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Looking great Rory! B curtis looks great, better than mine came out i think im going to rub a bit more off mine it;s too legible right now . you should add a bit more weathering to yours too that damn thing was banged up! But i know yours is a WIP.

Definitely going to get to the neck mod this weekend.
No probs for the case pic, guys.
@ Rory - Loving that case my friend! :rock:rock:rock
The weathering and lettering looks real nice and I cant wait to see it finished up. The handle looks incredible too. ANOTHER mod for me to steal LOL Hope you dont mind :)
Hi all, blimey, it's been ages since I posted on the freaks board. How's everyone doing?
Had a slow day at work so just read through all 50+ pages of this thread. My Leon arrived early this week from the ever brilliant Waiman (onesixthbruce), my first EB figure.
A lot of interesting comments on here and some great mods, I'll be freeing up his neck for sure!
Think I might win the prize for dodgiest eyes!


Where are they looking?!!?

Appart from that, the loose foot (fixed with a bit of insulating tape round the balljoint), the hat,the cheap looking guns & and the case that won't stay open...... I love it.

To be honest it feels about £50 overpriced, but as many have said, this is probably the only official "Leon" figure we will ever see. I wouldn't have passed for the world. Love the film and even named one of my girls Matilda after NP's character, so this was a no brainer for me.
Just wish the regular edition had come with the axe. I guess the bolt cutters are from the directors cut (which I haven't seen) to me the axe would be more iconic.
Cheers xjamiex :wave

Been playing with Leon tonight and he's really growing on me. Yeah there are little niggles and gripes, but hell. It's Leon! :yess:

There are a couple of really sweet spots on the sculpt, when you look at him just right it's perfect. Other angles he's a melon head, but hey, no ones perfect right?

Couple of quick crappy shots in my dark kitchen, then over compensated for in photoshop :monkey1...






(you know what I've missed most about this forum? The emoticoms. Just love the little blighters! :blissy
Yeah, great pics Darth! :clap
I agree that the regular edition shouldve came with the axe...but then again I REALLY like the bolt cutters too. I hate these exclusives to be honest. Just give everyone the same, damn it!
You should really watch the extended cut my friend.
I think I'll track that down. It's one of my favourite films, I should do it justice and watch the full version. Does it add much to the story?
I think I'll track that down. It's one of my favourite films, I should do it justice and watch the full version. Does it add much to the story?

Oh man in my opinion it makes the story... I'll never watch the theatrical cut again. The bits added in the extended take this further from run of the mill action to something unique and touching in all the wrong, and right ways!
Oh man in my opinion it makes the story... I'll never watch the theatrical cut again. The bits added in the extended take this further from run of the mill action to something unique and touching in all the wrong, and right ways!


It strays from the path from your typical 'cookie-cutter' film, and is the only version that I will ever continue to watch (from what I hear it is the best). You may be like WTF at first, but just keep an open mind :hi5:
Oh man in my opinion it makes the story... I'll never watch the theatrical cut again. The bits added in the extended take this further from run of the mill action to something unique and touching in all the wrong, and right ways!


It strays from the path from your typical 'cookie-cutter' film, and is the only version that I will ever continue to watch (from what I hear it is the best). You may be like WTF at first, but just keep an open mind :hi5:

Same here. I will never watch the theatrical release again either.
The extended version has to be seen if youre a fan of the theatrical release. Its a much better version.
Are man i love Leon but i have been holding back, that giraffe neck annoys me so much, and i would mod the hat straight away but the more i look at you guys pics it makes me want to watch the movie and snap this figure up, it is Reno, it is Leon lol and the Bolt cutters are much more iconic to me than the Axe, theres a big reason for them Darth you must watch the Extended cut but they should come with Mathilda lol
Thanks for all the info guys, I'll be ordering that cut ASAP!

To everyone who's holding back on buying Leon I'd say get him.

It's all personal opinion, but a lot of the negative comments I've read about this figure, long neck, hat, cheap accessories, all centre around him looking "Toy like" I hate to break this guys, we collect toys!
I know the hyper realism that is achievable can be stunning, but ultimately, this figure is Leon, in 1:6 scale. He is cool. He looks amazing on my desk. You should buy him. :)
Hey I see some great Leon figures here, so cool that I decided to piece one together with loose parts. I have the head and outfit, I just wonder how tall Leon is on the rm-4 body compared to other figures. Jean Reno is tall, but u don't want Leon to be freakishly tall. I remember the rm-4 matt samon was pretty tall.
If anyone can show some shots with
Leo next to other figures, that would've awesome! Thanks and keepup the good work. And yes I agree, extended cut is the best version to watch- although some parts can be very... Uhm, like the pic above:)