James Cameron's AVATAR discussion thread

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I have glasses. And they will fit nicely over top of your glasses and still look perfect. I've had no issues with it. They give you a pair of what looks like fancy sunglasses. No more cardboard red/green.
It's Polarized lenses.

Good to know, thanks!
Re: I saw AVATAR in 3D!

watched it thurs nite in 3D. here's my 2 cents'...

on a purely technical level, this is a masterpiece. cameron has succeeded wildly beyond expectations in realizing a fully-formed and intricate world that is completely believable and thus, wholly immersive. in fact, i'd go as far as to say the 3D isn't even necessary for the viewing experience. it enhances your immersion in this world, but the genuine sense of awe and wonder that consumes you as you soak in all the minute details are more than sufficient in good ol' 2D. it is just mind-blowing when you realize that everything from the flora & fauna to the mecha, are actually all non-existent and willed into "reality" by cameron and his army of technicians.

and whatever scorn about the look of the na'vi becomes a non-issue a few minutes into watching them onscreen. they are as good as living, breathing beings with real emotions and distinct personalities. i absolutely adored neytiri. she is both spirited and sensual, which is due to equal contributions by the cg artists as well as zoe saldana's performance. in fact, she far outshines sam worthington's jake sully in every scene together.

and the geek in me was pretty happy to see sigourney back in a cameron film. she still rocks!

if only the story held up to the brilliance of the visuals. at best, the story is predictible and overly-familiar. those who sumed it up as "dances with aliens" are pretty spot on. u can pretty much tell what's coming next with every turn of the plot. and some of the action is a little underwhelming, to be honest.
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not cameron's strongest work in edge-of-your seat action set pieces. but still light years better than indecipherable crap like transformers2. i can best sum up what cameron did with the story in avatar as "reinventing The Cliche". he took tired themes/characters and relocated them to a darn interesting environment. so in that way, it doesn't seem so bad after all. and it's certainly not the train wreck the naysayers predicted.

on the whole, i say this is a good, solid film, but not a great one. to me, it sits somewhere in the middle of his body of work.
OK it confession time.
Who found the Navi girl Sexy.
Come on, I'm not afraid to admit it.

Finally someone who said what I been thinking lol.

This was a great film (my fav of the year) and I personally loved the story, but to each his own. Going in, the 3D aspect worried me the most....but it actually brought something to the film. Highly recommend seeing it in Imax 3D.
Re: I saw AVATAR in 3D!


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Saw it lastnight. A visual feast! Kinda had a headache after almost 3 hours in 3D.

Best CGI I have ever witnessed. I agree with most critics, simple story-not reinventing the wheel or anything but a very enjoyable experience. You feel like you visited another planet.
I've not seen any of the recent 3D films that have been out over the last year or two.... y'know when they do those on blu-ray, do they transfer them to the traditional red/green system or something? Can they do the polarized image thing at home?
It was epic. Saw it last night also obviously. If the writing could have matched the visuals, it would be a 10/10. But it did have some of the worst dialogue ever written by Cameron. Still doesn't effect the fact that this movie kicked all kinds of asses and I give it a 9/10.

New reason life sucks: I don't live on Pandora!!!!! And yes, the main female Na'Vi was sexy as hell.
When I think back, I was not watching a movie, I was living an adventure on Pandora!
Alright, moment of truth guys - did anyone tear up at all? Maybe not necessarily because of something sad, but because your visual senses were just overwhelmed and in awe?

I surely did, multiple times.
Saw it lastnight. A visual feast! Kinda had a headache after almost 3 hours in 3D.

Best CGI I have ever witnessed. I agree with most critics, simple story-not reinventing the wheel or anything but a very enjoyable experience. You feel like you visited another planet.

Completely agree, except for the headache part:lol. The only thing that stood out as clearly CG to me were the AMP suits when they were in motion. Everything else was damn near flawless. If I didn't know Pandora was greenscreen, I would have thought this was filmed in a jungle somewhere.
Yeah, I usually hate any movie with CGI characters. Cameron and team really pulled it off though. They looked so real....everything looked real which shocked me.

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I've not seen any of the recent 3D films that have been out over the last year or two.... y'know when they do those on blu-ray, do they transfer them to the traditional red/green system or something? Can they do the polarized image thing at home?

Just yesterday they announced that they have the standards fixed to bring that type of 3D to Blu-Ray and later this year they will be able to have true 3D Blu-Ray movies--however, you will have to own a 3D capable TV and a Blu-Ray player that supports 3D when the time comes. It's not like the blu-red or green-yellow system, so it actually needs hardware.

Otherwise there will be the regular version available without the 3D.
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