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Re: Do you think we will ever get Hot Toys Star Wars 1/6 figures?

They do. But there are different 3rd Party licensing reps who handle that stuff for LFL in some of the foreign markets.

Can we have them domestic, those guys seem less retentive and meddling.
Re: Do you think we will ever get Hot Toys Star Wars 1/6 figures?

Back in 2006 I remember a lot of SSC fans freaking that SW would be the end of SSC's other lines. In some respects that came true.

I wonder if the same would happen to HT.

Come to think of it now, i don't think Hot Toys could fit this line in and at the same time keep up with other lines, unless they had more sculptors on board.

It's a very valid point, And i'm wondering the same.

Really, I had no idea. I thought that having the license meant they were free to just crank out figures. Why wouldn't HT have to go through the same process with Lucas Arts?

Well, I imagine it may be part of contracts, etc. Medicom doesn't seem to be held to the same process, I don't know if that's because they're pieces are meant to be stylistic, if they're meant to have accurracy, it doesn't seem like they have to go through the same processes for approval.

Unless i'm mistaken, i remember one of sideshow's sculptors commenting (I don't remember if it Was Andy, Olaf, or Trev) that Lucasfilm wants less " a portrait of the actor" and more " the essence of the character"
as such, the medi stylistic approach gets through more ofthen than not as they feel it's got more of the Character.


All this back and forth speculation is entertaining, but lets think about this in a slightly different light for a minite. Lets imagine that hot toys GETS a star wars liscense, and in keeping with their track history, they're GOING to do EXACTLY 10 different figures, and 5 Rehashes ( like the predator 2 battle damaged version, or the bank robber joker, Cannable jack, etc) for a total of 15 figures, as well as 2 Large pieces ( Veichle, creature, whatever) Now, Hot toys Is nit Dumb, We'd ge atleast A han, A leia, a Luke and a Chewie, as well as a Vader. Wishful thinking aside, what do you THINK they would TRY to do, not what yo WANT them to do. Bear in mind, that they would want to do a sampling from the etire Saga, not just OT.
My take

1. Jedi Luke
two different heads, one for the speeder bike headgear, Jabbas pallace garb with cloak, Poncho and he wears on endor, varrios accessories.

2. Rotj Version Han Solo

3. MMDX Version of Leia from Jedi, including the Boussh Outfit, the slavegirl outfit, her uniform from Endor, and the ewok gound as well as 4 heads.

4. Chewbacca

5. C-3P0. light up eyes. only accessory would be R2, who would more or less be a 1/6th Swiss army knife with all his panels, and such working as we've seen across all 6 films.

6. ROTS Anakin

7. ROTS Obiwan

8. Vader

9. Stormtrooper

10. Grevious ( look at their Endoskeletons and tell me they're not chomping at the bit to do him)


1. Another Vader

2. Another Luke

3. another version of 3P0 and R2, dirty versions

4. Sandtroopers

5. Another Han

Large Pieces

Speeder Bike
Vaders meditation chamber

You know... after coming up with that... i don't see how they could really do it as a smaller line. If they got it, they might actualy find themselves FORCEd to go deeper into a line than they ever have before.
Re: Do you think we will ever get Hot Toys Star Wars 1/6 figures?

I don't think they'd do more than skim the surface and stick with the A-Listers of each film as far as characters go.

I'd be happy with that... to start with at least.

Sure I'd like a killer Greedo, but I want a perfect Luke, Han, Leia, Chewy and the droids so very much more!
Re: Do you think we will ever get Hot Toys Star Wars 1/6 figures?

All this back and forth speculation is entertaining, but lets think about this in a slightly different light for a minite. Lets imagine that hot toys GETS a star wars liscense, and in keeping with their track history, they're GOING to do EXACTLY 10 different figures, and 5 Rehashes ( like the predator 2 battle damaged version, or the bank robber joker, Cannable jack, etc) for a total of 15 figures, as well as 2 Large pieces ( Veichle, creature, whatever) Now, Hot toys Is nit Dumb, We'd ge atleast A han, A leia, a Luke and a Chewie, as well as a Vader. Wishful thinking aside, what do you THINK they would TRY to do, not what yo WANT them to do. Bear in mind, that they would want to do a sampling from the etire Saga, not just OT.

I think a Han or Luke Hoth would be a good one for them to try; they could have a crack at a Tauntaun or Wampa with real fur to complement them. A bit like the old Hasbro exclusives only done much more realistically.
Re: Do you think we will ever get Hot Toys Star Wars 1/6 figures?

See, only ANH figures I'd want from them is Old Ben, and possibly Han. the rest of the roster simply were not as interesting in ANH as they were the rest of the trilogy.
Jedi Luke is the most Heroic, and by extension iconic to me. that, or a Pilot suit Luke.
Leia's costume is not really one that jumps out at you till ESB and on.
But like i said, i don't see them offering each character more than Twice tops.

that, or they could do MMDX versions of Everyone, and include EVERY costume and a few extra heads with each. That I could definitely GO for.
Re: Do you think we will ever get Hot Toys Star Wars 1/6 figures?

I'm definitely in the camp of preferring HT to accomplish what SSC can't. All the figures SSC's dones so far, maybe aren't all the best possible, but they're really nice and many characters are represented in my collection. I want to see figures that might not otherwise happen. I'd love a really nice Grievous and battle droids. Yoda, Chewie, R2 and 3PO are a given but I'd like some of the more interesting droids too.
Re: Do you think we will ever get Hot Toys Star Wars 1/6 figures?

that, or they could do MMDX versions of Everyone, and include EVERY costume and a few extra heads with each. That I could definitely GO for.

As long as base bodies are easy to find and they didn't take short cuts like only giving you 1 lightsaber for a Luke or 1 pair of boots for Han, etc I could go for master versions of characters. But I don't really see the point in getting extra costumes without the ability to display them all at once. Its like, so close, yet so far from complete figures.
Re: Do you think we will ever get Hot Toys Star Wars 1/6 figures?

I'm definitely in the camp of preferring HT to accomplish what SSC can't. All the figures SSC's dones so far, maybe aren't all the best possible, but they're really nice and many characters are represented in my collection. I want to see figures that might not otherwise happen. I'd love a really nice Grievous and battle droids. Yoda, Chewie, R2 and 3PO are a given but I'd like some of the more interesting droids too.

That would be cool! :cool: I am an OT fan but I would sell my kidney for a accurate scale Grevious...:monkey5:lol
Re: Do you think we will ever get Hot Toys Star Wars 1/6 figures?

Has anybody thought about the fact that if HT did do them, there would likely be no height difference between Luke and Han? Or if they got that far, Qui Gon, Anakin and Obi? They've done slimmer bodies and muscle bodies and 14" predator bodies, but to date, all of their human males have all been the same exact height. I simply don't see them re-engineering the TrueType for one that's a bit smaller.

Most likely, they'd do what they did for the Prince William/Henry figures and make longer/shorter necks to compensate for the height differences, but the William headsculpt is a tad giraffeish.
Re: Do you think we will ever get Hot Toys Star Wars 1/6 figures?

I would love to see HT or SS some some 1/6 two packes. I wonder if we will ever see the following?

1. Hoth Luke or Han with Taun Taun
2. Sandtrooper with Dewback.
3. Tusken Raider with Bantha.

I know we will never see a 1/6 Bantha, but someone needs to make a 1/6 sandperson. My favorite of all the mnor creatures.
Re: Do you think we will ever get Hot Toys Star Wars 1/6 figures?

A real test will also be once we get a Pro bodied figure in boots. Hot Toys style is no foot, solid boot which means no ankle articulation, which is pretty much the same as Buck figure, but if Pro figures have feet inside a boot, that'd be a plus there.
Re: Do you think we will ever get Hot Toys Star Wars 1/6 figures?

Sean, the boots still have double ball joints like other Truetypes to allow full ankle articulation. TDK Batman, for instance, can stand in any position without a support stand thanks to his flexible rubber boots and ball joints.

Prometheus bodies, on the other hand, are more difficult to freely stand up because the ankles are not ball joints, but hinges (loose, I might add). So you have to orient the hinge in the direction you want to bend the foot before moving the foot in the desired direction and hope he doesn't timber down within a couple seconds.
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Re: Do you think we will ever get Hot Toys Star Wars 1/6 figures?

Sean, the boots still have double ball joints like other Truetypes to allow full ankle articulation. TDK Batman, for instance, can stand in any position without a support stand thanks to his flexible rubber boots and ball joints.

Batmans are the only booted HT figures with this that I know of. Every POTC figure is stiff, plastic boots, as are Rambos. Odds are that's how Star Wars booted figures would be done, which on Jedi would be a hinderance for cool battle poses.

While the Pro/Armor ankle style isn't ideal, if there were a foot inside the boot on SSC figures, then you'd at least be able to get articulation, even if it's not ideal, it'd be more than HT hard booted figures.
Re: Do you think we will ever get Hot Toys Star Wars 1/6 figures?

Interesting to hear that. Well the POTC and Rambo figures came out a couple years ago. I'm guessing, as Batman was a 2008 release, that is a new innovation in their boot design. I'm sure they wouldn't go backwards on any new releases. Sideshow has just been starting to release figures with softer boots in the last few releases. Any they still aren't as soft as Batman's boots. I'm also not sure Sideshow would give feet for the Prometheus, as Indy only has pegs fitting into his boots/shoes.
Re: Do you think we will ever get Hot Toys Star Wars 1/6 figures?

I don't think it's an innovation, I think it was just a design choice best suited to rubber suited Batmans.

Frankly, I really hope they don't make all their boots out of that rubber, it scares me enough having Batmans made of it, but just for boots, I'd rather limited plastic that I don't have to worry about breaking down than rubber that could dry up and rot.
Re: Do you think we will ever get Hot Toys Star Wars 1/6 figures?

I would love to see HT or SS some some 1/6 two packes. I wonder if we will ever see the following?

1. Hoth Luke or Han with Taun Taun
2. Sandtrooper with Dewback.
3. Tusken Raider with Bantha.

I know we will never see a 1/6 Bantha, but someone needs to make a 1/6 sandperson. My favorite of all the mnor creatures.

I wouldnt be happy if I had to buy a Bantha or Taun Taun too get my Tusken or Hoth Rebel.
Dont even think about it SS:mad:
Re: Do you think we will ever get Hot Toys Star Wars 1/6 figures?

I think most people would like to see Hot Toys Star Wars figures, but not see HT as the sole license holder for SW 1/6. Getting some figures made at HT's level would be great and I think most would enjoy that, but having the SSC license remain also allows affordable collection building.

The best option for everyone is collaboration. Maybe some folks will be bummed they don't get HT level Han or whatever, but at least we'd all get a fuller, broader, better collection.

This very much sums up my reaction to this thread.:)
Re: Do you think we will ever get Hot Toys Star Wars 1/6 figures?

the next full booted figure from hot toys will be the indicator as to whiter or not batmans boots are the new norm. HOWEVER, the newer sideshow boots have been made of a far more flexable material, allowing for some ankle articulation, similar to medicom 's boots.
thos of you that have EPII Obi, how flexible are his boots?
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