Is anyone else just kind of "over" Hot Toys or Not?

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Re: Is anyone else just kind of not "over" Hot Toys?

Re: Is anyone else just kind of not "over" Hot Toys?

Prices and limited space have slowed me down a little but no way of stopping. Stuff is amazing.
Re: Is anyone else just kind of "over" Hot Toys?

I will have the graetest respect for Hot Toys is they made a Michael Lander Highway to Heaven 1/6th
Re: Is anyone else just kind of "over" Hot Toys?

Well it'd be a tough sell if just the Tim Allen figure, I'll admit, but if HT commit to the line and complete it, people will buy. They don't want a repeat of their Terminator line, where people didn't buy the T-800 because they feared there'd be no Kyle Reese.

It's clear to me, as a man who has a certificate in business, that lines like 'Thor' and 'Sucker Punch' fail not because of lack of interest, but purely because the line isn't being 'completed.' People scoff at 'Sucker Punch' now, but believe me if there were three more figures, people would be thinking, 'Must buy.' The idea of trying to sell just one or two figures is pure insanity. People want five or they want nothing. People may think, 'Well, if one doesn't sell well, it doesn't make sense to make another four,' but that's just silly talk, those people don't know what they're talking about. Instead of $300 worth of 'Sucker Punch,' five figures would bring it to nice $750 - 800, and that's what the people want. They want it because I type that they want it. What I type goes! End of!

I'll have what he's having bartender :D
Re: Is anyone else just kind of "over" Hot Toys?

Nope. Re-read the title. They are different and about different things.
Re: Is anyone else just kind of "over" Hot Toys?

Sucker Punch is getting two figures off the bat with miserable box office and mixed (at best) reception. Why not just be grateful for that if you're a fan?

Alot of Iron Man fans didnt like Iron Man 2 despite its box office return, and a good box-office doesnt equal good movie.

My point is they've already got the license and have completed almost half of the line, why not finish? why should they give up before the first figures hit, how can they know if they'll sell well yet?

All HT figures sell out, some right away, some not, but they always sell out, so they're getting a return on their investment either way

It's clear to me, as a man who has a certificate in business, that lines like 'Thor' and 'Sucker Punch' fail not because of lack of interest, but purely because the line isn't being completed.

If people know they're not getting a few of the main characters, they won't buy into the line cos it'd be a waste. Thor without Loki is stupid

Hot toys have some really poor chaacter choices for intitial figures. Green Goblin or Doc Ock should've acompained Spidey for the start of that line, Loki instead of Odin, Sweet Pea instead of Amber, any other character Before Kevin Flynn and so on.
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Re: Is anyone else just kind of "over" Hot Toys?

My point is they've already got the license and have completed almost half of the line, why not finish?

Because it's not worth their time and energy to develop three more figures if there's no demand for them.
Re: Is anyone else just kind of "over" Hot Toys?

Because it's not worth their time and energy to develop three more figures if there's no demand for them.

There is huge demand for them. Nova will buy them all.
Hey Everyone,

Just as the title reads. Has anyone just lost interest in HT lately...they just seem..blah to me nowadays. Maybe its' the prices. But I used to own 15-20 of the best HT figs. DX01, 02, 03, 04. TDK, Iron Man, Predator, etc. I recently sold them all off and don't regret it one second. 2 examples recently were, I bought an HT Thor...and sold it the next day, it just looked like a toy..and the recent HT Batman Begin/Wayne debacle at Sideshow. So much hype for what...a headsculpt and a mediocre figure that I already owned and sold. I almost bought into it though, but then I realized, I used to own the OC Bats and wasn't impressed.

Don't get me wrong though...HT does some amazing work. The DX Bespin Luke and The new 89 Bats and Joker, 100% awesome. Will probably bite on 1 or 2 of those(Luke for sure). But , I don't know I really think its the new price trend. When I look at the things I own like the MR Falcon, Sideshow 1:1 C-3PO Bust and the upcoming EFX Vader Legend they have such a commanding presence. They feel worth it.

Who knows maybe I just needed to rant on about it a bit. Anyone else out there feel the same way.:dunno Thanks for listening


i am definitely over hot toys..
its not because of money issues... i dont mind paying expensive for something that is worth the price..
but for paying something above the value its just ridiculous..

when the latest iron monger Pre Order cost 375-395usd, i have made my final decision..
its like paying mercedez bens prize for honda or even KIA..

i rather collect PF/statues instead of hot toys with its excalating prices..
needless to say it is the same with enterbay...

i am 100% with you on this one..
43 pages, 426 post... who gives a F.. yay +1..
sorry no youtube on this one..
Re: Is anyone else just kind of "over" Hot Toys?

Because it's not worth their time and energy to develop three more figures if there's no demand for them.

But there is, same with Tron and Platoon, they just don't get heard because there is little opportunity with announcing only Iron Man, Predators, and Batman info.

There is huge demand for them. Nova will buy them all.

Damn right, just like Yankee and Josh will buy every Iron Man... TWICE :nana:
Nova has the Mark 5 coming next week, the Monger on pre order, and can't wait for the Mark 1 re-release pre order to be announced. But remember, HT milks the IM line and he hates that immensely. :lecture:exactly: