Hot Toys Star Wars?

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I'm not getting my hopes up about this, but I am super intrigued. I will only double dip on key characters if this is true, though.
Everyone start dishing out your wish list.

To begin things... I want Farm boy Luke.

...Does the HT people ever come here?:lol
If I got an ROTJ Luke, Han and Chewie (preferably ANH), Vader from ROTJ and a Boba Fett I could be happy from this line. Given that we've seen a helmet of either Boba or Jango from the SSC conceptuals I doubt it'll happen from HT anytime soon unless they were sneakpeeking this but I really think an ROTJ Luke will be one of the first if not the first figure.
I'll pass out if they do Jabba. Seriously. My SS Jabba is the pride of my collection, and it would take Hot Toys to dislodge him.

I don't want to even think about what they might produce. Could be three figures of Luke. Could be a sizeable line unlike anything they've ever done. All I know is that between $145 - 200, I'm going to have to be extraordinarily picky.

I'd get Vader, but only if it's ROTJ.
I'd get the three heroes, but only ANH.
I'd def pick up a couple of Stormies.
Obi-Wan is a probably. Emperor is a definite.
I think I'd stop there. But who knows. HT works some serious voodoo and makes me want to get figures of things I don't care about!

Oh, and Freaks have no room to talk about nitpicking from anybody. We INVENTED photoshop corrections.
Just give me Solo & Chewie from ANH to go with my Hurricane ANH Vader and I am all kinds of made up :)

Knowing HT, IF they have the 1/6 license available, they will no doubt open with DARTH VADER, ROTJ version with removable helmet.

THAT IS Star Wars. That's IS the money.

Beyond that, who knows. Maybe Han and Luke. Maybe they'll coordinate with SS offerings to get to Chewie. Who knows? But their offerings will be core characters only. And they'll probably just make about 5-7 of 'em.
If Hot Toys starts updating figures SSC has already made some of the "before and after" pictures are going to be outright hilarious. Imagine side by side pics of SSC/HT ANH Leia, Bespin Han, Yavin Luke, etc.
If Hot Toys starts updating figures SSC has already made some of the "before and after" pictures are going to be outright hilarious. Imagine side by side pics of SSC/HT ANH Leia, Bespin Han, Yavin Luke, etc.

Down right devastating if you ask me..? :lol
If Hot Toys starts updating figures SSC has already made some of the "before and after" pictures are going to be outright hilarious. Imagine side by side pics of SSC/HT ANH Leia, Bespin Han, Yavin Luke, etc.

Please avoid secondary figures leave them for SS and focus on the main cast. It may be too much to ask but avoid 6 variations of the main cast as well...:slap
Gonna be funny if the guy who originally posted this comment on Facebook meant it in a completely benign way. Or possibly got confused and thought that was an Indiana Jones quote :lol
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