How do you guys afford this hobby

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Work and save as much as you can. Work out a budget on what you want and the time frame you have to get it. Dont buy crap you dont really want and sell off your other stuff you dont want anymore.
i love lemonade

I run a pretty awesome lemonade stand. :lol

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If I still live at home and not have to worry about mortgage I would have a very nice monthly budget for figures.
i got an education and a viable career. high-end collecting is not meant for wage slaves.
A few things:

First you're 18, count yourself lucky you even have a Hot Toys item. I was collecting as early as your age, but even working I was pretty limited to what I could buy, typically it was McFarlane stuff, a couple vinyl statues here and there but no big ticket items.

Went to college, paid my dues prefessionally for the experience and am now doing what I love as an Art Director working on what I love, Video Game special editions, theatrical displays and some other awesome stuff. I'm 32 and didn't own my first REAL collectible (AH Mary Jane was my first statue) until 2 years ago. My wife and I have been married almost a year, we have no kids, very very little debt, work great jobs so that's how I personally got to where I am with collecting. Like others have said decide what's important to you and get rid of the rest, if you have a closet full of junk, sell it and put it towards some nicer pieces.

At your age, I think if you like this kind of stuff, it's more about finding 1or 2 pieces you REALLY love and working hard for them, and Flex Pay certainly helps. Make it about quality over quantity.

Above all (and this is where I sound like a parent) only buy what you can afford. I made the mistake of getting sucked in to credit cards when I started college, in no time I racked up a 5 figure debt which took forever to pay down. Be smarter than I was, if you can't raise CASH for your collectibles, don't get them. CC debt is a miserable b**ch to get off your back.

Hope this helps
Well, I'm currently in college and I can't afford a lot of stuff right now. But, in two years, I'll be graduating with a degree in Mechanical Engineering, and hopefully when I land a good job, I'll be able to buy A LOT of collectibles then :horror!!!!!!!!
Hmm, the question is as strange as asking how one can afford food, clothes, cars and homes. Since this hobby is new to the OP, I don't think he realizes that this hobby is filled with collectors in their late 20's, 30's, 40's. I understand the question and why he would ask because after all, these are toys, and by mere word association, you automatically think of kids. How do all these kids afford these toys?
Topsnakebite, I feel for ya. Like a lot of guys here I'm past 30 and in a paid job, so 150 bucks isn't the sting it would've been for me even 10 years ago. I'm also partnered up with two kids, so I've learned to be pretty good at knowing what I can and can't afford.

What others here have said is true for me too - be picky when you're on a budget. I have only been collecting since this year and have 14 figures - I'd love to be able to afford more, that's for sure.

Be patient grasshopper! Accept that you've chosen an expensive hobby, and don't be fazed by all the chat on boards like these about how many figures others are buying. It's quite likely they've been working since you were born :wink1:
I run a highly successful Fortune 500 company that recently passed up a military weapons contract to go into alternative energy and peacekeeping solutions. Recently though some _______ destroyed my race car and blew up my Expo so I'm cutting back on my hobby expenses temporarily to fill in a couple of gaps. I did get a medal recently though that I might eBay for a few figures just for ____s and giggles.
I run a highly successful Fortune 500 company that recently passed up a military weapons contract to go into alternative energy and peacekeeping solutions. Recently though some _______ destroyed my race car and blew up my Expo so I'm cutting back on my hobby expenses temporarily to fill in a couple of gaps. I did get a medal recently though that I might eBay for a few figures just for ____s and giggles.

hmmmm..... I've read this from you before. Find a new one. :monkey3