Kong pictures

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Thanks for those pics, Mark.

If you wanted to get an Andy Serkis statue...buy the raptor & lumpy piece. :lol
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If someone is visiting the DH booth, could you take pics of the chess set please? And some of the pieces if it's not too much trouble? Ta
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Can someone ask the guys at the Weta booth about what sort of scenes we can look forward to on the 2 lithos? T-Rex/Kong is a definite, but I wonder what the other will be. I wonder when pics of them will surface.

BTW, my Rivendell litho arrived yesterday and it's absolutely fantastic! I even like it better than Barad-Dur. I only wish they made a ROTK print to complete my set.

Oh well, maybe I'll get the Gandalf on Gwaihir next year sometime if it's still available. WAAAY too much coming this year to even consider getting it now.
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I love the Rex vs Kong statue. It's simply amazing, but for some reason, particularly with that pic of the piece alone, it almost looks like Rex is dipping Kong while dancing... ;)
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The more I see the more I like. But what I was really waiting for is pics of Kong on the Empire State Building.
Kong vs rex hasn't got the pose I'd like. I think they should have went for the moment of show down, the menacing look of the two facing eachother, not the moment when they actually go into fighting... but that's just me.
The bookends look kinda neat, the skulls are nice and the Wall plaques are great.

Perhaps they should have captured the moment from the '33 film, assuming PJ shot it, when Kong forces the T-Rex's jaw open in an attempt to kill it.

Wall plaques, or do you mean those dino. bust things?

I disagree with your comments.I reckon the Star wars line will fall flat on it's face.So far the only decent statue I've seen is the Grievous one and at $450,I think I'm going to cancel.The reason SW products have been popular in the past is because they have mostly been affordable TOYS for kids and collectors.I think adult SW collectors will soon get tired of all the 'exclusives' (three or four different versions of a bad Luke statue?)and the endless amount of characters they COULD release.
The new KK and Narnia products outshine the SW ones by a long way IMO and will capture the imagination of a broader spectrum of movie goers
Face it..EP 1+2 are cack and 3,although better, will not stand the test of time.And I am a HUGE fan of SW before anyone retaliates!!

Bonsey, you won't get a defensive 'defender of the 1/4 line' response from me. Grievous is one statue I will keep on order.

There were elements of the eps 1 & 2 that worked, and many that didn't; ep 3 was a prequel triumph, but will not, IMO, supersede the real gems of Lucas' imagination, the OT!

I love the idea that we'll be seeing some high-quality Kong products hitting the streets this Christmas, and despite not being a die-hard fan of Narnia, I have nevertheless read Lewis' masterpiece years ago, and admire the efforts they've made to bring it to film. The Kong collectibles, or a few of them at least, will be something I will take pleasure in collecting. If only they release some images of those lithographs.:bang :rolleyes :|

Somebody must know something!!!:poke

How you can say the SW line will fall right on its face is beyond me. All of them have sold out so far so if that is falling on its face well damn I bet SS want to do that more often.

The reason SW products have been popular in the past is because they have mostly been affordable TOYS for kids and collectors.I think adult SW collectors will soon get tired of all the 'exclusives' (three or four different versions of a bad Luke statue?)and the endless amount of characters they COULD release.

Wow somebody better tell that to M.R. they seem to be doing very well with their high priced SW pieces.

I dont understand why there always has to be a "vs" thing SWvsLOTR, KKvsSW, LOTRvsNarnia what is that all about? If you like something from a film get it but to do a vs thing to another line is silly.
Im thinking of picking up some of the Harry Potter busts should I do Harry Potter vs King Kong? Which is better?
And I'll most likely pick something up from Kong if I can afford it.

I get a little bit of this and a little bit of that. Some Kong, a few LOTR, a fair few SW pieces, a batmobile :\ :D and no doubt some other stuff. The 1/4 scale represents (for me) an expensive range of figures that I've not been accustomed to, which doesn't mean to say they're bad...because they're not. I won't be collecting them all, not a chance, and infact I have made some cancellations in the last few days. I will be keeping 3 of them on order right now, but their status may change...especially if can find those Code 3 ships I am missing.

I said nothing of one film vs another.Buy what you like and thats it.I love SW,LOTR and from what i've seen of the KK and Narnia trailers i'll probably love them too!!:grouphug
It's just that I know a few people who,like myself got quite excited when SS got their SW licence,but are now cancelling their stuff for various reasons.Did'nt mean to offend anyone.xx

Ebay is going to be flooded with Hasbro SW 12" figs once Sideshow kicks into gear... I should know, I've got just about all of them...:bonk
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I didn't take any pictures of the chess set :bonk but it looks amazingly detailed...
I'll try to get someone that is there tomorrow to take pics it... maybe Chuck took some pics.
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I have a confession to make. As a die hard LOTR fan, and financially challenged, I was going to resist all Kong pieces. But I cannot, now! I'm telling you that they are absolutely, unbelievably, amazingly great. :thud

(And heck, I've always been a fan of Kong anyway, and definately a Weta fan! :rock )
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Perhaps they should have captured the moment from the '33 film, assuming PJ shot it, when Kong forces the T-Rex's jaw open in an attempt to kill it.


PJ does pay homage to the 33 but has kicked it up to a whole new level. I can't really do justice to it in words but it was an amazing clip.

I didnt take many pics this year but I took a ton of video of stuff and I am still working on getting it all set up. Here is what I took of the Kong vs Vrex statue. Kong VS Vrex Quicktime

"A T-rex would never use, it's legs and claws like that, to kill and fight.. "

This is probably true, can't say I have ever seen one kill and fight in person tho! BUT a gorilla certainly wouldn't be carrying a full grown woman around in his fist!!! :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol