5: Yeah, the legs are loose on mine too but no problem for me cuz I have him on a HTs stand. I kind of agree about the eyes but Im ok with them now. Theyve grown on me...just need to find the right angle to pose his head and he looks good...or you can just hide them with the glasses!
Some of his items do look kinda cheap looking, but I actually like the milk cartons!
Lets hope and pray that Stansfield will be made at some point.:pray:

Thanks TFG! :1-1: Yeah, I have him on that stand as well so no biggie. I just don't know why EB can't imitate the quality of HT tt body. If you have seen the body of Ip Man, it's much dreadful. The arms keep falling so you can't pose him in a Wing Chun stnace. It's like you just paid the HS for $170. :slap

Good for you. I still haven't adjusted w/ his eyes but no matter, most probably, I'll have him wear his shades when display.

Yeah, let's hope they'll make that iconic villain as well. Cheers! :duff
Good array of pics to show what the customer is getting!

That being said it reminds me of how HORRIBLE the thing is right out of the box. I'm cringing looking at those close up pics of the hat and the shades :(

Anyways, Ceemor again amazing mods on the bullets etc. looks great and THANKS again for the rings, hoping to do the mods sometime soon.

Let me know how you make out with the labels on the case and if you need more help!
Argh! Watched the movie and now I have to get him.... I never catch a break in this hobby. I have read that the figure is terrible out of the box. Can someone explain whats wrong?
Argh! Watched the movie and now I have to get him.... I never catch a break in this hobby. I have read that the figure is terrible out of the box. Can someone explain whats wrong?

I get that a lot with movies Ive never watched before! :gah:
I wouldnt say this figure is terrible out the box at all.
It has much potential to look great with just one modification IMO - the crappy hat! It needs to be modded if youre going to have him wear it. Its the biggest and most noticeable problem IMO. But other than the hat, its a perfectly fine figure.
Oh, and the legs are quite loose on a lot of peoples Leons....not a problem if you use the stand though.
All the other things are small nit pics really. If youre a customiser then you can make the figure much better, but if not its still a really cool figure straight from the box(apart from that terrible hat!:gah:).
The glasses and case are pretty bad pre modded but yes the hat is the most ridiculous part of this figure.

Modded though it's totally great yes but my honest option is right out of the box it's not so if you got no customizing skills it's just not gonna be up to par unfortunately.

The hat needs modding the case needs wearing and labels the glasses need shaving the head needs repainting the vest I awesome but missing a bunch of details, shoes are atrocious and need replacing , neck needs modding, pants an socks are the wrong color, buttons on white shirt oversized grenades have no pins.

That leaves pretty much the black shirt and coat and a few of the weapons that are good to go out of the box. Vast minority or me not to consider it a bit of a flop. I think I said terrible before, might be overreaching a bit. But a flop I do consider it.

Still though totally worth gettin if you hav mod skills, you can come out of it with one damn awesome Leon figure and for that I'm thankful for.
Admittedly it was my first time seeing the movie. Most of it was great. Brilliant writing, directing ect but towards the end I felt dissapointed. Its still a great ending but I wanted more. Nevertheless I now really want this figure. I plan to pose him in pre DA massacre attire.
The glasses and case are pretty bad pre modded but yes the hat is the most ridiculous part of this figure.

Modded though it's totally great yes but my honest option is right out of the box it's not so if you got no customizing skills it's just not gonna be up to par unfortunately.

The hat needs modding the case needs wearing and labels the glasses need shaving the head needs repainting the vest I awesome but missing a bunch of details, shoes are atrocious and need replacing , neck needs modding, pants an socks are the wrong color, buttons on white shirt oversized grenades have no pins.

That leaves pretty much the black shirt and coat and a few of the weapons that are good to go out of the box. Vast minority or me not to consider it a bit of a flop. I think I said terrible before, might be overreaching a bit. But a flop I do consider it.

Still though totally worth gettin if you hav mod skills, you can come out of it with one damn awesome Leon figure and for that I'm thankful for.
The head needs repainting?are we talking about the same figure or do you not like it because it says enterbay on the box and not hot toys.
Argh! Watched the movie and now I have to get him.... I never catch a break in this hobby. I have read that the figure is terrible out of the box. Can someone explain whats wrong?
If you are a acasual fan its all pretty much good to go.

Lookin' forward on your review on this Jeff.
Just finnishing it today, then it's over to when Mike has a slot for oit.

Good array of pics to show what the customer is getting!

That being said it reminds me of how HORRIBLE the thing is right out of the box. I'm cringing looking at those close up pics of the hat and the shades :(
Horrible...? You don't think you might be getting a little ____ about this?

Sure like any figure, if it's your fave character or whatever then he could stand a few mods, but to your average punter this looks fine as it is (OK, OK I'll give you the hat is pretty poor). I also NEVER mod my figures at all. It's all about staying museum exhibit box fresh warts and all.

The head needs repainting?are we talking about the same figure or do you not like it because it says enterbay on the box and not hot toys.

Agreed, the head paint is a fantastic job, no problem with it at all. Pretty outstanding.