Jack the Ripper?

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This could be a cool figure. You could have a crap ton of knives and accessories in a med kit. Dexter fan's would just steal it though.

But to go along from before...I bet you manson family figures would sell like hot cakes. rob zombie could horde them all up and make stop motion movies with them using bill mosely, sid haig, his wife, and vast other horror movie actors to voice them.

I think jack the ripper is alright to appreciate...it's been a long enough time. It's not like columbine or that sniper guy that just got killed. Although I'd be into a zodiac figure. with the hood and everything. It's weird how time has a way of making my conscience on or off about things. If I had lived through the zodiac ???? I would probably feel differently...
What is so hard to read about this thread? I asked about JACK THE RIPPER....him alone. This is not a thread about serial killers or mass murderers. I don't care about any of that crap. I just thought a 1/6 scale figure of a historical figure would be cool. Simple as that.....Larry

You're entitled to your opinion just as I'm entitled to think it's in poor taste. :dunno
Fair enough. But the best part about living in a democratic society is that we all can have varying tastes. If you have a problem with historical figures of killers why even open the thread? Why even post in it if its just going to be negative? Just pass it by........easy as pie............Larry
Fair enough. But the best part about living in a democratic society is that we all can have varying tastes. If you have a problem with historical figures of killers why even open the thread? Why even post in it if its just going to be negative? Just pass it by........easy as pie............Larry

Look at the title of the thread. For all I know you could've been adding your two pesos about who you think he was. :dunno
Look at the title of the thread. For all I know you could've been adding your two pesos about who you think he was. :dunno

Not sure I follow your logic. You seem to dislike "serial Killers" and their like. Fine, I have NO problem with that. Why even open the thread and read or post if all you are going to do is be negative. Isn't there enough of that on message boards already? There are tons of stuff I don't like or hate even but I don't go to those threads to be negative.....Larry
Funny thing is that although my username is JacktheRipper it has nothing to do with Jack the Ripper. I'm not against a Ripper figure; I own a couple of Mezco's and a couple TMP's versions.

and Cloud although I might not be as "into" Jack as you are I have read quite a few pieces on the subject. Come to think about it frightenly more than the casual reader.:eek:
Why is your name JacktheRipper then?:confused:
Not sure I follow your logic. You seem to dislike "serial Killers" and their like. Fine, I have NO problem with that. Why even open the thread and read or post if all you are going to do is be negative. Isn't there enough of that on message boards already? There are tons of stuff I don't like or hate even but I don't go to those threads to be negative.....Larry

I'm as curious to what makes them tick as the next guy. But that doesn't mean I'd buy little plastic idols of them, nor would I want their faces printed on my underwear. But hey, if you're into honoring them like that, whatever. :confused:
I'm as curious to what makes them tick as the next guy. But that doesn't mean I'd buy little plastic idols of them, nor would I want their faces printed on my underwear. But hey, if you're into honoring them like that, whatever. :confused:
What I like about Jack the Ripper is that he immortalized his victims, and we don't even know who HE was. Instead we remember Mary Kelley, Katherine Eddows, etc. Whereas if he hadn't killed them in the twisted way that he did they would have died an obscure death probably from an STD or violent john who would just strangle them to death or some such thing. Jack made us remember those poor girls and the wretched lives they lived. And it's not as though he tortured them, he slit their throats very deeply before the mutilations began; a relatively quick death. Like I said, he immortalized them. They will forever be remembered. Whereas he will always remain anonymous. Yeah, it's a sick way to be remembered in the history books, but at least they made it into them. I probably won't when I die, nor will you, nor most of the people at this site.

I don't idolize Jack, or think of him as a hero, or collect him because he is on any kind of pedestal. He is just the ultimate romantic villain and he was probably nuttier than an outhouse rat, so I find him a bit amusing in the same way you are maybe amused by the Hostel films or some such other gory movie with captivating characters who kill for random reasons or no reason at all (those kinds of movies piss me off, by the way). It's BECAUSE Jack really existed that sets him apart from Jason Voorhees, Michael Meyers or Freddy Kreuger. He was a real life nutjob who paved the way for the 20th century and all of its decadence and violence, both in real life and on screen. We have killers before him of course, like Bathory or Vlad, but he came along just at the right point, during the Victorian era, back in the autumn of 1888 when the skies of London coincidentally ran blood red, that we remember him as the ultimate predator even though his death toll was much smaller than most modern serial killers. It's the romantic angle. Such awful gore and horrid mutilations at a time when womens' ankles were considered pornography. He was a monster, but a revolutionary one. And thanks to him I know of 6 random gin-swilling, bloated prostitutes who lived back then and died of mysterious, tragic causes.

Alrighty. I will step down from the soap box now. Just remember that we all cling to some kind of evil in our lives, whether it be fictional or real-life. Jack the Ripper is just as harmful today as Jason Voorhees. I probably won't be killed by either one of them. ;)
What I like about Jack the Ripper is that he immortalized his victims, and we don't even know who HE was. Instead we remember Mary Kelley, Katherine Eddows, etc. Whereas if he hadn't killed them in the twisted way that he did they would have died an obscure death probably from an STD or violent john who would just strangle them to death or some such thing. Jack made us remember those poor girls and the wretched lives they lived. And it's not as though he tortured them, he slit their throats very deeply before the mutilations began; a relatively quick death. Like I said, he immortalized them. They will forever be remembered. Whereas he will always remain anonymous. Yeah, it's a sick way to be remembered in the history books, but at least they made it into them. I probably won't when I die, nor will you, nor most of the people at this site.

I don't idolize Jack, or think of him as a hero, or collect him because he is on any kind of pedestal. He is just the ultimate romantic villain and he was probably nuttier than an outhouse rat, so I find him a bit amusing in the same way you are maybe amused by the Hostel films or some such other gory movie with captivating characters who kill for random reasons or no reason at all (those kinds of movies piss me off, by the way). It's BECAUSE Jack really existed that sets him apart from Jason Voorhees, Michael Meyers or Freddy Kreuger. He was a real life nutjob who paved the way for the 20th century and all of its decadence and violence, both in real life and on screen. We have killers before him of course, like Bathory or Vlad, but he came along just at the right point, during the Victorian era, back in the autumn of 1888 when the skies of London coincidentally ran blood red, that we remember him as the ultimate predator even though his death toll was much smaller than most modern serial killers. It's the romantic angle. Such awful gore and horrid mutilations at a time when womens' ankles were considered pornography. He was a monster, but a revolutionary one. And thanks to him I know of 6 random gin-swilling, bloated prostitutes who lived back then and died of mysterious, tragic causes.

Alrighty. I will step down from the soap box now. Just remember that we all cling to some kind of evil in our lives, whether it be fictional or real-life. Jack the Ripper is just as harmful today as Jason Voorhees. I probably won't be killed by either one of them. ;)

There is a considerably difference between liking a fictional character who slaughters douchy teenagers and romanticizing about a real life serial killer and his victims. One is fiction and allows us, as a society, to decompress or tap into fear which, psychologically is not dissimilar from humor. Yet, in the end, it's all still fiction. I'll take Dracula any day of the week being the "ultimate romantic villain" over Jack the Ripper. One is well developed fiction (despite it's influence) and the other is a perversion of humanity not even worthy of a second thought, let alone immortality.

Fact is, you do remember Jack the Ripper THROUGH his victims and henceforth immortalize him via that route. The whole reason we as a society even remember these individuals, henceforth immortalizing their memory is because of the manners in which they killed their victims or the sheer number of them. Viewing it any other way is naive.

And personally, I despise the Saws and Hostels. I those films are the epitome of everything that's wrong with modern horror/gore porn/torture porn cinema.
There is a considerably difference between liking a fictional character who slaughters douchy teenagers and romanticizing about a real life serial killer and his victims. One is fiction and allows us, as a society, to decompress or tap into fear which, psychologically is not dissimilar from humor. Yet, in the end, it's all still fiction. I'll take Dracula any day of the week being the "ultimate romantic villain" over Jack the Ripper. One is well developed fiction (despite it's influence) and the other is a perversion of humanity not even worthy of a second thought, let alone immortality.

Fact is, you do remember Jack the Ripper THROUGH his victims and henceforth immortalize him via that route. The whole reason we as a society even remember these individuals, henceforth immortalizing their memory is because of the manners in which they killed their victims or the sheer number of them. Viewing it any other way is naive.

And personally, I despise the Saws and Hostels. I those films are the epitome of everything that's wrong with modern horror/gore porn/torture porn cinema.

Could not have said it better myself! :clap

You are free to collect action figures of real life pieces of ????, you have that right. I have the right to call them as I see them and in this case it is an obvious wrong no matter what way you justify it.

Thats my opinion, the same way you Ripper fans have yours. I just can't get passed the "Historical" figure statement ........... :lol serious? Some people amaze me .............. how ridiculous and selfish this world has truly become.

Instead of respecting the actual murder victims and their families its justified because it happened ages ago. :rolleyes: wow.
Jack the Ripper is and will always remain anonymous. How can I pay homage to someone I don't even know? He didn't even pen that name. The only letter believed to actually have COME from the killer was signed "Catch me if you can Mr. Lushk." No name. And he IS a nameless killer. Whoever he was, you know he got what he deserved. Killers like him don't just stop. He was either jailed for a different crime or died very shortly after the last murder.

You mention Dracula and his influence but you don't get the irony in your own statement? Dracula IS Vlad the Impaler. He killed hundreds of people in MUCH more brutal ways than Jack the Ripper ever did. Vlad was a to and through monster, a Hitler of his day. And you prefer him to some piddly psycho in Victorian London who offed somewhere between 6 to 4 filthy prostitutes whose lives were going nowhere anyway?

People are interested in Jack and the Zodiac for the mystery involved. Who were they? Why did they do it? We will never solve Jack's case, so he remains locked in a vault of intrigue and mystery. I think they still have a chance of finding out who the Zodiac was but maybe not. Who knows. Over a hundred years from when he committed his crimes maybe he'll enter the same realm as Jack.

Jason kills random idiotic teenagers. Do they deserve it? I hate teenagers as much as the next twenty-something but no, they do not. Yet the character is idolized. He is hideous, a monster, a ruthless killer, and his death toll far exceeds Jack's piddly lot. Yes, he is fictional. But I dare say if he was real, he would be far more terrible, far more frightening, and far more loathe-worthy than someone of Jack's caliber. Now keep in mind, Jack's crimes were committed in 1888. I saw Jason kill a half a dozen random stupid teenagers on my ex's and my six month anniversary. And really when you get a copy-cat crime in real life, are these stupid kids more likely to imitate Jack the Ripper or Jason Voorhees? Humm. Look through the collection threads at this forum. You will see at least a HUNDRED JASON VOORHEES in everybody's combined collections. Don't tell me he is not idolized. Why you guys love him so much, I haven't the faintest clue. Now for Jack the Ripper merchandise, besides my own thread, I have only seen one other Mezco figure of him in somebody else's collection. Somebody very pleasant who also liked Mystery Science Theater 3000 and The Nightmare Before Christmas. Ooh, me and him must be awful people, right? Because Jack the Ripper is so much more influential to modern dip????s who masturbate to extreme gore than an extremely popular and ruthless killer like Jason Voorhees.

They tried to glorify Jack's killings in that God-awful film "From Hell" but I seriously doubt that film had more influence on kids than the gore-flicks "Let's find as many creative ways to kill people as possible" movies like Freddy and Jason and Halloween.

What I'm basically trying to say is: Forget for a moment that "Jack" was real and forget for a moment that Jason is not. Because it's irrelevant in this day and age. Jack is long since dead. Jason lives on in these stupid ????ing films that take him to space and otherwise. Jason is glorified, looked on as a hero. Seriously, look in the "Show your Shelves" forum! He's everywhere! And now I'm finding people buying the hockey masks and I dare you to tell me that isn't idolizing the character. And next I dare you to find somebody who idolizes Jack. Someone they don't know. Someone nobody knows. We don't know what he looked like, his name, where he came from, his convictions, his reasons, or the reason he stopped. All we know is that some of us are drawn to unsolved mysteries and as far as history's unsolved mysteries, Jack the Ripper is delightful one to chew on.

And look at me, I am a chick. Why would I have a fascination with somebody who targeted women? I'm pretty sure I'm not completely retarded. I just appreciate a good mystery.

We might have to agree to disagree on this one dude, because you ain't gonna change my mind and I doubt you're going to change yours.
Could not have said it better myself! :clap

You are free to collect action figures of real life pieces of ????, you have that right. I have the right to call them as I see them and in this case it is an obvious wrong no matter what way you justify it.

Thats my opinion, the same way you Ripper fans have yours. I just can't get passed the "Historical" figure statement ........... :lol serious? Some people amaze me .............. how ridiculous and selfish this world has truly become.

Instead of respecting the actual murder victims and their families its justified because it happened ages ago. :rolleyes: wow.
You need to learn to formulate your sentence structures better before you attempt to take me on, buddy.
Jack the Ripper is and will always remain anonymous. How can I pay homage to someone I don't even know? He didn't even pen that name. The only letter believed to actually have COME from the killer was signed "Catch me if you can Mr. Lushk." No name. And he IS a nameless killer. Whoever he was, you know he got what he deserved. Killers like him don't just stop. He was either jailed for a different crime or died very shortly after the last murder.

You mention Dracula and his influence but you don't get the irony in your own statement? Dracula IS Vlad the Impaler. He killed hundreds of people in MUCH more brutal ways than Jack the Ripper ever did. Vlad was a to and through monster, a Hitler of his day. And you prefer him to some piddly psycho in Victorian London who offed somewhere between 6 to 4 filthy prostitutes whose lives were going nowhere anyway?

People are interested in Jack and the Zodiac for the mystery involved. Who were they? Why did they do it? We will never solve Jack's case, so he remains locked in a vault of intrigue and mystery. I think they still have a chance of finding out who the Zodiac was but maybe not. Who knows. Over a hundred years from when he committed his crimes maybe he'll enter the same realm as Jack.

Jason kills random idiotic teenagers. Do they deserve it? I hate teenagers as much as the next twenty-something but no, they do not. Yet the character is idolized. He is hideous, a monster, a ruthless killer, and his death toll far exceeds Jack's piddly lot. Yes, he is fictional. But I dare say if he was real, he would be far more terrible, far more frightening, and far more loathe-worthy than someone of Jack's caliber. Now keep in mind, Jack's crimes were committed in 1888. I saw Jason kill a half a dozen random stupid teenagers on my ex's and my six month anniversary. And really when you get a copy-cat crime in real life, are these stupid kids more likely to imitate Jack the Ripper or Jason Voorhees? Humm. Look through the collection threads at this forum. You will see at least a HUNDRED JASON VOORHEES in everybody's combined collections. Don't tell me he is not idolized. Why you guys love him so much, I haven't the faintest clue. Now for Jack the Ripper merchandise, besides my own thread, I have only seen one other Mezco figure of him in somebody else's collection. Somebody very pleasant who also liked Mystery Science Theater 3000 and The Nightmare Before Christmas. Ooh, me and him must be awful people, right? Because Jack the Ripper is so much more influential to modern dip????s who masturbate to extreme gore than an extremely popular and ruthless killer like Jason Voorhees.

They tried to glorify Jack's killings in that God-awful film "From Hell" but I seriously doubt that film had more influence on kids than the gore-flicks "Let's find as many creative ways to kill people as possible" movies like Freddy and Jason and Halloween.

What I'm basically trying to say is: Forget for a moment that "Jack" was real and forget for a moment that Jason is not. Because it's irrelevant in this day and age. Jack is long since dead. Jason lives on in these stupid ????ing films that take him to space and otherwise. Jason is glorified, looked on as a hero. Seriously, look in the "Show your Shelves" forum! He's everywhere! And now I'm finding people buying the hockey masks and I dare you to tell me that isn't idolizing the character. And next I dare you to find somebody who idolizes Jack. Someone they don't know. Someone nobody knows. We don't know what he looked like, his name, where he came from, his convictions, his reasons, or the reason he stopped. All we know is that some of us are drawn to unsolved mysteries and as far as history's unsolved mysteries, Jack the Ripper is delightful one to chew on.

And look at me, I am a chick. Why would I have a fascination with somebody who targeted women? I'm pretty sure I'm not completely retarded. I just appreciate a good mystery.

We might have to agree to disagree on this one dude, because you ain't gonna change my mind and I doubt you're going to change yours.

In the end, you can't forget that Jack's ral and Jason's made up. Jack was real. He slaughtered real people. And this you want to immortalize?! You don't know his name, but you're here, imortalizing him as Jack the Ripper. I see that as no different. Do you remember John Wayne as Marion Morrison? No, but he's still held in high regards based on his Hollywood name, on which he's become a legend. Same thing with the Ripper with you people who romanticize about him.

Regarding your comment about Vlad, ignorance is bliss. Read up on Vlad. He's a Romanian hero and no different in what he did for Romania than what Lincoln did for the U.S. during the Civil War or Washington during the Revolutionary War. In that form, he, based on his actions, is a good candidate for your "Historical Figure" comment. Whereas Jack the Ripper is a scourge on society and the fact that you're even here defending him, IMO is pathetic and sick.
:confused: Take you on? Are we in the middle of an argument?

You must have mistaken me for someone that argues to change ones mind. :lol Nope. Not me. I couldn't care less about most people. I just voice an opinion.

Don't change your mind. :lol I would never want people like you to change. :D
:confused: Take you on? Are we in the middle of an argument?

You must have mistaken me for someone that argues to change ones mind. :lol Nope. Not me. I couldn't care less about most people. I just voice an opinion.

Don't change your mind. :lol I would never want people like you to change. :D

:lecture:lecture:lecture I'm not trying to change anyone's minds here either. Just fathomed by one's obsessive desire to immortalize such a despicable, unworthy individual. The fact that there are a great many years between his death and now, shouldn't change anything. And if it does, that's pretty pathetic.
I think some people are arguing to be arguing.

I dont see what the big deal is with people wanting a ripper in their collections. Some people have Billy the Kid in their collection well right there is a cattle thief and a murder, Some people have Hitler in their military collection, and some people have Vlad in their collection. I mean who other than a relative of the Clantons should get pissed at people who buy the Holiday and Earp PF's.
In the end, you can't forget that Jack's ral and Jason's made up. Jack was real. He slaughtered real people. And this you want to immortalize?! You don't know his name, but you're here, imortalizing him as Jack the Ripper. I see that as no different. Do you remember John Wayne as Marion Morrison? No, but he's still held in high regards based on his Hollywood name, on which he's become a legend. Same thing with the Ripper with you people who romanticize about him.

Regarding your comment about Vlad, ignorance is bliss. Read up on Vlad. He's a Romanian hero and no different in what he did for Romania than what Lincoln did for the U.S. during the Civil War or Washington during the Revolutionary War. In that form, he, based on his actions, is a good candidate for your "Historical Figure" comment. Whereas Jack the Ripper is a scourge on society and the fact that you're even here defending him, IMO is pathetic and sick.

Defending Jack? I'm defending myself! I've admitted plainly that I think Jack was a psycho, bat????ing nuts, sick, and messed up. You're coming at me like I'm this awful human being, "pathetic and sick," a rotten individual, because I happen to like reading books about Jack the Ripper. You also attacked the creator of this thread. You're the one causing the static here, pal. Not me.

I happen to not be a fan of Abraham Lincoln. I am of Cherokee ancestry and that man had my people tortured and punished for fighting for their land. You want to offend me, you start going on about him or any of the expansionist presidents like they're heroes.

And Voorhees, stop being a little latch-along for Magazine. I really can't give two ????s about your pointless input.