Iron Spiderman Comiquette PHOTO Thread (Reg and Ex Edition)

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Re: Iron Spidey Photo Thread (Reg and Ex Edition)

:lol Cap's shield has been damaged plenty of times.

From Wikipedia:
The circular shield most associated with Captain America made its debut in Captain America Comics #2 (April 1941). A convex metal disc approximately 2.5 feet (0.76 m) in diameter, it is indestructible and has remained his most constant shield over the decades.

Again through retroactive continuity, it is established that the shield was presented to Rogers by President Franklin D. Roosevelt.[1] The shield is created by a fictional American metallurgist named Dr. Myron MacLain, who had been commissioned by the US government to create an indestructible armor material to aid the war effort. MacLain experiments with vibranium, an alien metal found only in Wakanda that has unique vibration absorption properties.

Captain America vol. 5, #5 (May 2005). Cover art by Steve Epting.During one of his experiments to fuse vibranium with an experimental iron alloy,[2] MacLain falls asleep and awakens to find the experiment a success. However, this is due to an unknown catalyst entering the process during his slumber, and he is unable to duplicate the result. The vibranium-iron alloy mix is then poured into a mold for a tank's upper hatch to create the disc shape and painted to become Captain America's symbol.

Rogers' indestructible shield was long referred to, even in continuity, as being composed of an adamantium-vibranium alloy. This contradicted earlier established continuity, as adamantium is only developed after Rogers is revived from suspended animation, during MacLain's later experiments to try and duplicate the material of the shield. Adamantium makes its first appearance in Marvel Comics in Avengers Vol. 1 #66, July 1969.

The adamantium-vibranium error first appears in the Captain America entry in the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe (the composition of the shield is accurately described in the adamantium entry as "vibranium-iron") and was propagated in several subsequent stories by writers using the Handbook as a reference. An attempt to correct this was made in Captain America #303–304 (March–April 1985), which establishes that the shield is made of vibranium and an "experimental iron alloy", but that did not prevent the repetition of the "adamantium-vibranium" description over the years.

The vibranium in the shield is what absorbs virtually all of the kinetic impact from any blows that the shield receives, allowing it to withstand incredible amounts of force without injuring Rogers in the process. The vibranium is also a factor in the way Rogers throws his shield: he often uses it to ricochet around a room and strike various opponents with little loss of velocity in its forward movement after each impact.

When Rogers returns from suspended animation, Tony Stark "improves" the shield by incorporating electronic and magnetic components in it so that Rogers could even control it in flight. However, Rogers soon discards the additional components because he finds that it upsets the balance of the shield when thrown, which is Rogers' ultimate preference.

During his early years in the Avengers, when it is not firmly established that the discus-shaped shield is indestructible, the shield is destroyed or lost several times in the comics, to return with no explanation. It is eventually retconned that these are steel replicas, with the actual shield being borrowed by Stark for analysis and returned to Rogers later.[citation needed]

After Rogers' death, Stark takes over custody of the shield, with one replica on display in a museum, and another replica being buried with Rogers. The real one is kept by Stark to be used by the new Captain America, whenever they deem it appropriate to train a new one. After failing to find a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent capable of throwing it properly, Stark offers the shield to Clint Barton, who does manage to throw it but declines Stark's offer to become the new Captain America. The shield is subsequently stolen by the Winter Soldier, who did not want anyone else to carry the shield. Inevitably, in an effort to honor Rogers' last wishes, Stark offers to let the Winter Soldier (Bucky Barnes) keep the shield, and to serve as the new Captain America. Bucky accepts. This offer is made "off the books," and only the two of them, the Black Widow, and the Falcon, are aware of the situation.

As always, take Wikipedia with a grain of salt...
Re: Iron Spidey Photo Thread (Reg and Ex Edition)

What worries me more than the damage on cap's shield is where he keeps it when he's incognito... .

Iron Spidey statue looks nice so far. To bad the golden parts aren't in tune with the glossiness of the rest of the armor. That could have been achieved easily, couldn't it? I really wonder about the future of this statue. Will it become a fan favorite, or an obscurity. I don't know what to think of it.
Re: Iron Spidey Photo Thread (Reg and Ex Edition)

:lol Yeah, Stark borrowed it multiple times. I believe Thor even dented the hell of it once too....The reality is that Stark DID build him a shield that was magnetic and would respond this his thoughts but he disguarded it.....I believe it was later said that one of the destroyed shields were one of those too.....I know what you're saying reality its the Comics so I'm still waiting for one of those shields to come back to life.
Re: Iron Spidey Photo Thread (Reg and Ex Edition)


:lecture :lecture

Great pics bro :D

And congrats, that's a crackin piece!!! :chew

Wasn't even aware these had started shipping... it'll soon be time for me to dig deep into my wallet again me thinks..
Re: Iron Spidey Photo Thread (Reg and Ex Edition)

Great piece!

One question, how is the statue attached to the base? Are there pegs in both legs?

I just got my Iron Spiderman today. Its just a regular edition didn't get the chance to have the EX. So feel free to post your picture once you got it. I just love this piece it is so freaking awesome.




Re: Iron Spidey Photo Thread (Reg and Ex Edition)

Three pages and still no "G" word :rolleyes:
Re: Iron Spidey Photo Thread (Reg and Ex Edition)

glad this piece turned out great, cant wait for mine and the back in black :cool:
Re: Iron Spidey Photo Thread (Reg and Ex Edition)

Looks great, can't wait!

I am no paint guru, but would assume the reason they aren't painted like the figure is to avoid cracking/chipping when they flex. :dunno
Re: Iron Spidey Photo Thread (Reg and Ex Edition)

"G" word :confused::confused::confused:

you mean this is the next ^^^^^, or down the road this will turn into a ^^^^^.

you mean that word???:cool:

Why I don't know what you mean.
Re: Iron Spidey Photo Thread (Reg and Ex Edition)

Thor's Hammer > Cap's Sheild - HAHA!

Iron Spidey looks nice. Not my cup of tea, but very nice piece none the less. I'm debating on getting Back in Black....
Re: Iron Spidey Photo Thread (Reg and Ex Edition)

Looks great!
But, what's up with the dot on his head???
Is that a paint flaw?
Re: Iron Spidey Photo Thread (Reg and Ex Edition)

I think he meant the original capt america story

I didn't read Captain America much as a kid, I just remember reading issue 12 of the Secret Wars about 100 times in the 80s. What's the original/non-original difference?