Ilum Padme?

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I have it on order but I seriously doubt I'll keep it.

I can't really put my finger on it, but something just seems really off

The costume doesn't look like it comes from the Star Wars universe. Really if you think about it, it looks more like original Star Trek than Star Wars.
I hope all that voted on this figure get her; if this is a sales bomb, dont expect sideshow to run poll like this again or make another EU character based on a poll.

I am not interested in this one, though I love the likeness - the eyes look a bit too 'wild-eyed' a bit, but that's the paint apps.
I hope all that voted on this figure get her; if this is a sales bomb, dont expect sideshow to run poll like this again or make another EU character based on a poll.I

Rumor is they will eventually make everyone from the first poll. This is the character that would've been last on my list of EU characters. I ordered but I really want other representations of this character.
Never wanted this, but I have a seven year old niece that would have liked it. Would have.

Maybe the final version will be up to her standards.
Dear lord, she looks bad. In the little preview picture on the front page, her face looked so off I didn't know who it was until I clicked on it.

Everything, outfit, face, body combine to make a generally unappealing figure. $55? Yeah right, Sideshow. They've been way too hit-or-miss with their figures as of late.
I'm hoping over the next few months, they'll tweak the sculpt/paintjob, fix those gangly arms, and possibly redo the suit using tight cloth (like asajj) rather than the leather/vinyl or whatever is currently being used...

i still preordered tho =P
You know, I think I'm onto why the portrait/head looks sorta off in a general sense not as far as Portman's likeness. This head is bald underneath, so in having the hood skin tight to her which is how the cartoon looked, with a realistic sculpt, it looks almost as if the hood is growing out of her head and not really covering a head, I think if there were a thin hair layer added just to bulk out the hood as though a haired female head were underneath, it would change it a good ammount.
Asajj also has a pretty form fitting costume under that skirt/kilt thing, I wonder why they couldn't get Padme to look half this good...

Its a combination of colour and material. White shows curves and angles much more than black, drawing more attention to the body shape underneath. The shiny vinyl accentuates the problem. If they manage to make the Padme outfit in a similar material to the Asajj clothing then she will look much better.
If the Portman head is bald, you could put it on Asajj and have... killer Sith Padme.

You just made me think of something funny, a picture of Darth Maul with Padme, Boushh Leia, ANH Leia ( she should be out by then ) and Asajj's heads all in a bag making a joke on Ray Park playing the headless horeseman in Sleepy Hollow :)
Pass for me as well....Just not happy with the images posted thus far.

The unpainted sculpt had some serious likeness,maybe it's lost in the paint.

Who knows, but I will not be spending my money on this, I broke my completist streak with Rebel troopers and Yavin Luke and will not buy what I'm not completely happy with and will continue to vote with my hard earned dollar.

Now bring on my Ex. Asajj. :monkey5